10 Inspiring Babywise Success Stories

These ten stories from real Babywise moms will inspire you, assure you, and give you hope for having Babywise success of your own with your little one.

Baby fist bump between baby and parent

When you are first learning about Babywise, you might do some reading about it and find some negative commentary and some Babywise controversy. Those things can easily cause some doubts in your mind, which is a huge reason I love to share Babywise success stories from real moms who have used  Babywise.

You might not feel nervous, but instead feel concerned and frustrated because it is harder than you thought it would be to implement and you wonder if it will ever work or if it is worth the effort you are putting into it. That is when it is helpful to read success stories so you see that yes, it is all worth it in the end.

That brings us to Babywise Sucess Stories 2019! Here are the latest sucess stories for your reading enjoyment and inspiration.

You can read even more Babywise success stories gathered since 2010 here. You can also see success stories shared regularly as well as know you are not alone in the Chronicles of a Babywise Mom Facebook Group.

Babywise Success Stories

Bethmaree said: My first was a textbook baby – slept through 12 hours by 12 weeks, my second was a touchy baby. I was still nursing at the 3am feed… could not drop it – because I was not willing to make the decision. At 6 months I decided to do it. Took 3 nights and now he’s the easiest sleeper. Goes to show that there are no ‘good sleepers’ or ‘bad sleepers’ – all personalities can be taught to sleep! And what a gift that is – to baby AND the family!!

Jmstrobel1 said: We have done babywise with both our girls (5yrs old and almost 2 years old)! So thankful for baby wise and your blog! You’ve been so incredibly helpful and encouraging

Jesslynwitton14 said: My husband and I read through BabyWise (prep for parenting) before our first was born (he is 2 next month). We use to sit in bed writing practice flexible routines for different ages (e.g. Newborn, 2 month Olds etc.) just to get our head around the feed wake sleep schedule. We followed BabyWise and he slept through the night (8 hours) from 8 weeks old. Everyone told us we had a good baby but it took a lot of hard work to get him there. We are expecting our second bubs in September Godwilling and I’m looking forward to using the BabyWise method again

Read: 5 Reasons I Love On Becoming Babywise

Thatgirltraveller said: I started implementing BW around week 6 and I felt it gave me such a good guide to anchor on in the early days post-partum. While naps remain challenging, night sleep is great with an independent sleeper and sleeping through the night. LO is 15 months now.

The BW community on FB continues to be a tremendous support along with your blog posts. Thank you so much for sharing and making the information available on your blog. I’m so grateful to have found Babywise. 🙂

Jessi said: Our little man fell so easily into a schedule when we started babywise. Here he is happily sleeping!

Leah said: My 3 year old has been a Babywise champ! He slept through the night at 9 weeks and sleeps until 8-8:30 most mornings. He’s a great sleeper and a Happy kid! I’m so thankful for the implementation of Babywise in our family’s life.

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On Becoming Pottywise
On Becoming Teenwise
On Becoming Preteenwise
On Becoming Childwise
On Becoming Preschoolwise
On Becoming Toddlerwise
On Becoming Pre-Toddlerwise
On Becoming Babywise Book 2
Babywise Sleep Solutions
On Becoming Pottywise
On Becoming Teenwise
On Becoming Preteenwise
On Becoming Childwise
On Becoming Preschoolwise
On Becoming Toddlerwise
On Becoming Pre-Toddlerwise
On Becoming Babywise Book 2

Hillary said: I’ve been through the infant, pretoddler and now toddler stage, all while implementing the babywise strategies that are explained in the books. My husband and I have never felt like our child has “taken over our lives” in a negative way. I am still able to be a wife and friend as well as a mother because babywise, though it requires work, has ultimately freed me up. I don’t feel exhausted all the time, my child’s schedule allows me to get housework done and I have plenty of time for my marriage after her bedtime in the evenings because I’m not typically stuck in her room rocking her for hours to fall asleep!

And on top of all that benefit to me, I get to watch my daughter flourish in her development as a happy, well rested, confident child! I am so thankful for all the insight that babywise has given me as a mother and caretaker for my child.

>>>Read: Babywise Reviews: Real Mom Success Stories

Amanda said: I read about Babywise months before my daughter was born. We began to implement EWS from day one, and because she had mild jaundice and had to sleep in her suana as much as possible, she naturally gravitated to a 3 hour schedule. She continued this schedule without any issues and at 4wks we stopped waking her after 7pm bedtime. Her MOTN wake slowly pushed out and she was STTN successfully by 8 weeks. By 10 weeks she was 7pm to 7am. She has had her bad nights, but for the most part she is a perfect babywise baby. I keep waiting for the shoe to drop, but we made it past four months with no regression and she celebrated one year last month. We are so grateful to have had such a peaceful first year with our baby bear.

Inspiring Babywise Success Stories pinnable image

Ariel said: I found BW when my youngest was almost 2mo. We kept at our schedule and although it was tough at times being homebound she became such excellent sleeper that others around us quickly took notice. Now at 2.5yo she will tell me when she is ready for nap. She also has a new baby brother who has just begun his BW journey. BW has made it possible for me to stay at home with my children and work remotely while they sleep. There may be sacrifices for the sake of consistency but to me, the pay off has been well worth it! I am forever grateful for all the support I’ve received over the years.

Monica said: I have used babywise with all four of my kids! 8,6,4,9months! All of them amazing sleepers to this day. Babywise was a life saver for us, giving us the routine we needed and our sanity back by allowing our kids to sleep. It Also helped so much with us being able to have a life going out without the kids. This schedule made it a breeze to leave them and offered babysitters so much predictability. ❤️ not just babywise but your blog helped me so much!


My oldest is now 14 and I have never once thought, “Wow. I wish I hadn’t ever found Babywise.” I have many, many times been so grateful that I found it. The stars really aligned (read all about how I discovered Babywise here). Babywise really saved my motherhood. I have no regrets and only happiness. I hope you can love being a parent as much as I do, no matter what path you choose to follow as you do so.

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