Kaitlyn Preteen Summary: 12.5 Years Old

12.5 year old tween girl information and helps. See all about her daily life as a preteen girl and get the tween schedule.

Kaitlyn juggling the soccer ball

This is a summary for Kaitlyn from 12 years 3 months and 12.5 years old.


Eating is mostly the same. Kaitlyn has been taking health class in school this year, and that has changed her perspective some on eating healthy foods. She has never really loved eating vegetables but would do it because she was supposed to. But now she chooses to eat those foods because of what she has learned in health class.


Sleep is great! Things have been going well with her getting up early for school. Middle school starts much earlier than elementary school here, so she has to get up quite early. She sets an alarm and gets up on her own and gets herself fully ready.


Kaitlyn is in middle school now! She likes it better than elementary school, but initially, it felt very lonely. I talked to other kids her age around the beginning of the school year who made the same comment. I pointed out to Kaitlyn that in elementary school, you are in a class with the same group of kids all day every day. You become friends with people who are in your class and you have your solid routine.

In middle school, every class is a different group of people and a different teacher. The security blanket of “the same” is gone. Plus, in our case, you have many elementary schools coming together, so you know very few students in your classes initially. As you move from class to class, you move on your own because everyone has a different schedule.

It just takes some adjustment, but it comes.

Kaitlyn’s teachers all had great things to say about her at parent teacher conferences. She is a good student and kind. An interesting thing for me at the conferences was watching how easily she talks to adults and what a good conversationalist she is. I have observed this in other situations, like the doctors office.

I have always said Kaitlyn is gifted socially, and I see that coming out even more as she gets older.

Kaitlyn Summary 12.5 Years Old Pinnable Image


Kaitlyn still has attitude at times. She has a harder time being patient with her little sisters. None of it is horrible at this point, and you can tell she tries. Learning to push through and stay calm and kind when you feel annoyed is a huge part of growing up and learning to master yourself.


Kaitlyn’s two big activities are still soccer and piano. She also auditioned for the musical at her school and is playing Veruca Salt in Willy Wonka Jr.

Kaitlyn is now taking piano from the same teacher as Brayden. That has been going well and she is growing quickly with him. He recognized right away that Kaitlyn plays by ear, which is a great talent, but she had been able to let that carry her through and he is having her really learn how to sight-read even if she has never heard the song. So she will have the ability to do both play by ear and sight-read.

Soccer has been interesting for her. She was injured in the late summer at a tournament and couldn’t play goalie for a month. Then as soon as she healed, she played in one game as a goalie then was injured again and couldn’t do goalie. Both injuries were her hand, though, so she could still play on the field.

Then about a week after healing from the second injury, she fractured her foot at practice. That just happened. She is out for the last game, sadly. She will be out for 3-6 weeks and won’t be able to play indoor. This will be hard for her to have to take a break from soccer.

On the soccer news, Kaitlyn has been working on her soccer juggling still and is now at 675 juggles (I think…maybe she passed that. She has at least that). It is so impressive to watch her work and work! Of course, she won’t be juggling for a while.


Kaitlyn has been working as a soccer ref, which is really great money.


Here are pictures from this time period.



Here is her typical daily schedule for school.

5:30 AM–Get up and get ready
6:30 AM–Family scriptures
7:00 AM–Head to school
3:00 PM–Get home. Homework if she has it
5:30 PM–Dinner
8:00 PM–Start getting ready for bed. In bed between 8:30-9:00 PM

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