Brinley Summary: 5 Years 9 Months Old

Inside: Five year old girl information. Five year old schedule, five year old chores, and five year old hobbies.

Brinley Summary: 5 Years 9 Months Old

This is a summary for Brinly from 5 years 8 months to 5 years 9 months old.

Things are going well with Brinley overall. She is maturing quite a bit and is eager to do more and more on her own.


Sleep was great! Everything went well.


Eating went well during this time period. Nothing major happened during this time period. She ate well and ate at meal times.


Last time, I talked about how Brinley has eased out of being emotional. She continued to ease this past month. Nate commented just yesterday that she is much less emotional lately. It is so relieving to be coming out of the emotional roller coasters!


I added in an extra chore in her life this month. She now empties every garbage in the house into our main garbage can once a week. This is in addition to her regular chores of keeping her room clean, dusting, and vacuuming her room. I will be adding some additional chores during summer months soon. See


Something I love as children get older is coming to know who they are as individuals. Brinley has always had a knack for gardening. She is natural at it and has great instincts. She is obsessed with flowers. She loves to look at them, buy them, and plant them. She stuck with me for two solid hours planting flowers in our yard. She enjoys watering them and talks sweetly to them. Flowers are not a passion of mine, but I am nurturing her love and helping her learn how to care for them. I think parenting is a job full of sacrifice on many levels. We sacrifice time, sleep, interests, our bodies, and more for our children. While we don’t want to lose ourselves, I think a huge part of parenting is sacrifice and service. Those things help us to grow into better humans. So I do things I don’t even really like, such as work extensively with flowers, because my daughter loves it and I want to help nurture her interests.


This is what Brinley did out side of school.

  • Swimming lessons: She continues to make improvements! She passed off her backstroke all  together. At her last lesson, she swam 100 meters on her back in 7 minutes. Swimming is pretty hit and miss for us in April and May because of soccer season and end-of-year activities. We hit it consistently in the summer so I am excited to see where she goes during those months.
  • Gymnastics: She really enjoys gymnastics. I think we will take summer off. This isn’t a good idea if you are really into gymnastics and really want to progress, but we aren’t looking for her to do more with gymnastics than to grow and have fun.
  • Dance: Dance is great! She is getting ready for her recital. She had her dance pictures this month and loved getting all dressed up for them.
  • Piano: Brayden is her new piano teacher. Our teacher had to move all of a sudden. It was too bad; we love her so! Teachers are just full around here, so we decided to hire Brayden out. They have had a couple of lessons so far. It will test Brayden’s patience for sure! I think it will be good for him. She just adores him and is thrilled to have this long span of time of attention from him all at once.
  • Soccer: She started up soccer during this time. She has a lot of fun with soccer. She has scored some goals, but she isn’t a super star. At this age, Kaitlyn asked to sit out constantly, so I don’t pay much attention to how they play now and equate that with how they will play in the future. There is much to see.


Brinly is still fully obsessed with the Princess In Black (affiliate) books.


7:00-7:30 AM–wake up, get ready, eat, scriptures, practice piano

9:00 AM–school

12:30 PM–home and eat lunch. Homework. Then she can watch two 30-minute shows on PBS  and has independent playtime if desired. Two days a week she has her extra curricular activities. I scheduled her stuff during the other kids’ school day so we didn’t have our family time so interrupted.

4:00 PM–Siblings home. Sibling play and family time.

5:00 PM–Dinner in this hour

7:00 PM–Bedtime process begins.

7:30 PM–In bed


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