Brinley Toddler Summary {26 Months Old}

Brinley came in dressed like this. I said, “Hey
Brinley!” She replied, “No, I Super Why.” Ha!

This is a summary for Brinley from 25.5-26 Months old.



Sleeping was pretty good. There have been no more disrobing and removing the diaper incidents. Hallelujah. I seriously don’t think I could handle a time walking in to poop smeared on anything. All of you moms who have endured such an event are rock stars in my book. (Knocking on wood here!).


She did get into a pattern. We had put her to bed one night and she started to cry. My husband went in to her and determined she was in pain. She said it was her tummy. So he gave her some gas drops, rocked her, and put her back to bed. Everything was fine.


The next night, we had a repeat performance. 


And the next.


I think she started out truly having pain, but then quickly caught on to the pain equaling visit from dad and she started claiming pain when there was none.


Finally one night, I got on the monitor and talked to her rather than going in. I told her it was time to go to sleep. She did, with no trouble. She didn’t try her tactics the next night or since.


This is totally how Brayden was and is to this day. We still have the once-a-quarter time when he gets out of bed every night for several nights in a row until I threaten (with real intent) to take video games away for a month if he keeps getting up. Then he stops. Brinley has always reminded me a lot of Brayden in her personality, so it doesn’t surprise me for her to be doing the same things at bed. The funny thing is that they are both extremely obedient people by nature. 



Eating was good. Brinley got impatient with being done and waiting to get down. My husband started a “put your hands in the air” thing when she is done so she doesn’t throw her food on the floor or smash it up while waiting to get down. Much nicer. 


She also is wanting to not sit in a booster seat for meals. She wants to sit like a big kid. So we are phasing out of that.



Playing has been really cute. With the kids in school every day, I have been taking her for a walk each day. At home, she now puts her babies in her toy stroller and pushes them everywhere she goes. I think it is cute to see her imitating me. 



Brinley isn’t really a very “good” tantrum thrower. She isn’t very loud and she gives up quickly. She had a tantrum at the library. She placed herself carefully on the floor and had her tantrum. It was quite funny. Here she is:






8:45 AM–Wake up/Breakfast

9:15 AM–Get ready

9:30 AM–Walk

10:30 AM–Outside Time

11:00 AM–Independent Playtime

12:15 PM–Lunch

12:45 PM–Learning Activity

1:00 PM–Sibling play with McKenna

1:30 PM–Nap

5:00 PM–Free Playtime

5:30 PM–Dinner

6:00 PM–Family Time

7:30 PM–Get Ready for Bed

8:00 PM–Bedtime








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