Brinley Child Summary: 7 Years Old!

Find out what life is like for this 7 year old girl who was raised on Babywise. See her daily life, activities she is involved in, and her daily schedule.

Girl kissing a dolphin

Brinley is 7 years old! Brinley is such a character. She is a lot of fun and has a big personality. As she gets older, she gets wittier and with that comes a lot more humor. In the Birth Order Book, Kevin Leman describes the youngest as the limelight. They are outgoing, charming, and love to entertain. If you watch my insta stories, you know well that Brinley loves the limelight and loves to entertain. 

She is very smart and logical. She is obsessed with animals, especially cats. Our cats have served to be calming agents for Brinley; she has figured out that if she is feeling emotional or upset, she can go pet a cat and she calms down quickly.

Brinley is as emotional as she is smart. She is also very affectionate and loving. She loves to hug and cuddle. She is very outgoing and always wants to be around people. She views independent playtime as slightly torturous since it means she is not around people for an hour. She talks non-stop.

She is someone who wants to improve herself and face her shortcomings, though that act can at times leave her feeling frustrated and emotional.

She is a lot of fun and we enjoy having her in our family.


Brinley LOVES Nutella and Fry Sauce and would eat basically any food if it had one of those two things on it. Any type of meat we have is dipped in fry sauce. Any excuse she has for some Nutella is taken advantage of.

As Brinley has gotten older, it has become obvious she isn’t a big breakfast person. I completely get this as I have never loved having breakfast. It actually makes my stomach upset if I eat before 10 AM. I obviously had to eat before that for many years as I was pregnant and/or nursing a baby. 

Brinley isn’t quite that late in the day, but most days when she wakes up she can’t handle eating yet. This is fine right now, but if it continues into junior high or high school years, it will be harder since they start earlier. 


Sleeping is good. Brinley is an earlier riser. She will sleep in some days in the summer when we have been busy or up late, but the younger the child I find the less likely they will sleep in at all the next day. I think she sleeps in more than any of my other kids did at this age, and probably just because she sees that they sleep in and likes to emulate her siblings. I also think she doesn’t have younger siblings consistently getting up early to go play with, so if she wakes, she will think she might as well go back to sleep if she still feels tired.


The school year ended great. Brinley had a great first grade year. 


Summer has been a lot of fun for her. She is fun-loving and loves to play, so summer is right in her wheelhouse since she gets to do so much fun stuff (in her mind). The only hard thing for her is not seeing her friends as often as she would like. It gets tricky with summer schedules/vacations lining up to get to be with friends.


One day, we were talking to McKenna about being more aggressive in soccer. She is so worried about hurting people that she will back off and let them have the ball. We spent 20 minutes amping her up and assuring her people wouldn’t get hurt. She got excited and wanted to demonstrate what she should do. She body checked Brinley, who went flying face-first into a chair. It split her face open to the point of needing stitches or glue. That backfired!

So she got all glued up. We just did it at home. My neighbor has a lot of kids and glues faces all the time, so she was very comfortable doing it. Brinley got a black eye the next day. She ended up LOVING the attention it got her. You can see her black eye in the video of her pictures below.


Here are some photos for Brinley from the last few months:



Brinley participated in the following:

  • Piano: She still took lessons from Brayden
  • Soccer: She played rec soccer and then joined a competitive team. She hasn’t had any games yet, just practices, so we will see how that goes for her.
  • Swimming Lessons: Our pool is under construction so she took group public lessons from a different pool and had a lot of fun with that. I don’t feel like she learned as much as she does in a private swim lesson, but she had fun.
7 year old child routine and schedule pinnable image


In the summer, here is her daily routine

7:30-8:00–Wake up and hang out with me until siblings are up
Eat when a sibling is awake to eat with. Social eater. 
Chores/Piano/Get Ready/Play
SSR/Independent Play/Play
Family time


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