Sample Babywise Schedules: 0-12 Months

Babywise sample schedules for 0-12 month olds. Over 100 baby sleep schedules and routines to help your baby eat well, take great naps, and sleep through the night.

Mom and baby

You have read On Becoming Babywise and are ready to get a great schedule. You want a sleep routine and schedule and to get consistent days.

You are probably wondering what a sample Babywise schedule might look like for the age of your baby. In this post, I have compiled sample Babywise schedules readers have shared over the years.

Knowing what schedules other babies have used can be very helpful when trying to decide what is normal and what is not normal for your baby.

Notice that there are many variances in these schedules. All babies are different and have different sleep needs. To use this post, scroll to find the age of your baby.

Get your copy of On Becoming Babywise (affiliate) here.

Over 100 sample Babywise schedules for 0-12 month olds | Babywise | #babywise #babywiseschedules

Babywise 1 Month Old Schedule

1 Month Old

The Parkers said…
1-mo old boy:

6:00am Bottle
6:50 Nap
9:00 Bottle
9:50 Nap
12:00pm Bottle
1:00 Nap
3:00 Bottle
4:00 Nap
6:00 Bottle
6:30 Bath / Bedtime routine
7:00 Bed
10:00 Bottle
2:00 Bottle

Bottles are all BM. Amount varies from 3 – 6 oz per feeding.

Initially, I was concerned by the variability in how much he eats per feeding, but then I realized that this could be happening if I were nursing him (as I did with my first son) and I’d never know that was the case.

Naptimes are approximate — I am still working on trying to figure out the optimal waketime for him for each nap.

Sarah said…
6 weeks – 4 months

We have used this schedule from 6 weeks til now at 4 months. It’s working so we are not changing it! Although we did switch the 10 o clock feed to the after bath feed around 12 weeks.

7:00 – 7:30am wake time, Feed (5 ounces) & dressed for day care (I try to let her wake herself up but won’t let her sleep past 7:30).
7:30-7:45 (if she got up early optional independent play while I finish getting ready)
8:05 arrive at day care and have play time
9:00 – 10:00 nap
10:00 feed (7 ounces) followed by play time
11:30 – 1:00 nap
1:00 feed (7 ounces) followed by play time
3:00 – 4:00 nap
4:00 feed (7 ounces) followed by playtime
5:30 Pick her up from Day care, arrive home, greet Daddy when he arrives, say hello to puppy dogs then relax in cradle swing.
6:15 ish cat nap
7:00 feed (6 ounces) followed by snuggle time or play time depending on her mood.
8:00 nightime routine (in the bath every night at 8 follwed by pj’s, a healthy dose of desitin, and last bottle.)
Asleep no later than 8:40

STTN 11 hours since 11 weeks.

Gabrielle said…
6 week old (1 week adjusted)

7am – DWT Eat 
7:45am down for nap 
10am eat 
10:45 nap 
1pm eat 
1:45 down for nap (he usually fights this one a bit) 
4pm eat
4:45 nap 
6:30 eat 
7 / 7:15 nap 
8:15 wake for bedtime; bath 8:30 – eat and down for bed 
11pm dreamfeed 
Let him wake to eat.
Usually MOTN feeding about 2:45/3am and 6-7am

Heather said…
6WO boy

7am DWT and feed
7:45 Nap
10:30 feed
11:15 Nap
2pm feed
2:45 nap
5pm feed
5:45 nap
8pm feed and then bed
11pm dream feed
Wake to feed through night but aiming for 3am!
Although LO is not napping at the moment! Just lies awake – am hoping this will pass soon!!

Amanda said…

6am DWT/Eat/Wake
645 nap
9am Eat/Wake
945 nap
12pm Eat/Wake
1245 nap
3pm Eat/Wake
345 nap
6pm Wake/Bath/Eat/Book
645 sleep
Baby wakes me MOTN typically about 2-3am. Then we repeat at 6am DWT

For more details and sample schedules on this first month, visit Babywise Sample Schedules: The First Month

Sample Babywise Schedules: One Month Old

Babywise 2 Month Old Schedule

2 Month Old

Jen said…
2 month old

8am – wake up & eat (4 oz)
10:30 – bottle
11:30/12 – nap, if I can get him to go down
1:30 – bottle
2:30 – nap
4:30 – bottle
7:30 – bottle
9 – bottle, then in bed by 10
3 AM- wakes up and eats 6 oz. This isn’t “scheduled,” but he is waking up at the same time every night for this last bottle.We’re still working on our schedule. Especially naps. Sometimes he just won’t go down, and CIO isn’t an option.

roberjen said…
Almost 3 month old

7:30 am – eat
8:30 am – nap
10:30 am – eat
11:30 am – nap
1:30 pm – eat
2:30 pm – nap
4:30 pm – eat
5:30 pm – will take a catnap usually wakes up a little fussy – will usually have to hold – may feed early
6:45 to 7:30 pm – eat
Bed by 8 (if eats at 7:30pm)
10pm – Dreamfeed
wakes at 5am for “night” feed – start day at 7:30

Amy said…
10 week old boy

We are on a 3 hour or 3 hour 15 min schedule. The day starts somewhere between 7:30 or 8 am and he goes down to sleep around 9 pm.

We watch for signs of tiredness and put him down for naps when we see that. Some days he can stay awake longer and some days he seems more sleepy. We just try to read him.

So far it’s working out wonderfully. Since week 5 he has been sleeping 8-10 hours a night straight through til morning. I know we’re blessed! 🙂 This is a typical day…

~wake up between 7:30 and 8 – 5oz bottle
plays or swings for about 15 minutes
~between 8:30 and 9 – nap
~wakes up around 10:30, 10:45- 5 oz bottle
plays in play pen, tummy time, we read a book…
~noon – nap
~wakes up around 1:30, at 2:00- 5 oz bottle
swings, plays in play pen
~3:00 – nap
~wakes up between 4 and 4:30
plays with Daddy
~5:30- 5 oz bottle
around 7 he takes a 30 or 45 min catnap in his swing or sometimes in his crib
we give him a bath every other day and massage
~8:45 last bottle- 5 oz
in bed by 9:15

Tricia Whittaker said…
2 month old girl

6:00 Wake/nurse/diaper change/wake time
7:00 Nap
9:00 Nurse/diaper change/wake time
10:00 Nap
11:30 Nurse/diaper change/wake time
12:30 Nap
2:00 Nurse/diaper change/wake time
3:00 Nap
4:30 Nurse/diaper change/wake time
5:30 Nap
7:00 Nurse/diaper change/bedtime routine
8:00 Down for bed
10:00 Dreamfeed/diaper change
Middle of the night – will usually wake up at 2-3:30am

Total wake times 50-75 minutes per cycle. We put her down for a nap when she starts to show signs of being tired (yawning, not engaging with us or toys, bringing hands to month/eyes).

KirbiKnop said…
2-3 Months

7:30 Wake, Nurse
8:20 Nap
10:30 Wake, Nurse
11:25 Nap
1:30 Wake, Nurse
2:25-30 Nap
4:30 Wake, Nurse
5:30 Cat nap
6:30 Bath, bedtime routine
7:00 Nurse (Sometimes earlier if really tired)
7:30 Bed
10:30/11 DreamfeedNo MOTN feeding since about 10 weeks

Janice said…
12 week old girl (but same schedule since 9 weeks or so)

I also work very early, so I have to leave the house by 6:30 am and get home at 5. So I always want to make sure she starts the day with a breastfeeding before getting breastmilk from a bottle all day.

5:30 wake
6-6:15 independent playtime while I get ready for work
6:15 nap
8:30 feed
9:00-9:30 play time with daddy and tummy time
9:30 nap
11:00 feed
12:15 nap
2:00 feed
3:15 nap (she has a very hard time with this nap)
4:45 or 5:00 feed
6:00 nap (she has a hard time with this nap sometimes)
8:00 feed
8:30-9:00 bed, depending on cues

My husband pointed out that I should mention we don’t dreamfeed. I tried it, and she actually wouldn’t sleep through the night on nights that I did one. It started because I was so tired I skipped the dreamfeed for a couple of nights and she slept through. Then I picked it back up and she woke at 3:30. Perhaps because of gas? Either way, she currently doesn’t eat between 8 and 5:30

Katy said…
2 Months

7:00am – eat
8:00am – nap
10:10am – eat
11:10am – nap
1:20pm – eat
2:30pm – nap
4:30pm – eat
5:40pm – nap
7:00pm – eat, bed
10:00pm – dreamfeed
(MOTN feeding ~4am?)

D & H said…
Here’s the schedule we used between 2-5 months.

6:00am Wake, nurse, then some playtime
7:00 or 7:15 Goes down for a Nap
9am Wake, nurse, then tummy time and playtime (sometimes errands)
10:30 Nap
12pm Wake, nurse, then tummy time & playtime or errands
1:30 Nap
3:00 Wake, nurse, playtime
4:30 Nap (sometimes this nap starts a little later. He usually takes longer to fall asleep for this nap.)
6:00 Nurse, playtime and family time
8:00 Nurse and then bed (8:30pm)
(about 12pm feeding until he dropped it at approximately 6 weeks)
(about 3am feeding until he started sleeping through the night consistently at 3.5 months)

Vanessa said…
10 week old TWINS

I have them on the same schedule. Sometimes one isn’t as hungry or tired yet, but whoever is “dominating” wins, and they both get the bottle or bed time. Otherwise, I don’t think I could survive!

7am 3&4oz bottles
wake time getting ready, but no play time
drop off at day care
8am nap
10am 3&4 oz bottles, play time
11am nap on and off (my boy doesn’t nap well, girl naps solidly)
1pm 3&4 oz bottles, play time
2pm nap on and off
4pm 3&4 oz bottles, play time
5pm nap on and off
6:30pm family dinner (usually the babies scream the entire time while we eat since they wake from their naps early)
7:00pm 3&4oz bottles
cuddle time watching TV and reading books with babies and our 3yo
7:30 baths for each baby
8:00pm lay down for bed
10:00pm dream feed

approximately 4am middle of the night feeding. Going to start reducing ounces and try to drop this feeding soon.

Susana said…
Almost 3 months

6am-waking time-feeding
11:30am-feeding-and usually we go out and doesn’t fall asleep until his last feeding,stays awake all that time.Very happy and calm,sometimes fussy.(i know he is tired)
8pm-feeding,and goes to bed at 8:30pm,50% of the feedings i wake him up,specially on this one.
2am-feeding,he wakes up for this one. I’m still working on getting him to STTN, the longest interval so far is 6.5 hours but that is about it. and i usually pump before going to sleep(10-11pm) to keep my milk supply.

God bless you all for sharing!

And Val if i am missing something, or doing something wrong please feel free to give me some suggestions so i can achieve the 10-12 hours of sleep, thank you!!

Angie said…
10 – 13 week old boy

7:30am – 8am – Feed
wake time usually consists of baby in bouncy chair watching mom have her coffee.
9:30am – Nap
11am – Feed
wake time consists of some sort of exercise for mom, either stroller ride or front carrier hike.
12:30pm – Nap
2pm – Feed
wake time: bath then errands.
3:30pm – Nap
5pm – Feed
Wake time: bouncy chair or playpen time. Mom makes dinner.
7pm – Nap or awake usually put in swing because tends to be fussy at this time.
7:45-8:15pm – Last Feed
Have not done dreamfeeds as we are usually in bed early and up early so found dreamfeeds would actually make me lose some of my sleep.
3-4am – Feed (when baby wakes up) straight back to bed. Still trying to drop this feed.

