11 year old tween girl information. Talking about the 11 years, 9 month old girl. Preteen changes, schedule, and daily life.

This is a summary for Kaitlyn from 11.5-11.75 years old.
Post Contents
Preteen Eating
Kaitlyn’s eating continues on has it has. She does not eat a ton of food at this point. It is all very average. I am waiting for her to hit eating a lot soon since she is growing.
Preteen Sleeping
Kaitlyn’s sleep is great. We started to use an alarm for her to get up each morning rather than waking her up ourselves. Brayden uses an alarm to get up as a middle schooler and I wanted to test out her also getting up on her own so when she hits middle school next year, she can be responsible for getting up on time. It has worked really well. We just use the alarm function on her Sonos speaker.
School is going great. She still enjoys her friends and teacher. I think she is getting ready to move on to the middle school years and leave elementary behind her. I think there are things she will miss that she doesn’t really realize she will miss them. One of those is recess. Kaitlyn loves to play sports at recess and visit with her friends. I think she will miss that. However, most of the school year is really cold and hard to really do much fun out at recess, so maybe she won’t really miss it when you think big picture.
Friends has been great. She has great friends and all is well in that department.
Here is a video of pictures from the last 3 months.
Extra Curricular
This time period, Kaitlyn did the following:
- Soccer: Soccer season ended at the beginning of this time period and then just had practices since then. She is on a competitive team, so she has practices consistently throughout the year. Right now, her practices are indoor since snow covers the ground here.
- Basketball: Kaitlyn did rec basketball during this time period. She enjoyed it even though she jammed her finger.
- Piano: Piano lessons continued on. She enjoys playing the piano.
- Theater: Kaitlyn finished off her theater class. Then she tried out for a musical and started practices in that. She is playing the role of Mulan.
Kaitlyn is a very even person as far as emotions go. She is empathetic, but not super emotional. One day, she was super emotional and couldn’t figure out why. It was strange and amusing all at once. I think it was a glimpse into our future with teenage years and emotions.
Trick Or Treating
On Halloween, Kaitlyn randomly announced she did not want to go trick-or-treating. This was a shock to me because Brayden went until this year also as a 13-year-old. I thought she would want to go this year for sure. It was quite the shock to the parenting system to have two children drop trick-or-treating in the exact same year. She went to a friend’s house instead.
Preteen Schedule
Here is her schedule during this time:
6:40 AM–wake up. Family scriptures, then get ready for school. Practice piano during this time.
9:00 AM–school
4:00 PM–home. Homework if needed. Free time.
5:30 PM–Dinner. Then family time and activities.
8:00-8:30 PM–in bed time. Kaitlyn showers each evening before bedtime.