14.25 year old teen girl information and helps. See all about her daily life as a teen girl and get the teen schedule.
This is a summary for Kaitlyn from 14 to 14.25 years old.
Eating is going well. Everything is normal on the eating front.
Sleeping is great. Even during the summer, Kaitlyn has set an alarm each day so she doesn’t sleep in too late and waste the day away. This is great because it helps her keep a solid circadian rhythm and not get into the staying up late and sleeping in late trap that can easily come with teens, especially in the summer.
Her healthy sleeping habits are largely in thanks to her goals for earning enough money for a puppy. She is getting closer to having enough money. She has really been developing really great habits as she as worked toward the puppy.
She gets up and makes her bed very first thing out of habit. She keeps her room clean. She gets her chores done at home quickly so she can go work to earn money. It has been a great thing!
School was all great! She has graduated from middle school and will be moving on to high school.
Middle school was pretty benign for her, but it is still a nice thing to leave behind.
Guitar was a great class that she absolutely loved. It was a great experience.
Kaitlyn participated in soccer during this time. She loves soccer. At the end of the spring season, her team merged with another team and they created two teams. She has been getting to know a lot of new people and feels like the change will be really good.
Her new team played in a tournament and took first place in it. She guest played on the other team in another tournament and they took 3rd place.
She spent a couple of months practicing with the high school soccer team this summer and doing weight training at the high school. They just had high school tryouts, and she sadly did not make it. They did not do a freshman or sophomore team, so it was a challenge as a freshman.
She was sad, but is handling it well and taking it as an opportunity to try and explore new things.
Because of high school soccer, her club team will have the fall off of official games. They will start playing together again at the end of October. She will still do practices and some scrimmages and perhaps a tournament.
Kaitlyn also has continued her piano lessons during this time. She very much enjoys piano. Her focus with her teacher is on her songwriting.
Summer has been great so far! It has flown by. We have had family reunions, church camps, and a lot of soccer. We have fit in some other fun here and there along the way. We have had a good balance of down time and fun.
Kaitlyn still has braces. She has had them on for about a year. I am just guessing, but guessing it will be another year or more.
During this time, Kaitlyn went to a movie at a friend’s house. While there, a boy she had met for only the second time put his arm around her. She felt uncomfortable and wasn’t sure how to respond.
Afterward, we talked more about the need to think through scenarios and how you will respond before you are actually in the situation.
We have talked about this a lot, but it struck me that she doesn’t really know what situations could come that she needs to think through. This makes sense; she doesn’t know until she knows unless she is told.
So it really showed me that we need to do some role-playing and talk through (and act through) different scenarios and what her plan is in those.
This is useful to apply to dating, driving, drugs…anything your child might encounter.
I will share school schedule and summer schedule.
5:40 AM–Wake up and get ready for school. Practice piano
7:07 AM–Leave for school
2:15 PM–Home from school. Homework.
3:00 PM-Go to work
5:30 PM–Dinner (typically…this can vary depending on when practices are for people). Evening activities range from soccer practices, soccer games, and family time.
9:00 PM–Time to prep for bed. She will shower and clean her room and is asleep before 10.
7:00 AM–Wake up and get ready. Get all chores done.
Then go to work (or sometimes wait until after lunch).
Free time and family time.
10 PM–Time to turn in devices if she hasn’t already.
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