Babywise Schedules for 0-12 months

MSW said…
9 week old girl

Here is my current schedule for my 9 week old girl. (She was a premie so her adjusted age would be closer to 5 weeks.) She is a good sleeper and started STTN at 7 weeks. We never did a dream feed because she goes to bed later than most.

6am: wake and nurse and she goes right back down.
9am: wake and nurse and play time.
10:15: nap
12pm: wake and nurse and wake time.
1pm: nap
3pm: wake and nurse and independent play
4pm: nap
6pm: wake and nurse. She will sit in her bouncy seat while family eats and then we all go for a walk together. Sometimes she sleeps and other times she stays awake the whole time.
8pm: She is awake by this time if she even took a nap after 6. We start our bedtime routine of bath and 4 oz bottle of either formula or pumped BM.
9pm: Bed! She sleeps through until 6am.

I always pump both side around 11:00 before I go to bed to keep up my supply since she is STTN at such a young age! We also utilized CIO for about a week and now she is napping well throughout the day. It took work, but it is so worth it!

Emily and Ian said…
2 month old boy

7:00 wake & nurse
8:00 nap
9:45 wake & nurse
10:40 nap
12:45 wake & nurse
1:40 nap
4:00 wake & nurse
5:10 nap
7:00 wake & nurse
7:45/8 bedtime
10:00 dream feed
Then usually wakes around 3:00am to eat.

Traci said…
11 weeks

715 DWT nurse
830 nap
1015 nurse
1130 nap
1:15 nurse
230 nap
430 nurse
Usually has short catnap around 530
7 bath, story, pray, bottle
730 bed

Wakes at 3 for nurse then straight back down

For more details and sample schedules on this second month, visit Babywise Sample Schedules: The Second Month

Sample Babywise Schedules: Two Months Old

Babywise 3 Month Old Schedule

3 Month Old

Katy said…
3 Months Girl

7:00am – eat
8:00am – nap
10:00am – eat
11:00am – nap
1:00pm – eat
2:00pm – nap
4:00pm – eat
5:00pm – nap
7:00pm – eat
8:00pm – bed time
10:00pm – dreamfeed
(5/6:00am) – shortened feeding

Over 100 sample Babywise schedules for 0-12 month olds

Ceejay said…
14 Week Old Boy

We just moved to this schedule about 4 days ago after weeks of battling the 45-minute intruder and thinking he needed less awake time.

I finally went with my gut that he was undertired and so allowed more awake time (almost 2 hours sometimes!), dropped the dreamfeed, and moved to a 3.5 hour schedule during the day.

It has worked like a charm so far–he sleeps 1.5-1.75 hours each nap, 10-11 hours at night, and is happy and alert during awake times! He also still averages 15-15.5 hours of sleep a day, so it seems like enough. And he is not overly sensitive about the exact amount of wake time. We just watch for yawns, stillness, or sometimes fussiness before putting him down.

7am Wake, nurse both sides. (Sometimes he wakes between 6 and 7 but goes back to sleep or lays quietly.)
Wake time–independent play in gym, some play with mom and dad.
8:45-9am Nap
10:30am Wake, nurse both sides.
Wake time – tummy time, reading, playing in gym, playing with mommy, etc.
12-12:15pm Nap
2pm Wake, nurse both sides
Wake time – playing with mom or dad, reading, more independent play, etc
3:45-4pm Nap
5:15-5:30pm Wake, nurse both sides
Wake time – Bath, playing, errands or a walk, hanging out with us while we eat dinner
7:30pm Nurse both sides
Into pjs, read a book, sing a lullaby, and into bed by 8pm.

No dreamfeed since 13 1/2 weeks. No MOTN feed since 8-9 weeks.

9:30pm Pump right before going to bed. I started doing this when he dropped the dreamfeed, since he’s still pretty young and I don’t want to compromise my supply. Not sure how long I’ll continue.

EaglesWings said…
3 months

I love your blog, Valerie and it’s helped me so much as I became a new mom in April. My daughter Bekah is 3 months this week. Here is her schedule:

3 month old
7 am: wake, nurse
7:50: nap
10:30: wake, nurse
11:30: nap
1:30: wake, nurse
2:30: nap
4:00-4:30ish: wake, nurse
5:00-5:30ish: nap (This is the shortest nap of the day)
6:00-6:15: wake, take a bath
7:00-7:30: bedtime (I nurse right before I put her to bed)
10:30: Dreamfeed (About 4-5 oz of pumped breastmilk)

qylie said…
3 month He is only on BF milk)

5:30 – I wake and pump
6am -wake/feed (bottle)
8am – 1st nap
10am- feed
12 – 2nd nap
2pm -feed
4pm -3rd nap
4pm – I pump here too
6pm- Feed
8pm – Bedtime + Feed

He was going so long at night I started to pump twice a day to make sure my supply didn’t drop.

I typically can freeze 6oz but it can range up to 12oz. He moved to a 4 hour schedule at 2 months.

Claire @ My Devising said…
11 week old boy:

I am a first-time mom and loving Babywise. I blog at if you’d like to check it out. 🙂

8:00-8:30 Feed
11:15-11:30 Feed
2:15-2:45 Feed
5:15-5:30 Feed
8:15-8:45 Feed
11:00-11:15 Feed

>>>Read: When and How to Move Baby to a 4 Hour Schedule

Ronni said…
15 weeks (11 adjusted)

3hr schedule 1-1.5 wake times. 7:30 bedtime

For more details and sample schedules on this third month, visit Sample Babywise Schedules: The Third Month

Sample Babyiwse Schedules: Three Months Old

Babywise 4 Month Old Schedule

4 Month Old

Claire @ My Devising said…
4 month old boy:

8:30-8:45 Feed
11:45-12:00 Feed
2:30-3:00 Feed
5:15-5:45 Feed
Possible Nap
8:00-8:15 Feed
10:00-10:15 Feed

Katy said…
4 Months girl

7:20 – wake up/eat (55 minute wake time)
8:15 – nap (2 hour nap)
10:15 – eat (60 minute wake time)
11:15 – nap (2 hour nap with help of swing ½ way through)
1:15 – eat (65 minute wake time)
2:20 – nap (2 hour nap with help of swing ½ way through)
4:20 – eat (65 minute wake time)
5:25 – nap (65 minute nap)
6:30 – wake (1 hour, 30 minute wake time before bed)
7:00 – eat8:00 – bed
10:00 – dream feed/10:30 bed

Lonica said…
4-8 Months

8:00 wake, nurse
9:30 nap
11:30 wake, nurse
12:00 independent play time
1:30 nap
3:30 wake, nurse
5:30 nap
6:30 wake, nurse
8:00 nurse, bed

Brooke and Scot said…
4-6 month old girl

Typical flexible routine, it varies by 20 or 30 minutes sometimes

6:45 wake, eat (6 oz. breastmilk)
7:30 long nap every day
10:30 eat (6 oz. breastmilk)
11:45 nap some days
2:15 eat (6 oz. breastmilk)
3:45 nap some days
6:00 eat (nurse)
7:00 nap most days
8:30 bath and bedtime routine
9:00 eat (6 oz. breastmilk)
9:15 bed, sleeps through the night

I find that her nap routine is the least consistent since I work part-time and different family members keep her on those days.

Her bedtime, morning waketime, and feeding time is very consistent. I would like for her naptimes and activity times to be more consistent. After charting everything for several days as suggested by the Baby Whisperer, her naptimes really depend on who keeps her that day.

D&H said…
4-6 Months

Since 4 months (he will be 6 months this week) we have been working on transitioning to 3.5-hour schedule.

After a few days of the longer schedule, he wakes up early from naps and we end up doing the 3-hour schedule above, so for the last little while we’ve just done the longer schedule 2-3 days a week which allows me to decide which days rather than him.

Hopefully we’ll do this all the time soon!

6am Nurse, then some playtime
7:15 Nap
9:30 Nurse, tummy time, playtime
11:00 Nap
1:00pm Nurse, tummy time, playtime (or errands)
2:30 Nap
4:30 Nurse, play time, family time
6:00 (sometimes a little later) Nap
(Sometimes he doesn’t take the 4th nap, but most of the time he needs it.)
7:30 Nurse
Bedtime routine
Bed by 8:15

Steffi said…
4 months old boy

6.30-7am wake & nurse
8am nap
10am wake & nurse
11.30am nap
1.30pm wake & nurse
3pm nap
4.30pm wake & nurse
6pm catnap
6.45pm wake (7pm nurse)
8pm sleep
We dropped the dreamfeed 2 weeks ago and he’s slept through the night ever since (would love to have a morning waketime of 7-8am, but maybe in a few weeks?).

We’re also thinking about dropping the last nap to get him to sleep longer in the morning, but we haven’t quite figured that out without dropping a feeding.

Jessica said…
4 month old boy

6:45- wake, nurse, play
7:45- 1st nap (usually 1.5 hr)
10:00- nurse, play
10:40- 2nd nap (if he woke early from 1st nap, if not i’ll put him down around 11)
1:00-nurse, play
2:00-3rd nap
4:00-nurse, play
6:45-bath, nurse, bedtime

I’m exclusively breastfeeding so I pump around 9:30 to keep my supply up and I have extra bm in the freezer in case I need it!

Jamie said…
4 months

7:00 WEP
8:15 nap1
10:30 WEP
12:00 nap 2
1:30 WEP
3:00 nap 3
4:30 WEP
6:45 eat
7:00 bedtime

Usually wakes between 6:30 and 7:00am, but stays in crib until close to 7:00. He’s EBF, no solids.

Chrysti Hedding said…
4 months old

Our schedule varies by a half hour or so right now since our son is going through a Wonder Week AND teething, but here you go:

7:00 Wake, feed (5-6 oz formula at each feed)
7:30 Play
8:15 Nap
10:30 Wake, feed
11:00 Play
11:45 Nap
1:30 Wake, feed
2:00 Play
2:45 Nap
4:30 Wake, feed
5:00 Play
6:00ish Cat nap
6:45ish Wake, play, some nights bath
7:30 Feed, bedtime
10:30 or 11 Dreamfeed

Megan said…
4 Month Old Baby Girl

7/730 – wake, reflux meds, dressed for day, BF
830/9 – nap
1030/11 – wake & BF
1230/1 – nap
230/3 – wake & BF
430 – nap (sometimes)
5/530- BF (5 if she didn’t take a nap prior to, 530 if she did)
630 – reflux meds, bath and baby lotion massage (this starts our night-night routine)
7 – BF, read book after, if awake enough
730 – bedtime
10 – dreamfeed and STTN

Her naps are the most inconsitent right now because 1) 4 month sleep regression and 2) teething.

Her wake time typically lasts 1.5 hours though sometimes it’s more or less. I am a SAHM and watch her for her sleep cues.

There are times she will wake in the middle of a nap, chat/lightly fuss for a few minutes (sometimes as long as 15) then go back to sleep. I personally do not check on her unless she’s crying or the fussing is different than a “transition cry” because it makes it worse and she will not go back to sleep. If she doesn’t take her naps, I do my best to keep feeding times the same and fit in several cat naps (hopefully 6 – 30 min naps).

Bedtime is almost never later; she doesn’t make it later – she winds up screaming at us for even trying OR falls asleep 🙂 Also, I change up what activity she does during her wake time. She is a VERY particular baby and will not always go for the same exact wake time routine. As such I just switch up activities and/or toys to help keep her content.

