Brinley Summary: 6.75 Years Old

Find out what life is like for this 6 year old girl who was raised on Babywise. See her daily life, activities she is involved in, and her daily schedule.

6 year old girl going down a tube slide

This is a summary for Brinley from 6 years 5 months to 6 years 9 months old.


Eating is good. 

The biggest thing of note here during this time frame was Brinley putting her garbage and opened containers back in her lunch box after lunch at school. Then it would come home with it having been spilled in. For example, if she did not finish her milk, instead of throwing it away, she would put the milk container in her lunch box.


So finally one day I told Nate to just put her lunch in a brown paper bag. I hoped having a boring paper bag instead of her cute unicorn lunch box would motivate her to throw her garbage away. 

It worked!

She was very unhappy with the brown paper bag and has been sure to take care of her garbage in the lunch room since. 


Sleeping is good. Brinley reminds me of Brayden in a lot of ways. One of those ways is getting out of bed. She is good about not getting out of bed…for years she never got out of bed.

Until she did. 

She likes to come out of bed to get a hug one last time. 

Brinley has been known to have bad dreams sometimes (so did Brayden) and she wants to come get an extra hug if she is worrying about having a bad dream. It is a tricky balance between being firm about staying in bed at bedtime but wanting her to be able to come to us if she has legitimate fears. 


Brinley was an emotional four year old, as many are. She has done a slow roll out of the emotional time period rather than snapping out of it. I have to often talk her out of the dramatic response. 

The other day I came up with such a great response to her drama moments. I wrote all about it in The Perfect Way to Respond to a Dramatic Child.


School is great! She has fun with her friends and enjoys it. There hasn’t been anything big happening on the school front. 


Here are some photos from this time period for Brinley:




Brinley finally lost her first tooth! She was so excited to join the ranks of losing teeth. She also got her 6 year molars in. 

Last time I told you she had a tooth growing in behind a baby tooth. That is the tooth she lost. We just had to work at it like crazy because there was no tooth coming in under it to help push it out. 

She has another tooth loose right now with no signs of the permanent one, so hopefully this one grows underneath so it can come out easily enough. 


These are  the activities she did during this time: 

  • Piano: She is still taking piano from Brayden. It is going well. He does a good job with her.
  • Gymnastics: She did gymnastics for all but one month of this time. She wanted to stop gymnastics, soccer season was approaching, and I know gymnastics will not be her thing. I mean, if she REALLY wanted it to be her thing, I am sure it could be, but she isn’t a natural and she isn’t obsessed. So we went ahead and stopped it in time for spring soccer. 
  • Musical: Brinley was in the musical at the elementary school. She had a lot of fun with that. She loves getting to know the different kids. 
  • Soccer: Brinley is playing spring soccer. She loves it. She has been scoring about 2 goals most games and has really enjoyed that. She loves to play and I am sure she loves to emulate her older sisters who both play competitive soccer. 


6:40 – Wake up. Family scriptures. Get ready for school. Piano practice happens in this time slot.
8:30 – Leave for school
4:00 – Get home from school. Homework (she very rarely has homework), chores, family time, dinner, activities, free play.
8:00 – Bedtime

Daily life and schedule for a 6 year old girl with a picture of a 6 year old girl on a slide


4 thoughts on “Brinley Summary: 6.75 Years Old”

  1. Thank you for this post. I really enjoy reading the summaries. I was wondering if Brinley plays in the morning before school or if there is not time for this? And is she does play do you have rules around what she has to get done first or not? Do you organise her in the morning or does she know what to do and in what order? Perhaps you could add this info into her next summary? Thank you – Jerusha

  2. Thanks for this! I LOVE your summaries. Especially because some of our children are around the same age. They’re are a great resource!


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