Brinley Toddler Summary: 26.5 Months Old


This is a summary for Brinley from 26-26.5 months old.



Sleeping has been great! 


One night, I was putting Brinley in bed and thought, “She might wake up tonight because I don’t think she is dressed warm enough.” Sure enough, she woke up crying in the night. My husband said, “I think she wasn’t warm enough.” It is that time of year! Nights get a lot colder and until your child sleeps with covers on, they really can wake up from being too cold.


She still will at times play in bed. I love having a monitor that I can talk to her with. I just speak into it, tell her to go to sleep, and she immediately does. 



Brinley had a big change–no more booster seat at the counter! She loves sitting like a big girl. She is too short to do that at the table, so she still has a booster there, but she can do the counter. The only thing is she won’t sit on her knees, so she is a little shorter than ideal, but it works.


Brinley started back up the “when I am done eating, I will throw food on the floor” thing. My husband told her to put her hands above her head when she is done. This works well. She throws the food on the floor because she is impatient and knows that gets her immediate attention. The reality is that with three other siblings, she often needs to be able to wait. Putting the hands up helps her to focus on something other than throwing food. See this post if you are having similar issues: 

Throwing/Dropping Food off of the Tray



Playing is going well. She was so pleasant during this two week period. She was quite obedient and quite content. 



This is a pretty pleasant age–at least in my experience. Brinley is great about helping to clean. She is great about saying, “Yes Mommy, I coming!” when I call her. She tests limits, but she quickly gives up when I am consistent about expectations.




8:45 AM–Wake up/Breakfast

9:15 AM–Get ready

9:30 AM–Walk

10:30 AM–Outside Time

11:00 AM–Independent Playtime

12:15 PM–Lunch

12:45 PM–Learning Activity

1:00 PM–Sibling play with McKenna

1:30 PM–Nap

5:00 PM–Free Playtime

5:30 PM–Dinner

6:00 PM–Family Time

7:30 PM–Get Ready for Bed

8:00 PM–Bedtime





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