The Hecks said…
4 month old boy

8:00 am wake up, 8 oz bottle, cereal and a fruit
9:30 am nap
11:30 am wake, 8 oz bottle fruit and vegetable
1:00 pm nap
3:30 wake, 8 oz bottle, cereal and a fruit
5:00 nap
5:45 wake, bath, get ready for bed
6:45 bottle and bed

For more details and sample schedules on this fourth month, visit Sample Babywise Schedules: The Fourth Month

Babywise Sample Schedules: 4 months old

Babywise 5 Month Old Schedule

5 Month Old

Katy said…
5 Months girl7:00 – wake up/eat
8:00 – nap
10:30 – eat
11:30 – nap
1:30 – eat
2:30 – nap
4:30 – eat
5:30 – nap
6:30 – wake
7:00 – eat
8:00 – bed
10:00 dream feed/10:30 bed

Michelle Oettmeier said…
5 month old boy:7:00 – wake, 6 oz formula, solids
9:00 – nap
11:00- wake, 6 oz formula, solids
1:00- nap
3:00- wake, 8 oz formula
5- 6:00- nap
6:30- 8 oz formula, solids
7:30- bed

Krystal said…
5 month old (girl)

She sleeps through the night, but her naps are very spotty. Her “normal” nap is 45 minutes long, but she usually has one longer nap (1.5 – 2 hours) each day, but not always at the same time.

If she wakes up before it’s time to eat, she plays for a bit.

7:00 – get up and nurse (she is often awake, but quiet, so I don’t know exactly when she wakes up)
8:15 – nap (varies in length)
10:00 – nurse
11:30 – nap (varies in length)
1:00/1:30 – nurse
3:00 – nap (varies in length)
4:30 – nurse
6:00 – nap (30-40 min)
7:30 – nurse
8:30/9:00 – bedtime

Tricia Dukes said…
5 Months girl

7:00 – wake up
7:15 – bottle & oat cereal w/ fruit
8:15 – nap
10:30 – wake
11:00 – bottle & rice cereal w/ veggie
12:30 – nap
2:30 – wake
3:00 – bottle, fruit & veggie
4:30 – cat nap
6:30 – bathtime/bedtime routine ending with bottle
7:00 – bed

Lindsay said…
Almost 6 Month Old Girl

7:00 Wake/Nurse/Rice Cereal
Play in PlayPen
9:00 Nap in Swing
10:30 Wake/Nurse/Rice Cereal
1:00 Nap in Crib
2:30 Wake/Nurse
4:45 Cat Nap
5:15 Wake/Nurse/Rice Cereal
8:00 Nurse
8:30 Bed

Sarah said…
5 month, almost 6 month old girl (who has Down Syndrome):

Between 7-7:30am Wakes, Breastfeeds, plays
Between 8:30-9am Down for Nap
Between 10:30-11:30am Wakes, Breastfeeds, plays
Between 12:30-1:30pm Down for Nap
Between 2:30-3:30pm Wakes, Breastfeeds, plays
Between 4:30-5pm Nap(although is transitioning away from this nap)
Nurses between 5-6pm
Plays, Bedtime Rountine, Bath
Between 7-8pm Breastfeeds and bed
Dreamfeeds between 9:30-10:15, depending on the night.

Amanda said:
5.5 month girl (4.5 adjusted)

DWT/Eat 7:30
Solids 8:30
Nap 9:45-11:15
Eat 11:30
Solids 12:30
Nap 1:45-3:15
Eat 3:30
Nap 515-5:45
Solids 6
Bath 7:15
Eat 7:30
Bed 8

Christina said…
5 months
Waketime: 1 hr 15

7:30- DWT + nurse
Playmat, tummy time
8:45- down for nap
10:30- nurse
Excersaucer or playtime on mat
11:45- down for nap
1:30- nurse
Out for a walk in stroller or carrier
2:45- down for nap
4:30- nurse
Exersaucer and/or Swing and/or walk
and/or Music time
6:30- 7/7:30- catnap sometimes
7:30- nurse, read, pray, down for night

For more details and sample schedules on this fifth month, visit Babywise Sample Schedules: The Fifth Month

Sample Babywise Schedules: The Fifth Month

Babywise 6 Month Old Schedule

6 Month Old

Claire @ My Devising said…
6 month old boy:

8:30 Feed (nurse then fruit and cereal)
12:00 Feed (nurse then fruit and veggie)
3:15 Feed
6:15 Feed (nurse then fruit, veggie, and cereal)
9:15 Feed

anna said…
6.5 month old boy

7:30 am wake/nurse
7:50 IP in crib
8:15 mommy and baby time
8:30 BLW breakfast
9:00 free time
9:15 – 9:20 nap
11:30 wake/nurse
11:50 blanket time
12:30 BLW lunch
1:00 bath
1:30 nap
3:30 wake/nurse
3:50 activity center/play mat/read book
4:15 playtime with mommy
4:45 blanket time
5:15 catnap
6:00 wake + BLW dinner
7:00 nurse
7:20 bedtime

Lauren said…
8 month old girl, 6 month adjusted age for prematurity.

All bottles are 1/2 BM and 1/2 formula

8:00am-eat 5oz bottle, cereal, fruit
8:30-8:45- 15 minutes excersaucer
8:45am- walk or sit at window if too hot, read book, play on mat
9:30-10 minutes playpen time
1130am-eat 5oz bottle, cereal, fruit or veggie
12:00p- excersaucer
12:15p- baby in carrier for about 1/2 while I clean
1:00p- 10 minutes playpen time
3:00p- eat 5oz bottle
3:30p-3:45 Excersaucer
4:00p-floor time
6:30p- eat 5oz bottle, meat, veggie
7:00p family walk, out to dinner, church bible study, usually doing something during this awake time.
8:30p between 9:30p eat 4oz bottle and bed

Katy said…
6 Months girl

7:30 – wake up/eat
8:40 – nap
10:50 – eat
12:20 – nap
2:20 – eat
3:50 – nap
4:50 – eat
6:30/45 – eat
7:30 – bed
10:00 dream feed/10:30 bed (until it was dropped)

Baby Schedules pinnable image

grace said…
6-8months girl

just a rough schedule

7-7.30am wake – formula (5-6oz) – play with sibling, daddy
8.30am – bath
9am – nap
11-11.15 wake – formula (5-6oz)
11.45 – solids (puree, cereal, steamed veg/fruits)
12pm – IP (45min IP in playpen, or 30min in jumperoo), the rest is floor time
1pm – nap
3.30pm – wake – formula (5oz) – play on the floor, with sibling
5.30pm – dinner (puree, cereal, steamed veg/fruits)
6.30pm – bath – 5-6oz formula
7pm – sleep

D&H said…
4-6 months

Since 4 months (he will be 6 months this week) we have been working on transitioning to 3.5-hour schedule. After a few days of the longer schedule, he wakes up early from naps and we end up doing the 3-hour schedule above, so for the last little while we’ve just done the longer schedule 2-3 days a week which allows me to decide which days rather than him. Hopefully we’ll do this all the time soon!

6am Nurse, then some playtime
7:15 Nap
9:30 Nurse, tummy time, playtime
11:00 Nap
1:00pm Nurse, tummy time, playtime (or errands)
2:30 Nap
4:30 Nurse, play time, family time
6:00 (sometimes a little later) Nap
(Sometimes he doesn’t take the 4th nap, but most of the time he needs it.)
7:30 Nurse
Bedtime routine
Bed by 8:15

At nearly 6 months old, his waketimes are still 90 minutes and he still needs 4 naps. Most of the time his nighttime sleep is only 9 hours and I would like to move to 10 hours, but so far that hasn’t happened.

mindibz said…
8 month old boy (6 weeks premature)

Variety of activities during waketime

7:30 Wake/6 ounce bottle/Fruit
9:30 Nap
11:30 or 12:00 Wake/6 ounces/Green veggie/Fruit
2:00 Nap
4:00 Wake/6 ounces
6:00 Orange veggie/Fruit
7:45 Bath
8:00 Bedtime routine: Book/Prayers/6 ounces

Austyn said…
6 month old boy

We have *just* transitioned from 5 meals/day to 4, dropping the early morning meal before I leave for work. Now I pump there instead. I sought Val’s advice a few months ago before my transition back to work, and she was spot on. That early morning “dreamfeed” starting affecting his naps a week before he turned 6 months. She’s a BW genius 😉

My sister nannies for us, so the activities vary, but this is the report I usually get when I call home while pumping. Naps and meals are very regular.

5:30 mom pumps
7:30-8 wake, play in crib if up before 8
8:00 Bottle (breast milk)
8:30 Mat time/tummy time/practice sitting up
9:00 Nap #1
12:00 Bottle (usually formula)
12:30 Outside time/storytime/singing
1:30 Nap #2
4:00 Nurse (I’m usually home by this time)
4:30 Mommy time
5:30 Catnap
6:15 Wake/Daddy time
7:00 Nurse
7:30-7:45 Bed for the night

Kelly said…
6 month old Twins

7am: 6.5oz/7.5oz bm bottle
7:20-8:15: playtime – usually play mat or tummy time
8:15-10: nap (I pump once they go to sleep)
10: 6.5/7.5oz bottle
10:30 go to park for walk and run errands
1:00 formula bottle
1:20 watch baby einstein video while I pump then play in exersaucers and jumperoo
2:30/2:45 nap
4:00 bm bottle -sometimes mixed with 2oz of formula
4:20 play in playroom, practice sitting – 5:30 daddy comes home and we either all go for a run or Daddy takes them while I stay home to pump, do laundry, wash bottles and have some “me” time.
7:00 6.5/7.5 oz bottles, just started baby food (sweet potatoes, green beans, and carrots)
then we have bath, songs/stories
7:45/8 Bed
10pm I pump and then wake up again at 3am to pump.

I’m really trying to keep up with them as much as I can. we have also been playing with the four hour schedule. The above schedule is if I manipulate it. Sometimes they go a little over.

Tonight we gave them a bottle at 4:15, then green beans at 6 then a four oz. bottle at 6:30 then Bed.

I feel like I run out of wake time activities. I just got babywise II and see that I need to do Independent play. We set up our pack and play this weekend so I plan to start using it tomorrow 🙂

Katie {My Paisley Apron} said…
6mo girl

7 wake, nurse, solids
8:40 nap
10:30-10:45 wake, nurse, solids
12:30 nap
2:00 wake, nurse, solids
4:00 nap
5:00 wake, nurse a little, solids
6:20 bath, pajamas
6:40 nurse, stories
7:00 bed
4:00am short nursing, back to bed

Lacey Thibodeaux said…
6 months old

My daughter is 6 months old, on a 3 1/2 hour schedule, and NOT a big eater at all! She could easily go 4 hours without eating and be totally fine, but I’m not sure I can lengthen her awake time or naps at this point in time.

When I say she is not a big eater, at some meals she only eats 3-4oz and is perfectly happy until her next feeding! I tried introducing rice cereal last week. On the first day, she willingly opened her mouth it eat it and she hasn’t eaten it/opened her mouth since. I’ve decided to take a break for a few days with the solids and will start back with green veggies next week!

