Poll Discussion: Best Toys for Babies-Children


I love this poll idea from reader Jennifer–Not sure if this would work for a poll, but maybe something about the best learning toys for each age group? The one toy that always gets played with at age 1, 2, 3, etc.?


Great idea right? We all wonder what toys really stand the test of time and what are favorites. For this poll, comment for as many children/ages you have that apply. Do what age your child is now as well as what they loved in the past. Include:


1-Child’s age

2-Child’s gender

3-Favorite toy at that age


Let’s do the following age breakdowns:

  • 6 months or younger
  • 7-9 months
  • 10-12 months
  • 12-15 months
  • 15-18 months
  • 18-24 months
  • 2 year old
  • 3 year old
  • 4 year old
  • etc.– 5, 6, 7, 8, 9…

10 thoughts on “Poll Discussion: Best Toys for Babies-Children”

  1. 10-12 month Boy:Plastic water bottlesBoard Books7-9 month Boy:Rattles/Shakers (many homemade using old medicine bottles partly filled with beans, rice, salt, etc.)P.S.Why it only lets me comment as "unknown"??

  2. 6 months and younger girl: activity mat that played music7-9 months girl: easy to hold rattles10-12 months girl: stacking rings, board books, bin of baby wash cloths12-15 months girl: play kitchen set, board books, Hello magazine by Highlights, container of pom-poms and an ice cube tray, doll, Fisher Price farm set, Tupperware containers

  3. Girl:0-6 activity gym, a bendy ball like this one http://www.amazon.com/Baby-Einstein-30974-Bendy-Ball/dp/B001UF8BL4/ref=sr_1_5?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1407350169&sr=1-5&keywords=balls+for+infants12-18 large rubber ball, musical toys like the leap frog musical ball18-24 chunky puzzles, play tent, sandbox with shovels, buckets, and a sieve2 yrs Mega blocks, kitchen, little people sets, small doll house, stacking cupsBoy 0-6 monthsActivity mat, any fabric that will fit in his mouth

  4. 18-24 month girl: Purses. She loves to put things in a purse and tell me "bye bye, Mommy!" "Be right back!" She also loves shoes, and not just her dress up shoes, anybody's shoes. And she loves play food and her kitchen.6 year old boy: Action figures, I guess is what you call them. He LOVES MARIO! So, he plays with his Mario men all the time. Also, board games. He'd play those all day. Both of them also love a trampoline.

  5. GirlAll ages- books! (Especially Pat the Bunny and Karen Katz books from ages 0-2) and Hello magazine by Highlights6 months and under- Manhattan Toy Winkel and Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo7-9 months – stacker and stacking cups by Green Toys10-12 months- pop up toy (ex: infantino bop and pop)12-15 months- shape sorter15-18 months- water table18-24 months – square foam blocks and puzzles 2 year old – play kitchen with play plates, food, etc and abc/number/shape puzzles

  6. Books- every age!Current age (18 months): ball popper (push toy), elephant busy ball popper, loose balls (sensing a theme here??), water table, Little People Farm, blocks

  7. Love it! Very interesting topics, I hope the incoming comments and suggestion are equally positive. Thank you for sharing this information that is actually helpful.matreyastudiosmatreyastudios.com


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