Reading to Infants
Kaitlyn at 11 months old at the end of independent playtime I am a huge advocate of reading to your children. Reading to your infant or toddler is not …
Kaitlyn at 11 months old at the end of independent playtime I am a huge advocate of reading to your children. Reading to your infant or toddler is not …
Summer is fast approaching and in celebration, Raegan and I want to give away a copy of our eBook Babes, Tots, and Kids. Whether you homeschool or you will have time off …
Simple tips to prepare your child to be able to write in kindergarten! Learn about building muscles and developing fine motor skills in fun ways. Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic. Writing, or …
Get tips from a mom of three young kids on how to do learning time each day. Tips from organizing to planning to executing! Learning time at our house is …
All about the D’Nealian handwriting method and how to make it work even for toddlers and young preschoolers. Here is the latest post from Susanne, a literacy specialist! This is …
You want to do structured learning time at home with your kiddos despite the fact that life teaches so much. Here is why and how to do it. In this …
8 styles of puzzles to get to help teach your child different types of skills. Learn the benefits of doing puzzles and get ideas for good puzzles for kids. Puzzles …