Her schedule now is:

6:30-7:00am – eat 6.5 oz
7:00-8:30am – play
8:30-10:00am – sleep
10:00-10:30am – eat 6 oz
10:30-12:00pm – play
12:00-1:30pm – sleep
1:30-2:00pm – eat 6 oz
2:00-3:30pm – play
3:30-5:00pm – sleep
5:00-5:30pm – eat 6 oz
5:30-6:45pm – play
6:45pm – bath
7:00-7:30pm – eat 6 oz
7:45pm – bedtime

Elizabeth said…
6 months

7:30 wake, nurse
9:00 nap
10:30 wake, nurse
11:00 ish cereal
12:30 nap
2:00 wake, nurse
4:00 nap
5:30 wake, nurse
6:30 purees with family dinner
8:30 nurse
9:00 bed

For more details and sample schedules on this sixth month, visit Babywise Sample Schedules: The Sixth Month

Babywise Sample Schedules: Six Months Old

Babywise 7 Month Old Schedule

7 Month Old

Carolyn said…
7 months

7am – Eat (nurse and solids)
7:45am – Activity
9:00am – Sleep
11:00am – Eat (nurse and solids)
11:45am – Activity (10 min playpen time)
1:00pm – Sleep
3:00pm – Eat (nurse and solids)
3:45pm – Activity (10 min playpen time)
5:00pm – Catnap (most days)
5:45pm – Awake (bath time, walk, etc)
6:30pm – Nurse
7pm – Bed

Katy said…
7 Months girl

7:30 – wake up, eat, play
8:50 – nap
11:00 – eat, play
12:30 – nap
2:20 – eat, play
4:00 – nap
4:45 – eat, play
6:40 – eat
7:30 – bed

PamKlip said…
7 1/2 Month Old Girl

8:00 – wake/6oz formula/cereal & fruit/time in jolly jumper
9:30 – nap
12:00 – 5oz formula/veggies & fruit/independent play or “swimming” in kiddie pool
1:30 – nap
3:00 – wake & run erands
4:00 – 5oz formula/veggies, fruit & cereal
5/5:30 – occasional catnap for 15-30 min.
6:45 – bathtime
7:00 – 6-8 oz fomula
7:30 – bedtime

*should note: eats fruit at every meal b/c she doesn’t like them and only eats a small amount at a time

Hollie Shepard said…
7 Month Old boy

Wakes up around 6:45 or 7
7AM 1/4 cup of cereal mixed with formula and small amount of fruit with 6 oz bottle
8:30- Nap
10- Wakes up from nap has some play time
11- Lunch Fruit and some veggies with 6 oz bottle
12:00 – 2:ish – Nap
2:00 – playtime
3:00- 6 oz bottle
4:00- 5:30ish last nap
7:00 – dinner veggie and fruit (also starting to add chicken) with 6 oz bottle
8:00 – bedtime

Katie {My Paisley Apron} said…
7mo girl

7:00 wake, nurse, dress, solids
8:40 nap
10:30-11 wake, nurse, solids
12:30 nap
2-2:30 wake, nurse, solids
4 nap
5 wake, nurse a little, solids
6:20 bath, pajamas
6:40 nurse, stories
7:00 bed
4am short nursing, back to bed

AmberCHenson said…
7 Month Girl

6:30 – 6oz. Bottle
Swing Time
8:00/8:30 – 9:30 Nap (1 – 1 1/2 hours)
9:30 – 2oz. Bottle + 3T Cereal + Fruit Serving
Play Time
11:00 – 12:30 Nap
12:30 – 2oz. Bottle + Veggie Serving
Play Time
1:30/2:00 – 3:30 Nap 1 1/2 – 2 hours)
3:30 – 6oz. Bottle
Play Time/Snack while I cook dinner
5:30 – 6:30 Nap (sometimes)
6:30 – Veggie Serving + Fruit + Serving + Water
Bath and Nap (45 min. – 1 hour)
8:30 – 6oz Bottle and Bed

Carrie Aultman said…
7 mo Schedule Twin Boys

7:00 DWT
8:00 Breakfast
10:00 Nap
11:30 Eat
12:30 Lunch
2:30 Nap
4:00 Eat
5/5:30 Dinner
6:45 Start bedtime routine and last liquid feeding

Jaclyn said…
7 month old

7:00 DWT/ nurse
8:45 nap
11:00 nurse
12:30 solids
1:00 nap
3:00 nurse
4:45 catnap (this nap is hit or miss)
7:00 nurse
7:15 bed (this is moved up to 6:45 if she skips her catnap)

Ariel said…
7 months

7:00 am :: DWT, nurse
9:00 am :: nap
11:00 am :: wake, nurse
1:00 pm :: nap
3:00 pm :: wake, nurse
5:00 pm :: catnap
5:30 pm :: wake, solids
7:15 pm :: nurse
7:45 pm :: bedtime

>>>Read: Babywise Sample Schedules: The Seventh Month

Babywise 8 Month Old Schedule

8 Month Old

Claire @ My Devising said…
8 month old boy:

8:15 Feed (nurse then fruit and cereal)
12:00 Feed (nurse then fruit and veggie)
3:00 Feed
Cat nap
6:00 Feed (nurse then fruit, veggie, and cereal)
8:45 Feed

9 month old schedule is the same as 8 month except we’ve added meats into the dinner time feeding.

Kristin said…
8 month old

6:30/7 am – wake up & eat (8oz)
7:30 – cereal with fruit
7:45 – independent playtime in pack-n-play or on the floor
8:30/9 am – nap
10/10:30 am – wake up – snack – finger foods and water/juice
11/11:30 am – lunch – veggie and fruit/yogurg
12 pm – nap
1:30 pm – wake-up
2 pm – bottle (8 oz)
2:30 pm – outdoor/indoor playtime
3:30 pm – catnap
4:30 pm – wake-up
5 pm – dinner (meat, veggie, fruit cereal)
6 pm – start bedtime routine with bath
6:30 pm – bottle (8 oz)
7:00 pm – bedtime

Katy said…
8 Months girl

7:30 – wake up, nurse, solids
9:20 – nap
11:20 – nurse, solids
1:30 – nap
3:30 – nurse
4:45 – solids
5:30 – finger foods at dinner
6:50 – nurse
7:30 – bed

Over 100 sample Babywise schedules for 0-12 month olds. Baby sleep schedules.

Elizabeth said…
8 month old boy

6:00 – wake/play in bed
6:30 – nurse
6:45 – play with Mom (floor time)
7:15 – breakfast (baby oatmeal and banana or applesauce)
8:30 – nap
10:30 – wake/nurse
10:45 – play (Jumperoo)
11:00 – lunch (5 oz. solids, usually 2 different veggies, and puffs)
11:15 – play (usually more floor time)
12:30 – nap
2:30 – wake/nurse
2:45 – play
4:30 – nap
6:00 – wake
6:30 – nurse
6:45 – dinner (5 oz. solids)
7:00 – start bedtime routine (change to pj’s, read books, etc.)
7:30 – bedtime (sleeps all night)

Lonica said…
8-11 Months

8:00 wake, nurse, breakfast
10:00 nap
12:00 wake, nurse, lunch
3:00 nap
5:00 wake, nurse
5:15 independent play time
6:00 dinner with family
8:00 nurse, bed

S. Davis said…
8 1/2 month old (girl)

7:00 wake and play in bed
7:30 solids (plain yogurt and fruit or cereal and fruit) and bottle (6 oz)
8:30-9:00 IP in playpen
9:00-10:00 floor time with mommy
10:00-12:00 nap
12:00 wake, solids (vegetables and fruit) and bottle (6 oz)
1:00-3:00 errands, playtime, and/or swimming
3:00-5:00 wake, solids (vegetables and fruit) and bottle (4 oz)
6:00-6:30 playtime
6:30 bath and playtime with daddy
7:15 bottle (8 oz)
7:30 story and bed

I moved the naps back a little because she just doesn’t seem tired after only 2 – 2 1/2 hours of wake time. But even now, she is playing in her crib for 30 minutes before falling asleep at the beginning of each nap. I am having to wake her to eat lunch and dinner, but I don’t think I should push her naps back anymore…I mean she is already going 4 1/2 to 5 hours between meals during the day. Do you have any suggestions for other adjustments I should make?

Thanks! And thanks for all the schedules; it really helps to see what other families are doing!

Rue said…
Eight months old

Dwt 7 
Nap 9:30-11:30
Nap 2-3:30
Bed by 7:15

Nurse after each wake up.
Solids 30-45 minutes before sleep

>>>Read: Babywise Sample Schedules: The Eighth Month

Babywise 9 Month Old Schedule

9 Month Old

melissa said…
9 month old BOY

6:00-6:45am: wake-up/stay in bed
6:45am: diaper change/dressed
7:00am: b/f
7:30am: breakfast (rice cereal and fruit or waffle/pancake…)
8:00am: playtime
9:00am: diaper change / nap
10:30am: wakeup / diaper change
10:45am: bottle of formula,8 oz
11:30am: Lunch (meat, veggie, starch)
12:15pm: diaper change / story
12:30/12:45pm: nap
2:30pm: wake-up
2:45pm: b/f & snack
3:15pm: outdoor walk or indoor playtime
4:30pm: (optional nap if fussy, and if mama remembers)
5:00pm: dinner & family time
6:15pm: bathtime & quiet time activity (I have a two-year old as well, which is why this time begins so early).
6:45pm: b/f & 3-4oz bottle of formula
7:15pm: To Bed

Ryan & Amber said…
9 month old little girl

7:30 – wake/nurse
8:00 – breakfast
8:20 – Mommy works out (baby in stroller or at gym daycare)
9:00 – IP time
9:20 – wind down routine
9:30/45 – nap (I’ve noticed the last 2 days she’ll take a better nap if up 2.25-2.50 hours instead of just 2 hours, so I’m tweaking her waketime)
11:30 – wake/nurse
12:00 – lunch
12:20 – jumparoo, physical skills or errands
1:30/2:00 – nap (same as above with nap length)
3:30/4:00 – wake/nurse
6:00 – nurse/dinner
6:30 – bathtime
7:00 – in bed

The end of the day’s a little crammed in there, but it works for us. When I start weaning her, I’ll just give her a snack at 3:30/4:00

Katy said…
9 Months girl

8:00 – wake up, nurse, solids
9:50 – nap
11:50 – wake, nurse, solids/finger foods
2:00 – nap
4:00/30 – wake, nurse
5:15 – solids, finger foods at dinner
7:30 – nurse
8:00 – bed

amykpt said…
9 month old boy

7am wake, 6 oz formula
730 breakfast
930-11 nap
1115 6 oz formula
1145 lunch
2-345/4 nap
345/4 6 oz formula
6 dinner
630 bath, bottle, bed by 715/730

D & H said…
Our schedule at 9-months (boy)

6:30am wake, nurse, solids, IP, bath
8:30am Nap
10:30am Nurse, solids, errands/outing or playtime
12:30pm Nap
3pm Wake, nurse, play
5:30pm Nurse, Solids & finger foods for dinner, family time
7:30 Bedtime routine (song, scripture story, prayer, nurse, pajamas & diaper change) then in bed by 8:00pm or earlier

Emily Anne Russ said…
9 month girl. Eliza.

