All about a 15.25 year old teenage boy. Teen life for a boy and a typical daily schedule and life who was raised on Babywise.

This is a summary for Brayden from 15-15.25 years old.
Eating was good as is usual for Brayden. Things aren’t really different than they were last time. He eats well. He needs a few snacks a day to get through. He is a teenage boy who is growing–we all know teens eat a lot of food!
Sleep was also good and usual. We really let him choose his own bedtime and his own time to wake up in the morning.
Brayden has ALWAYS been an early riser, and that hasn’t changed as a teenager. For any of you with early-riser babies, it can be hard with those baby years or even toddler years. Since Brayden was born, I can count on one hand the number of days I have slept past 8 AM. He has always gotten up early.
But I have NEVER had to fight him to get out of bed in the morning. He wakes on his own and gets himself ready. So there is at least that silver lining for you to look forward to.
Brayden got his learner’s permit for driving! In our state, you get it at age 15. He can drive in the car with a parent present. He can drive siblings but not anyone who is not in our immediate family.
He won’t be able to drive alone until he is 16, but having a child who can drive is my next big parenting milestone I am looking forward to. I anticipate it will be as life-changing as having all of your kids potty trained or all kids in school.
Most of this 3 month period was during summer. Summer was good. Brayden had swim team Monday-Friday.
We had a couple of trips this summer. One was to Glacier National Park and one was to Lava Hot Springs. They were simple, but nice to get away.
Brayden decided to learn to code so he can create apps. So he spent a fair amount of time at the end of the summer learning how to build apps.
Brayden also helped Nate with our deck. We are building a deck on the back of our home. Brayden did a lot of work and spent a lot of hours working on the deck. It is so nice having him be old enough and big enough to be a big help!
As I mentioned, Brayden went to swim team each day.
During the month of July, he was golfing at the golf course with my dad and the pro there told him he should be on the high school golf team.
So Brayden contacted the coach. They had already had tryouts, but he had Brayden come one day and Brayden joined the team. He has enjoyed that. It has made it so he can at best go to swim team 1-2 times a week. High school golf ends before high school swim starts, though.
Brayden also continued piano lessons. He started to write instrumental piano pieces.
We followed a block schedule for summer this year. Here is what our block schedule looked like:
- Brayden Teen Summary: 15 Years Old
- Brayden Teen Summary: 15.5 Years Old
- Kaitlyn Teen Summary: 15.25 Years Old
- McKenna Teen Summary: 15.25 Years Old
- Why Daily Block Schedules are Great for Your Older Kids