McKenna Child Summary: 6.75 Years Old

Flying home from Chicago

This is a summary for McKenna from 6.5-6.75 years old.


Eating is good and normal. Food and feeding times has always been a simple process with McKenna.

She lost her two front teeth during this time. She was missing them for Christmas!


Sleeping is also good.


Playing is good. McKenna is growing out of playing with toys so much. For Christmas, she didn’t really want anything. At all. She asked for a gingerbread house kit. When I was getting ideas from her, I would suggest something and she would reply, “No, I don’t really need that” or “No, I have all that I need of that.”

She loved playing goalie

I ended up getting her things like a hula-hoop and a floor mat since she loves to do gymnastics. She loves being physical.


During this time period, McKenna did a few things. She did swimming lessons, gymnastics, and cheer. She also did piano and finished up fall soccer at the beginning of this time period.


School is going well for McKenna. She is a good student who follows the rules well. I always assumed she would be one who would have a hard time being quiet and not just chatting with friends throughout school. It turns out she is a major rule follower, however, and doesn’t mind telling other people to follow the rules also.

I have seen a big leap in maturity with all of my children so far in their first bit of first grade. McKenna is the same.


I always love getting to see my kids’ personalities come out over time. Their personalities are always blossoming and we get to know more and more about them. Sometimes they surprise us. McKenna is far more of a rule follower than I ever would have predicted. Her contentment in life is really starting to come out, also. We have always known she is an optimist, but with that is a sense of always being happy with what life is. She even ran around in snow boots with one missing a liner for several weeks without even complaining about it (they are hand me downs and apparently have always been missing the liner).


McKenna’s favorite books right now are the Mercy Watson books and the Whatever After books.


Here is our typical schedule on a school day.

7:00 AM–wake up. Eat breakfast. Get ready. Do morning chores. Read scriptures. Practice piano.

9:00 AM–school starts

4:00 PM–home from school. Homework. Then free play.

5:30 PM–Dinner. Then time with family.

7:00 PM Start getting ready for bed.

8:00 PM–in bed




1 thought on “McKenna Child Summary: 6.75 Years Old”

  1. I'm having some 45-min napping issues. I've been scouring all your posts and even answers to questions to find something that might help my specific case. She is 4 months and has been giving me these short naps since we got back from vacation 5 weeks ago. Before and during vacation she was on a great 2 1/2 to 3-hour schedule doing about an 1 1/2 hour nap each time. She was STTN pretty much every night until a 5:30am feeding, then straight back to bed until 8. Now she is doing three, sometimes four 45-min naps and by the end of the day our E,P,S routine is messed up. Some of the time I can get her to go back to sleep for her second nap, but it often comes with a lot of effort. Which makes me wonder if it's a sleep cycle issue? It's not a hunger problem and I've experimented with every time interval between 1 and 2 hours trying to find her optimal wake time. The thing is, she will go down for a nap with minimal crying but still only sleep for 45 min, it doesn't seem to matter how much time has passed. She usually wakes happy. Bedtime (7pm) is often the difficult one however, I believe because she is overtired from the short naps and it often takes up to an hour to get her sleeping. Sometimes it's hard to get her to eat well after only 3 hours, but she won't sleep long enough for a 3 1/2 or 4 hour schedule. This makes it very difficult to establish a daily routine and leaving me exhausted and my three-year-old needing more attention 🙁 any ideas??


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