6:30am wake/stay in crib
7am get up/nurse
7:30 breakfast
8:00 play/go for a walk
9:30 nap
11:00 get up/nurse
11:30 lunch
12:00 independent play in pack n’ play/or errands
1:00 read/play with mom
1:30/1:45 nap
3/3:30 get up/nurse
3:30 snack/errands/or free play
6:00 dinner with family
6:30 bath
7:00 nurse/bed

Alan Tierney said…
My little girl is 9 weeks old and her schedule which she has kind of fallen into herself is…

Change to day-clothes, change & feed: 0700 – play with after for a while
Nap: 0830 – 1130
Wake, change & feed: 1200 – play after
Nap: 1400 – 1600 ish
Wake, change & feed: 1700 – play after
Nap: 1830 – 2030
Bath: 2030
Change into PJ’s & feed: 2100 – read to after
Nap: 2330 – 0100
Try to ‘Dream Feed’ at 0100
Sleep till 0700

She has quite bad nightmares so her ‘nap time’ is disturbed sometimes with this.

katie martin said…
9 month old boy

6:45-wake/stays in crib
7-nurse/breakfast(banana and oatmeal
8-IP/get dressed
9-nap(2hours on a good day) Always on the go with the 3 year old/running errands in morning so not always at times only a 45 minute nap.
12-IP/some sort of floor activity
3-wake/nurse/snack (usually sits in bumbo while sister has art time.
4:30-sometimes has a cat nap depending on how the morning nap went. If not then just plays with sister on the floor.
5:30-6- nurse/Dinner
6:30- Bath

jennc said…
9 month boy

8 a.m. – Wake/nurse/play
9 a.m. – Solids/play
10 a.m. – Nap
12 p.m. – Wake/nurse/play
1 p.m. – Solids/play
2 p.m. – Nap
4 p.m. – Wake/nurse/play
5 p.m. – Solids/play
6 – 7:30 p.m. – Family time/play/bath
7:30 p.m. – Nurse & bed

Katie {My Paisley Apron} said…
9mo girl

7 wake, nurse/bottle, solids
9 nap
11 wake, nurse/bottle, solids
1:15 small bottle, nap
3:15 wake, bottle, solids
6:15 bath
6:30 nurse/bottle, stories
6:50-7 bed
5am short nursing, back to bed

valerieadele said…
9 month old boy

Currently, we are in the process of dropping the 3rd nap, as well as adding minutes to Independent playtime.

6:45-7:00 Wake/4 oz formula
7:30-8:00 Breakfast: cereal & fruit
8:00-8:15 Independent playtime in pack n play
8:15-8:45 Play on playmat with mom or dad
8:45-9:00 Read story
9:00-10:30 Nap
10:45-11:15 Lunch: green veggie, fruit & yogurt & 4 oz formula
11:15-12:45 Outdoor play (usually swimming right now being that it’s July)
12:45- 1:00 Read story
1:00-2:00 Nap
2:00-2:15 Snack & 6 oz bottle
2:15-2:30 Independent playtime
2:30-3:45 Baby hangs out with mom or dad (run errands, household work, prep for dinner, play)
3:45-4:00 Read story
4:00-4:15/4:30 Catnap (trying to drop this one, but until his second nap gets longer, he needs this one)
4:30-5:00 Dinner (cereal, yellow or orange veggie, fruit & 3 oz bottle)
5:30-6:00 Play in pack n play or on playmat while I fix dinner
6:00-6:30 Sits in highchair and has finger foods while family eats
6:30-7:30 Plays with mom & dad (stroller ride, Wednesday evenings-Bible study)
7:30-7:45 8 oz bottle, bedtime routine
8:00-8:15 Baby is asleep

Marissa said…
8-9 months old

6:00-6:30 – Wake and nurse
7:00 – Solids
8:30-9:00 – Morning nap
11:00ish – Wake and nurse
12:00 – Solids
1:30 – Afternoon nap
3:30 – Wake and nurse; solids for a snack immediately after
5:45 – Solids
7:15 – Nurse and down for the night

>>>Read: Babywise Sample Schedules: The Ninth Month

Babywise 10 Month Old Schedule

10 Month Old

Katy said…
10 Months girl

8:00 – wake up, nurse, solids
10:00 – nap
11:45 – wake, nurse, solids/finger foods
2:00 – nap
3:45 – wake, nurse
5:15 – solids, finger foods at dinner
7:15 – nurse
8:00 – bed

Lonnie and Aymee said…
10 month old boy who seems not to need as much sleep

6:30 – wake/play in bed
7:00 – nurse, then breakfast (oatmeal with prunes or peaches and flax meal)
9:00 – nap
10:30 – wake (he might sleep longer sometimes, but most times he naps for 1 1/2 hour)
11:20 – nurse, then lunch (meat and veggies)
12:10 – play pen, then some play time (blanket time, independant play, jumper, depends on what I am doing)
1:30 – nap
3:00 – wake
3:30 – nurse, snack (some veggies)
4:30 – play pen, then blanket time, go out on a walk, independant play, bath time (this is his longest time of the day, so we do a lot of different activities). He doesn’t take a cat nap anymore
7:00 – dinner (baby oatmeal and fruit)
7:10 – PJ’s, read a book, pray
7:30 – nurse and bedtime

Catherine Robbins said…
10 month girl (same schedule from 8mo, except at around 9mo she dropped formula at lunch)

630/645am – wake & 8oz bottle (if wakes early then it’s around 6am but she stays in her crib and rolls around, talks, etc)
-Breakfast – Fruit + oatmeal (sometimes banana pancakes or scrambled egg yolk)
-Playtime and Walk
-830-10/1030am – Nap #1
-Lunch – sippy with water + finger food veggies, bread, fruit + spoon meat or beans and green veggies
-1230-230/3 – Nap #2
-Snack – sippy with water, + yogurt or cottage cheese + fruit, bread or cheese cubes or cheese sandwich pieces
-Playtime and Walk
-5pm – Dinner – sippy with water + finger food veggies, fruit + spoon meat and orange/red/yellow veggies
-Family time/outside swing
-Bath & PJs or just PJs
-6pm – 8oz bottle
-Book & Prayers
-630/645 – Bedtime

Yooli said…
10 month old boy

On a 4.5 hour schedule (same schedule since 8.5 months). Has been reducing his bottle ounces recently – went from 24oz at 6 months to about 12-16oz per day since 9.5 months.

We offer a sippy of milk or water all day if he’s thirsty and might get another ounce or two that way. Not a big eater overall. Has access to a snack trap in his playroom – seems to be happier about eating on the go which I don’t like but am allowing the playroom Cheerios while he is learning how to feed himself.

Wake, 4-6oz bottle, and solids at 730am
Nap #1 from 10-12pm
Wake, 4-6oz bottle, and solids at noon.
Nap #2 from 230-430pm
Wake, 4-6oz bottle, and solids at 430pm. (If he eats well at this meal it’s dinner and he sits with us at gets a snack at 6pm-ish when we eat dinner. If not, 430pm meal becomes the snack and we try to feed him again at our dinner time).
Sit with us at dinner at 6pm and has puffs or other finger foods.
Bath and PJs at 630pm
7pm light play and wind down for bed
715pm bedtime bottle (3oz)

>>>Read: Babywise Sample Schedules: The Tenth Month

Babywise 11 Month Old Schedule

11 Month Old

Katy said…
11 Months girl

8:00 – wake up, nurse, solids (read, independent play time, dress, music time)
10:00 – nap
11:45-12:00 – wake, nurse, solids/finger foods (play yard during lunch prep, free play or errands)
2:00 – nap
3:45-4:00 – wake, nurse (exersaucer, walk/outside time, play yard during dinner prep)
5:20 – solids, finger foods at dinner (free play, walk/outside time, bath)
7:15 – nurse (pajamas, brush teeth, story time)
7:45 – bed

Caroline said…
11 month old girl (been pretty similar since 8 months)

8am – get up, have breakfast (porridge + a banana)
9am – 20-30mins of independent play in cot while mum gets dressed!
10am – milk (3/4oz)
10.30/11am – Nap (1.5-2hours)
12.30pm – Lunch (whatever I cooked for dinner the night before, plus a yoghurt and some fruit)
3pm – snack
3.30/4pm – Nap (45mins-1hour. Recently she’s sometimes not gone down for this though)
5.30pm – Dinner (finger-food eg cheese on toast, fruit)
6.45pm – Bath
7.15pm – Milk (6oz)
7.30pm – Bedtime
Thanks, Caroline

Katie {My Paisley Apron} said…
11mo girl

6:45 wake, dress, breakfast
8:45 bottle, nap
10:45 wake, lunch, play
1:20 bottle, nap
3-3:30 wake, play, dinner
6:15 bath
6:30 bottle, stories
6:45 bed
sometimes at 5am small bottle, back to bed

Katelyn said…
11 Months 

7DWT breastmilk in bottle 
8:30 Bfast
10-11 nap
11:00 breastmilk in bottle 
12:30/1 lunch 
4:00 snack (we recently replaced this feeding with snack)
6:00 dinner 
7:00 breastmilk in bottle 
7:30/7:40 bed

Madison said…
11.5 month boy

8 am DWT, 8 oz bottle + breakfast
10:30-11:30 nap
12 pm 8 oz bottle + lunch
2-4 nap
4 pm 4 oz bottle + snack
7:30 pm 8 oz bottle, bedtime routine
8 bed

April said…
11 months

Dwt 7am, BF, solids
Nap 10-11, BF, solids
Nap 2-3:30, BF
Dinner 5:15ish, BF 6/6:30ish
Bed 7pm

>>>Read: Babywise Sample Schedules: The Eleventh Month

Babywise 12 Month Old Schedule

12 Month Old

Katy said…
12 Months

8:00 – wake up, nurse, breakfast (read, independent play time, dress, music time or free play)
10:00 – nap
11:45-12:00 – wake, nurse, lunch (play yard during lunch prep, free play or errands)
2:00 – nap
3:45-4:00 – wake, nurse, snack (walk/outside time, play yard during dinner prep)
5:20 – solids, finger foods at dinner (free play, walk/outside time, bath)
7:15 – nurse (pajamas, brush teeth, story time)
7:45 – bed

Over 100 sample Babywise schedules for 0-12 month olds. Baby sleep schedules.

ashley said…
12 month old boy

7:30 – wake, get dressed
7:45 – breakfast (cereal/waffle w/ fruit & milk)
8:15 – run with mommy outside
9:30 – Nap #1
11 – wake, learning activity w/ mommy
11:30 – IP in playpen
11:45 – lunch (dairy, fruit/veggie & milk)
12:15 – outside “baby centric” activity (playground, play date, baby class, etc.)
2 – Nap #2
4 – wake, milk and snack in stroller, errands
5 – structured play (motor skills/music)
5:30 – IP in playpen
6 – DVD time, or jumper in kitchen if I’m still cooking
6:30 – dinner (protein, carb & veggie)
7 – bath w/ daddy, milk, bible story & prayers
7:30 – bed

>>>Read: Babywise Sample Schedules: The Twelfth Month

The Babyiwse Mom Nap Guide. How to Get your child taking great naps, from baby through preschooler

If you need help getting your baby sleeping better, get my eBook The Babywise Mom Nap Guide. This comprehensive guide will help you get your baby to take great naps. 


The Chronicles of a Babywise Mom Facebook Group is another great resource for schedule ideas!

Comment on this post to add your individual children’s sample schedules. Please include the age for the sample schedule. As you comment, I will organize the sample schedules into the main body of this post. Add them for any age; you don’t have to do all of them.

Related Blog Posts

Sign up for my emails to get weekly parenting helps and ideas to help you be the best parent you can be! When you sign up, you also get a free “Sleep Totals” sheet to help you know how much your child should be sleeping, from newborn to teen!

Babywise Schedules for the First Year

This is a compilation of sample schedules for baby's entire first year!

On Becoming Baby Wise: Givi...Shop on Amazon

This post originally appeared on this blog July 2010

62 thoughts on “Sample Babywise Schedules: 0-12 Months”

  1. Amy (10 week old boy)- thanks for posting your schedule! My son is practically on the same schedule, and seeing yours laid out has helped me alter mine some! I do have a question for you.In the afternoon, if your son wakes at 4, do you still keep him up till his 7 o'clock catnap? Or do you put him down earlier for that catnap?? That seems to be our current problem. If he has a catnap at, let's say 6..he's fussy and tired before his 8:45 bedtime. But he can't stay up 3 hours either! I haven't figured out a way to remedy this yet. Any ideas?Thanks!Monica

  2. Hey Monica! About your question…it just depends on the day and how his naps have been. If he has had a couple really long naps (2-3 hours) during the day then he usually does fine with just that catnap, but if hes been having 1 to 1/2 hour naps all day then we will put him in his crib after his 5:30 feeding and see if he'll nap awhile. Most times he does. I've been wondering if we should put him down a little earlier like 8:00 so we've been slowly trying to ease into that. Last week we started to give him his last bottle at 8:45, this week we'll give him his last bottle at 8:30, etc. I just want to make sure he's still sleeping til his desired wake time of 8 am. So far he has been. Maybe your little guy is ready for an earlier bedtime too. Gibson's fussy time is around 8 and we feel like maybe he's ready for bed by then. Try putting him down in the early evening and see if he'll sleep for a real nap not just a catnap, and start easing into an earlier bedtime and see if that helps… 🙂 Let us know how it goes.

  3. I'm curious if anyone is getting their kid up earlier than 7 or later. Unfortunately I work at 7am so I have to feed my 7 month old at 6am (BF and solids). I'm having trouble getting him on a routine that coincides with my 3 1/2 year old and the family meals. He is ready for a nap by 730am, sleeps until 930am. Eats again at 10 (bf only) then wants to nap again at 1130. I have him up at 1230 to eat lunch (BF or bottle and solids) at 1-130. Then both boys are napping at 230. My 3 year old is exhausted by then, but I want them down at the same time for the sitter and my sanity! Then I race home after work at 530 to feed him (bf and solids) while trying to get dinner ready for the rest of the family. His bedtime is 730 with a feeding (BF). He sleeps well through the night, but I just can't keep him on schedule – I feel like we are chasing the clock because of having to be up so early in the AM. Any suggestions are welcome.Thanks!Dani

  4. Danielle, if it were me, I would not worry about the baby's mealtimes coinciding with family mealtimes yet. We start the day at 6am and I think my baby's meals won't coincide with ours until he's closer to a year old and has longer waketimes. It just won't work out with his waketimes and length of naps. I think Babywise or Babywise II says that it is a goal to get mealtimes to align by the end of the first year, but if he's 7 months you still have plenty of time to get there.

  5. Thank you everyone for adding your schedules! I have added them to the main body of the post and will be deleting your comments that have your sample schedules in them.Readers are still welcome to add sample schedules!

  6. Danielle, I agree with D&H. I wouldn't worry about meals coinciding right now. You have an extenuation circumstance. I actually don't really have them coincide until the baby is about 1. No need to rush it.

  7. *****Help me ************Hi I have a real big problem. My 10 mo old DD isn't nursing anymore, she pushes me away or bites. I try and use a sippy cup/ staw/ medicine spoon/ and a bottle and she bites those too and doesn't drink much, throws them or pushes them away. Only drinks maybe 2 oz. I called my pedi. and he said just to keep trying if she's not wanting to nurse and my milk supply goes down to start trying formula. I'm so emotional about this because we're so close to the 12 month mark. And it took me so long to Bfeed her without any problems. She wont take ANY milk, formula, my milk and the dr told me NO cows milk. what do I do? Help me PLEASE! Plus she's been very fussy, she might be teething becuase her second nap has been a hit or miss with crying and if she does go down it varies 45 min- 2 hrs. Should I try and pump every 4 hrs? I only get maybe 2 oz at most when I do pump at night so I dont go more than 10 hrs without pumping/feeding. What do I do if she won't drink any milk?

  8. Tom, if she won't nurse and you want to try to shoot for 12 months, I would pump at least every four hours. Maybe three unless you have a strong electric pump.So far as her nutrients, she won't let herself starve. I know it is distressing, but if she is healthy, then she will nurse when she needs it or she will take other liquid offered. But I would also consider possibilities like an ear infection or something else that might be affecting appetite and causing poor naps. Teeth can also do that.

  9. Thank you so much for your blog! I've just discovered it and love it!My baby boy is 3 months old now, and I've read in babywise he can start going to four hours for feedings. It looks like most people that posted schedules for around his age are still on a 3 hour schedule. Should I go back down to 3?He wakes at 9- eats Sleeps at 1130 or soWakes at 1 (He's still transitioning to 3 naps a day so he usually wakes up at 12 or so and I'll give him his binkie after 10min to go back to sleep)Goes to sleep at 230Eats at 4Naps at 6Eats at 8 then bed time routine and he's a sleep by 930.Also, what are your thoughts on the binkie?Thanks!!

  10. Aly, if four hours is working for him, then that is no problem. You can stick with it. The binkie–I have no personal experience, but if you click on the "pacifier" blog label, then you will see a link to a great post with good guidelines for using it wisely.

  11. So glad to have found your blog! I've read it soo many times in the middle of the night while feeding/rocking my LO. Thank you!I have a couple questions about scheduling. My LO is 7 weeks old and I have had him on a 3-hour schedule since he was about 3 weeks old. We do CIO during the day (after I sing and rock to him – usually he's awake/drowsy when I put him in bed), and he has been doing okay with that, although lately he has been digressing a bit. He'll be calm for about 10 minutes, then start wailing. Is this normal after he's been doing CIO since week three?He is not a good napper — the most I can usually get is 1.5 hours, if that. I've read all your posts about waking early from naps, and I can't think of anything that could be causing this except that he's just not tired. However, if I pick him up and hold him for a while, he will eventually fall back asleep… which is frustrating and makes me think he IS tired! Should I let him CIO for longer than 10-15 minutes when he wakes early? He will occasionally fall back asleep after he's cried for a while, but it's rare and his sleep doesn't last long. Could it be that he's just like your son and hates to sleep?Also, we are having absolutely no success with sleeping through the night. He usually goes to bed around 9, dreamfeeds anywhere from 10:30-11, and will inevitably be up by 2 or 3. And a lot of times he's wide awake at that point. I realize a lot of BW babies don't sleep through the night till they are 12 weeks, but we can't even get him to go for a longer stretch. And he is consistently waking up at 5:30 and 6:30, even though our day doesn't start till 7-7:30. I try to put him back to bed, but don't always have success with that. He does have a TON of tummy issues, but there's not a whole lot you can do about those! Should I expect him to sleep longer than 4 hours at this point? I am feeling frustrated and worn out, even though I think I'm being pretty consistent with his scheduling.Sorry for the long post. Hope I'm not being redundant. I appreciate your help!!

  12. One other thing… when he wakes up at 5:30 and 6:30, he is usually crying and sounds very upset, even he's full. I usually have to rock him back to sleep or give him his paci. Just not sure why this would be…Also, I did notice your comment about weight. He was 6.8 at birth and is probably about 10 pounds right now. Does that mean I should probably expect less from him?

  13. Becca Anne,For the crying, he might need a longer waketime.Nap length, always watch for growth spurts. He might just be getting used to the whole sleeping thing.For the night, I would move his bedtime up to 7/7:30.For the tummy, I recommend gripe water (baby's bliss)and gas drops if gas is an issue.Smaller babies do take longer to STTN. I guess in a way it is a bonus for the mom who had to carry and deliver the big baby 🙂

  14. I'm excited we found this website but there is A LOT of info to sort through! That said, we are desperate to find sample schedules so we can create one that works for us but we can't find one for a newborn. All the newborn ones seem to be with multiple kids (this is our first) or they are for 3 months and up. Any help out there???

  15. 10 – 13 week old boy7:30am – 8am – Feedwake time usually consists of baby in bouncy chair watching mom have her coffee.9:30am – Nap11am – Feedwake time consists of some sort of exercise for mom, either stroller ride or front carrier hike.12:30pm – Nap2pm – Feedwake time: bath then errands.3:30pm – Nap5pm – FeedWake time: bouncy chair or playpen time. Mom makes dinner.7pm – Nap or awake usually put in swing because tends to be fussy at this time.7:45-8:15pm – Last Feed Have not done dreamfeeds as we are usually in bed early and up early so found dreamfeeds would actually make me lose some of my sleep.3-4am – Feed (when baby wakes up) straight back to bed. Still trying to drop this feed.

  16. Angie. My baby has the similar schedule than yours,same fussy time,and same edge, and i am still trying to drop the 2-3am feed, so if you did something different and worked, please let me know!i also don't have a dreamfeed

  17. Hi Susana, My boy seems to be transitioning to longer time b/t feedings. He is now 13w+2 days old. Last night he went 8.5 hours b/t feedings (8:30pm – 5:00am) He has always gone right back to sleep, so this morning started with a 8:30am feed and he stayed up in his bouncy chair until 10:30am, i put him down for a nap and its now noon so i'm going to see if maybe going to a 3.5hr schedule works. Night time sleep is anywhere from 7 – 8.5 hours, we're getting there….

  18. Angie:That is awesome! congratulations for doing all the work and now is paying off!my baby boy is going to be 12 weeks this next Monday!, and it doesn't look like he is ready to transition between feedings yet… but last night i added a dreamfeed, ate a full meal! and woke up at 3am, which is one hour later than usual!! and then woke up again at 6am his waking time, so yeah! a little bit of a change by himself!! so i guess i just gotta wait , be patient and see if he can STTN pretty soon like your baby boy!!thank you!!

  19. 8 1/2 month old (girl):7:00 wake and play in bed7:30 solids (plain yogurt and fruit or cereal and fruit) and bottle (6 oz)8:30-9:00 IP in playpen9:00-10:00 floor time with mommy10:00-12:00 nap12:00 wake, solids (vegetables and fruit) and bottle (6 oz)1:00-3:00 errands, playtime, and/or swimming3:00-5:00 wake, solids (vegetables and fruit) and bottle (4 oz)6:00-6:30 playtime6:30 bath and playtime with daddy7:15 bottle (8 oz)7:30 story and bedVal, I moved the naps back a little because she just doesn't seem tired after only 2 – 2 1/2 hours of wake time. But even now, she is playing in her crib for 30 minutes before falling asleep at the beginning of each nap. I am having to wake her to eat lunch and dinner, but I don't think I should push her naps back anymore…I mean she is already going 4 1/2 to 5 hours between meals during the day. Do you have any suggestions for other adjustments I should make? Thanks! And thanks for all the schedules; it really helps to see what other families are doing!

  20. Just wondering about your thoughts…my 3 week old is currently on a 3 hour schedule. I feed him approximately at 9,12,3,6,9 and then wake him at 11:30. Then he gets up like clockwork around 2:45 or 3am and then sometime between 6 and 6:30am. I can't get him to go any longer than those 3 hours between feeds in the middle of the night. I notice though that he is super sleepy and doesn't eat well, either at the 11:30 feed or the 3am feed. Would it be better to just stop waking him at 11:30 and let him go after the 9pm feed? And also, it normal for him to not sleep any longer than 2.5 hours in the middle of the night. I know he is super young still, but b/c he wakes at the same time every night I am concerned about him making a rut for himself. And I doubt how hungry he really is b/c he doesn't eat super well either.

  21. Hi, I'm a mom of 8.5 month old B/G twins. They are awesome.Our schedule looks like this:5:30-6:00 a.m. wake, bottle (4oz)6:00 a.m. get dressed, play time in room7:00 a.m. breakfast 8:00 a.m. nap9:00 a.m. wake, change diapers, play time in room10:00 a.m. bottle(4oz)/lunch10:30 a.m. independent play time/blanket time11:00 a.m. jumpy seats, or walkers11:30 a.m. nap12:30-1:00 p.m. wake1:00 p.m. bottle (4 0z)2:00 p.m. free time, mommy time, walk (we change it up all the time what we do. usually we'll run errands at this time if we need to go out)4:00 p.m. cat nap, some days, they get pretty cranky if we don't take a nap, but they usually just talk in their cribs if i do put them down.(at least they rest a little, right?)5:00 p.m. Daddy home, dinner together5:30 p.m. Daddy gives baths, I clean dinner dishes, and get bed time bottles ready.5:45-6:00 p.m. Family play time in kids room while getting p.j's on6:00-6:30ish Bedtime9:00 p.m. Dream FeedThey will sleep all night, usually between 11 and 12 hours.Our schedule works for us. I just wonder if their naps should be longer? I'm lucky if I can get an hour of sleep during a nap from them. My girl sleeps better than my boy. They usually wake at 45 minutes and then fuss/cry/talk for the next 30-45 mintues. Should I just get them up at 45 mintues? It's not that I haven't tried for those 90 minute naps. We try ALL the time. They just rarely take them.And, I wonder if i still need a dream feed? i feel like maybe i do since they go to bed so early? But, i've tried to drop it and they are usually awake crying around midnight, and don't stop until fed, or they get up at 4:30 a.m. (not cool). so, for this reason, I keep the dream feed, which really isn't a big deal being so early.I guess my question is : Do I still make them take 90 minute naps? Or if the little guy wakes up after a 40 minute nap, and starts to cry and continues to fuss, do I just get him up. They are both always happy when I get them up.It's so hard to know what to do, isn't it? I wish I could just relax about it sometimes, but I'm always worried I should be doing something different!H.

  22. Hannah,Ideally they would have a longer nap. They might need to be up for only two hours before starting their nap.Their bedtime is not early compared to what time they wake up. So they could drop the dreamfeed if ready. Since they wake when you don't do it, however, I would say they need it.What you do when they wake early is up to you. If my child were crying, I think I would get them up. See my post on "waking early from naps/won't fall asleep for naps" for more ideas. Good luck!

  23. Hi I am a Mummy to a four years old toddler and 8 weeks old baby boy. I am trying to aim for a 8pm bedtime for my baby boy. I am wondering:(1) if his last nap ends at about 430pm / 5pm (I usually give him a feed at that time and he will wake up for it too), should he still take a catnap before the bedtime? (2) There have been cases where we put him down at 7pm or 7pm plus, he will wake up after a while – how do i prevent him from treating the bedtime as a catnap? It takes us hours to put him to sleep again.Thanks!

  24. Hello! I'm the momma of two 10 month old twin boys…who are in the 95th percentile for weight (at 24.3&24.7 pounds). I'm wondering when/how/if I need to drop a solid feeding around 1 year old. So far, our schedule is like this (I say like because my husband has his own agenda…ugh). 8:00 am. Wake, 6oz formula, cereal with fruit 8:30am. Nap 10:30 am. Wake, play 12:00pm. 6oz formula, veggies & meats 2:00pm. Nap 4:00pm. Wake, 6oz formula, veggies & meats 7:30pm. Bath time 8:00pm. 6oz formula, cereal & fruit (they eat a lot here!!) 8:30pm. Bed. I haven't really introduced snacking, I'm not quite sure how. And I'm afraid to cut that last feeding because they do eat a lot. I've read the sample schedules, and it seems as though I should give formula at 4, a snack at 530, and then dinner around 7? Does that make sense? Please help!

  25. I have 6.5 month twin girls.. they're schedule is this On a normal day lol..7-8 wake with cereal and 6 oz bottlePlaytime till nap at 111pm- lunch 1/2 jar each veg and fruit with 6 oz bottle Playtime then nap at 3 5pm- 6 oz bottle PlaytimeThen dinner at 8pm 1/2 jar each meats/veg and fruit 9pm- 7 oz bottle and bedtime.Does this sound right? Just wondering..

  26. Greektwins11,You want solids three times a day. I would probably do solids at 8, solids at 12Then formula and solids at 4. Then if needed, a snack when you and your husband eat dinner. Then just formula at 8.And of course formula at 8 and noon.

  27. Thanks! I needed this today. I came on your website just to check out schedules since my 10 month old boy seems to be fighting his afternoon nap every day. This helped a lot.

  28. I notice a lot of people post that for the evenings they feed their baby ad then next is bedtime. Here is my question – are these babies falling asleep while eating, or are you feeding them and then putting them down?

  29. My little girl is 9 weeks old and her schedule which she has kind of fallen into herself is…Change to day clothes, change & feed: 0700 – play with after for a whileNap: 0830 – 1130Wake, change & feed: 1200 – play afterNap: 1400 – 1600 ishWake, change & feed: 1700 – play afterNap: 1830 – 2030Bath: 2030Change into PJ's & feed: 2100 – read to afterNap: 2330 – 0100Try to 'Dream Feed' at 0100Sleep till 0700She has quite bad nightmares so her 'nap time' is disturbed sometimes with this.

  30. hey i have a question that has been bothering me for a while. i am not sure how often u respond, but any feedback would be nice. i have a 10 month old boy whos bedtime is 715pm, but his wake times have been inconsistent for months. on average anytime between 6 and 730am. it kinda drives me crazy, because at least once a week he will wake up in the middle of the night. although this has become the norm, he did not used to be this way. he used to sleep 12hrs straight no problem without waking once. he also wakes crying and wanting to eat right away. again any help would be most appreciated;)

  31. The first trick is to figure out why he is waking. I have a post called "5-8 month sleep disruptions" that can give you a list of common reasons for this in this age range. I also have a post called "nighttime sleep issues revised and updated" that can give you some guidance.Think back to what has changed since he started and stopped STTN. If he is waking hungry, then it is likely a growth spurt and you either need to just wait until the growth spurt is over and he will sleep through on his own again or try to feed him more in the day (either more at meals or more often). If you are breastfeeding, be sure your milk supply is good. Good luck!

  32. My Kate is 8 months 3 weeks today… Her schedule is:7:00am – Wake, 5 oz formula, Fruit for Breakfast9:00am – Down for Nap 10:30am – Minimum wake time (stays in crib if awake before this)11:00am – 5 oz formula, Veggie/Fruit for Lunch1:30pm – Down for Nap3:00pm – Minimum wake time (stays in crib if awake before this)3:30pm – 5 oz formula5:30pm – Veggie/Fruit for Dinner6:30pm – 5 oz formula6:45pm – Bedtime routine7:00pm – Down for bed

  33. Schedule for our almost 11-month-old who has been on a structured routine since day one. I think we are beginning the slide toward one nap, but are not there yet. She has always been bottle fed.7:00 = Up for the day, sip on a bit of water, change diaper. Play for a bit if breakfast isn't ready yet.7:15ish = Breakfast! Followed by play time. There is usually a morning snack around 9:00, something small, like some fruit.9:45 = Bottle. Then finish playing and get prepped for a nap (clean diaper, sleep sack, white noise, books.)10:15-noon = Sleep and a diaper change upon waking.12:15ish = Lunch! Then lots of playtime.2:ooish = Afternoon snack! Depending how much she ate at lunch, this might be small (some fruit and cheese) or big (veggies, pasta, etc.) More playing.3:00 = Bottle. Then finish playing and get ready for a nap.3:30-4:30ish = Nap. I say "ish" because she has been playing in her crib for 15-20 minutes at the start of this nap, and once she falls asleep, I try to let her sleep for an hour.Diaper change upon waking.5:00 = Small snack6:30 or 7:00 = Dinner7:30 = Bath, bottle, pajamas, books, bed. She goes into the crib at about 7:50 and is asleep by 8:00. Again, she plays around in the crib a bit before sleeping.

  34. 7.5 month old boy7:00 am- nurse, solids (cereal and fruit), independent play8:15-8:30 am- nap11:00 am- nurse, solids (fruit and veggie and/or finger foods)12:30-1:00 pm- nap3:00 pm- nurse, sometimes finger foods4:30 pm- nap6:00 pm- nurse, solids (fruit and veggie)7:00-7:30 pm- quick nurse, bedtime

  35. 6 month old girl…6:00 am feed and back down to sleep (working on extending her nights!) 8:00 am nurse and solids. Usually about 2 T cereal and 3-4 T fruit9:05 am Nap11:00 am nurse with solids. Usually 2 T cereal and 4 T vegetable. 12:30 pm nap2:45 pm nurse4:15 pm nap5:30 pm wake6:30 solids. Usually 2T cereal and 4 T vegetable7:00 nurse and to bed for the nightOur schedule is a little weird at the end of the day because she's not ready to eat when she wakes up from her last nap, so we wait and do solids first and nap at bedtime. I'm hoping we will drop that 6 am feeding soon! I Al's think she's ready to be on a four hour eating schedule, but we need to get her naps and wake time to comply!

  36. 9.5 month old girl It's funny to me that I'm posting this because we've just fallen into this schedule in the last few days. We've been fighting short naps for about 6 MONTHS (since she was 3 months old) until last week. With the help of a little lavender oil on the bottom of her feet, she's beginning to take great naps! I'm actually having to wake her sometimes — totally unheard of around here!7:00 – Wake / nurse7:15 – Breakfast (oatmeal, fruit, yogurt)7:45-8:45 – Playtime (both structured and free time)8:45 – Light snack (usually a few puffs) and water in sippy cup9:00 – Reading on couch9:15 – Nap11 -11:15 – Wake / nurse11:30 – Lunch and finger foods11:45 – Out of house activity (park, run errands, visit friends, etc.)1:15 – Light snack and water1:45 – Reading on couch2:00 – Nap3:30 – Wake / nurse4:00 – 5:30 – Structured playtime, free playtime, walk, or out of house5:30 – Dinner and finger foods (I do this here because she's usually just not hungry for solids at 3:30)7:15 – Bath7:30 – Sing with daddy, then nurse7:45/8:00 – Bed

  37. Our baby boy will be 14 weeks old tomorrow. Delivered nine days past due date. He's been pretty good to us!Our routine on a perfect day…can often fluctuate 15-30mins depending on what we are doing for the day.6:30-7:00 wake/diaper change/eat then play9:00-10:00 nap10:00 wake/eat/etc12:00-1:00 nap1:00 wake/eat/etc3:00 nap4:00 wake/eat/etc5:30ish nap6:30 wake/eat/family time/bath every other day8:30 eat and STTN (except recently, waking briefly 4-5am – he's been breaking out of his swaddle)I've been tweaking our evening routine over the past couple of weeks and this is what I think is working best for us. We cut out the fifth nap that BW recommends, still kinda trying to figure it out though, not sure if its possible causing the nighttime waking.

  38. 7mo 3 week girl8a- wake, bottle (8oz), diaper, play9:30- nap11a- up, diaper, play12p- bottle, solids (not much, doesn't like solids much so far)1p- nap3p- up, diaper, play4p- bottle5p- nap6p- up, diaper, bottle, solids with family at dinner7:30p- start bedtime routine, PJ's, bottle, story, bed by 8p.Question- sometimes it's hard to get a 2 hour nap from her. My mother is convinced she should have longer wake times and only two 1hr to 1.5hr naps. She thinks a baby that age should be able to be up 3-4 hours between naps. I was considering going to 2 naps, but scared how she might handle that if she doesn't lengthen her naps. It seems her first cycle and last cycle of the day she can get really cranky if she has to go more than 2 hours awake. Is my schedule too "young" for her?

  39. Thank you so much for your blog!My girl is on a 3hrs10-schedule. She can stay awake for about 1h40mins and usually sleeps for 1.5h. In the morning she could go longer in between the first and second feed, I guess because the milk is more filling in the morning. I tried 3.30 and 3.45h, no problem. If I wait until she says she's hungry, she even goes up to 4 hours and more. The rest of the day I think 3.15 is best for her.But because she can't really stay awake longer than 1h40mins and I don't think she would sleep more than 1.5h, I have to feed her at 3hrs10mins, if I want to keep the eat-wake-sleep order, although she's not really hungry then and risk that she doesn't eat properly…What would you recommend?

    • Hard to say exactly without her age. I would say let her go 4 hours in the morning and then just go as long as she can the rest of the day. She will naturally get longer as she can sleep longer.

  40. 11 week boyWe just increased his wake time and it has really helped the 45 minute intruder. That being said, it's not quite solidified yet.7:00 wake and eat8:15 nap9:45 wake and eat11:15 nap12:45 wake and eat2:15 nap4:00 wake and eat6:00 bedtime1-2 MOTN feedsThe last wake time is a bit too long, so I let him sleep longer to help shift things at the end of the day. A nap after 4 results in lots of wakings early evening.

  41. 11 week boyWe just increased his wake time and it has really helped the 45 minute intruder. That being said, it's not quite solidified yet.7:00 wake and eat8:15 nap9:45 wake and eat11:15 nap12:45 wake and eat2:15 nap4:00 wake and eat6:00 bedtime1-2 MOTN feedsThe last wake time is a bit too long, so I let him sleep longer to help shift things at the end of the day. A nap after 4 results in lots of wakings early evening.

  42. 8 month old boy (who's in transition from nursing to formula & solids)8am – wake, diaper, nurse for 5-ish minutes8:30am – breakfast in high chair (4 oz bottle + solids)9:00-9:45ish – play time (independent play then reading books & getting ready for nap)10am-11:30am – morning nap11:30-12pm – wake up from nap, diaper, get dressed for day, etc **if we go out to run errands this is the time we leave, and and we will stop to eat lunch while out12pm – lunch (8oz bottle + solids)12:30pm-1:30pm – play time1:30pm-3:30pm – afternoon nap3:30-4pm – play time4pm – eat (8oz bottle + snack such as cheerios)4:30pm-6:30pm – play time (if he woke up early from afternoon nap, then sometimes he still takes a short cat nap during this timeframe6:30pm – dinner with family (solids in high chair)7:00pm – outdoor play time (baby swing, take a walk, etc)8:00pm – start of an 8oz bottle8:30pm – bath time, read books, finish rest of bottle9:00pm – bedtime. sometimes he'll sleep all night, sometimes he'll wake up once to nurse

  43. Jolene says;For our 11-month old boy:7:00am- wake, bottle (6oz.)8:00am- breakfast (4oz. fruit/yogurt or scrambled eggs)9:00am- Nap time11:00am- wake, bottle (6oz.), independent play11:45am- Lunch (3 oz. veggies w/ 2 oz. fruit) Then play time, quick errands…1:30pm- Nap time3:00-4:00- wake, bottle (6oz.) Then play, long walk, errands, park, etc. 5:45pm- Supper (5-6oz. protein and veggies)6:30pm- dressed for bed, bottle (6oz.), bedtime routine7:00pm- bed timeP.S. – if he wakes before the given wake time, I leave him be in his crib until then. If he's still sleeping, I wake him up within 15 min. after the given time. (And "naptime" includes him trying to put himself to sleep… Usually never actually sleeps for the 2 hrs. Average is 1 1/2 hr.)

  44. 3.5 Month Old(Breast milk only, goes to daycare on weekdays)7:00am – Wake, eat (BF)8:45am – Nap10:15am – Eat (bottle, 5oz)11:45am – Nap1:30pm – Eat (bottle, 5oz)3:00pm – Nap4:30pm – Eat(bottle, 5.5oz)6:00pm – Nap7:15pm – Bath, lotion, story7:30pm – Eat (BF)8:00pm – Bedtime11:30pm – Night feeding (BF)My boy is a short napper, so he doesn't always make it until the next eating time. I try not to stress too much over it because daycare does a great job of making sure he has waketime after he eats, letting him fall asleep on his own, and keeping to the schedule. The night feeding is sort of a dreamfeed in the sense that he doesn't really wake up and goes immediately back to sleep, but he eats a full meal, so I still consider it part of his caloric needs. I am still doing it for three reasons: 1) to maintain my supply, 2) because he's on a six-feed schedule and his daytime schedule works very well right now, and 3) honestly, it's a quiet bonding time and I'm not ready to give it up! I will probably move from 6 to 5 feeds/day in a month or so, by dropping the night feed, prior to the introduction of solid foods.

  45. Hi, my little one is 4 months old and I chanced upon baby wise late. We are starting to put him on a schedule but I find that it's almost impossible to keep to it without varying it too much from the 30 mins window as his nap and bedtime is very closely linked to his wake time. For eg. His ideal schedule would be wake 7.30am feed play and down for nap at 9pm as his first nap usually takes place 1.5 hrs after he wakes. However, sometimes he doesn't go down till 9.30am and that throws the following schedule off. At the same time, baby wise says to keep feeding to 3 hrly till he sleeps through the night which hasn't happened but I find that with his 2 hr wake time before nap and 2 hr nap time, it's usually 4 hrs before he gets his next feed. I wonder if that could be a reason why he can't sttn. Would love some advice. Do I keep to a fix time for each activity and nap per day or do I let his wake time after naps dictate the schedule? Currently his wake time of 2 hr after each nap is the deciding factor for the next nap but it doesn't seem to be working so great especially if we are out, he gets thrown and he wouldn't sleep almost the whole night when his bedtime crosses 9pm. Thanks.

    • I would work on being more consistent. It is okay to have a day every so often that is off, but you will want to have more consistency day to day to get sleep regulated. If he is doing fine in the day with a four hour schedule, though, I would personally keep that going.

  46. Hi I have a 4 mos old girl. Her scheduled is mostly based on 3 hour feeding and her optimal wake times.7am – 4 oz bottle (she can only finish this much. Wake time give or take 15 mins if it changes)8:40am – nap10:30 am – bottle (i used to do 3 hours but noticed she never finishes her milk)11:40am – nap1:30pm – bottle (sometimes she doesn't finish this one either)3:00pm – nap4:30pm – bottle6:10pm – nap7:10pm – wake her7:30pm – bath7:45pm – bottle8:00pm – sleep11-12 – dream feed3am/4am – she wakes up and we feed her.We can't seem to get rid of the 3/4am feeding. I don't think she drinks enough which is why we still feed her at this time though. She just isn't able to finish more than 4oz. I almost always have to wake her up after each nap for feeding. And if I'm late it throws off her last nap and the rest of our evening. We really want her down by 8 so that we could have some time of our own. I tried removing the 4th nap but she gets so tired and I feel bad. If I move her bed time earlier she might wake up at 2/3am and we don't want that. 🙁 Please help. Thank you.

  47. I have a 6 month old that is small for his age. He slept through the night from 8 weeks until 4 mon. Then he started waking up 2x a night on good nights and every 2 hrs on bad nights. I let him nurse b/c he seems hungry. At 6 mon. I was hoping he would have gone to sleeping longer at night by now. Here is his schedule:5-6am he wakes and nurses6:30 commute 45 min to daycare, sometimes he takes a catnap but less often lately8:30 6.5 oz bottle, 2 TBSP cereal9:30 they try for a nap, but it usually doesn't happen11:30 6.5 oz bottle, 1/2 veg, 1/2 fruit12-2:30 nap2:30 6.5 oz bottle4:45 commute 45 min home, he always catnaps5:30 he crys to be nursed, nurse6:00 1/2 veg, meat or 1/2 fruit7:00 bedtime routine7:30 nurse then bedwakes up at 12 and 3am on a good night.BTW he is very active during the day, rolled over at 4 mon at is now crawling

  48. 8 Month Old Boy7:00am Wake, Bottle, Solids9:00-11:00am Nap11:00am Wake, Bottle, Solids12:30/1:00-3/3:30pm Nap 3:30pm Wake, Bottle5:30pm Solids 6:30pm Bottle7:00pm Bed- His solid feelings are at the same time as our meals.- The start and end times of the second nap are dependent on how well of a first nap he takes. If he wakes early from the first nap I will put him down at 12:30 for the second nap.

  49. Jami RayfieldMay 3, 2017 at 12:25 AMI have an 8 week old and a toddler. My toddler sleeps from 8pm to 8am. The baby always wakes up at 8 am as well. I want the baby to work towards the same schedule as my toddler, But I can't seem to figure out which of allllll the schedules to use?! And I'm too tired to figure it out. Help?!

  50. 8 month old6:30 – DWT and nure7:30 – 4oz baby food, and scraps of family breakfast8:30 – nap10:00 – awake and nurse (this is when we leave the house with the big kids)12:00 – 4oz baby food and scraps from family lunch12:30 – nurse and down for nap4 – awake and nurse5:15 – dinner (4 oz solids and family dinner)6:00 – bath then nurse and in bed at 6:30

  51. Almost 3 months I wake him up at 9:00 am-breast feedGo down for nap 10:00 Breast Feed 12:00 Go down for Nap 1:00-1:10Breast Feed 3:30 Go down for Nap 4:30Breast feed 6:00 Go down for Nap 7-730 Formula bottle 8:00Goes to sleep 9:00 Dreamfeed 930-10:00He sometimes awakes by the 45 minute intruder during 2nd and 3rd nap but if I go in right away and give paci he goes right back to sleep and finishes out nap… he started sttn at 7 weeks!

  52. 3 months6:30 eat7:40 nap9:30 eat10:50 nap12:30 eat2:00 nap3:30 eat5:00 nap5:30-6:00 wake for the evening7:00 eat7:30 bedtimeStart time and bedtime are very consistent from day to day, feedings are "on time" about 90% of the time. Waketime and naps are more variable from day to day. Some days she hibernates, other days she seems able to be awake and alert more, so we rely on cues quite a bit for naps. Occasionally chaos ensues and every nap is off! But we are close to the schedule most of the time- I include that info to encourage anyone reading who sees these schedules and wonders what they are doing wrong on off days- I've been there! Bad naps and bad days happen, but they have gotten much less frequent. STTN the full 11 hours most nights, she would occasionally starting around 9 weeks but now she is eating more at each feeding and she has started making it through most of the time. Dreamfeed didn't work for us (we gave it a good effort, but she woke earlier with the dreamfeed than without) and cluster stopped working around 8 weeks.

  53. Hi! Thank you very much for doing this, it is so helpful. Can you please estimate the babywise schedule for 5 month old formula fed boy Alexander 6,3 kilo (13,9 pounds). Thank you very much!

  54. Hello,I have a 5 month old (almost 6mo in 2 weeks) and are starting to think about introducing solids at 6 months. I'm so confused when and how often I'm to introduce/feed her solids with her current 4 hour schedule… Also, should I get rid of her 5-6pm nap? 7am bottle or nurse depending on time (anywhere from 5-9oz breastmilk)(daycare at 8am)9-11 nap11 bottle (5-8 oz breastmilk) sometimes if I call daycare and she hasn't eaten at least 5oz I'll go nurse her1-3 nap3pm 6oz breastmilk(pickup from daycare by 3:45)5-6ish nap6:30 bedtime routine7pm 8oz nurse and down for the night


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