12 month old pretoddler schedule and routine. 12 month old schedule. Baby schedule for baby’s 53rd week. Baby schedule and routine for the fifty-third week of life. 52-week-old baby routine and daily life. Learn about weaning from breastfeeding, dropping the bottle, birthday gifts for a 1 year old, and camping with a pretoddler.
Here it is folks. One year old. This is a summary for Brinley’s 53rd week. She was 52 weeks old. I noticed that for McKenna’s summaries, I moved to every two weeks at this age. I think I will do that, also. They seem to not have as many dramatic changes week to week as they get older.
Post Contents
Done! Done! Done! I don’t really know how to describe how I feel about nursing. I obviously find it important and value it. I have nursed all of my babies for one year. I find it nice and easy–it is always ready.
I also find it slightly confining. I have to be there every time the baby wants to eat. And I honestly get a little weirded out when the baby gets old enough to start playing with my nipples. Just not my idea of a good time. So by the time the baby is one, I am very ready to be done.
>>>Read: How to Wean Your Baby From Breastfeeding
Many people wonder when their pretoddler needs to be done with a bottle. Ideally, you are done at 12 months, but if your little one is not done, do not stress about it. Just work toward dropping a bottle.
>>>Read: How to Wean Baby From a Bottle
Her appetite was still lower this week from her sickness. It was slowly increasing, but not up to normal. She pretty much didn’t want any purees except for her morning oatmeal and prunes. I started giving her more of what we were eating at family meals.
>>>Read: How to Align Baby’s Meal Times with Family’s Meal Times
Sleep was normal–perhaps even a bit sleepier as she wanted some more sleep as she was recovering from being sick.
Brinley had her birthday this week! Here is what she got for her birthday from us and grandparents:
- Step2 Big Splash Waterpark (Love it)
- Sandra Boynton books
(we did Happy Hippo/Angry Duck and The Going to Bed Book)
- BABYBJORN Soft Bib (I like that the pocket stays out to catch food, but the converse side to this is that the bib is more stiff and harder for her to get her arm across her body. Not a huge deal at this age, but a baby a few months younger could possibly not reach the mouth because of it)
- Baby Doll
- Fisher-Price Go Baby Go! Poppity Pop Muscial Dino (She LOVES this. It is very similar to the Playskool Busy Ball Popper, but the dino is easier for a 12 month old to use. Brinley loves the busy ball popper, but she can’t play with it independently. She can the dino).
- Britax Boulevard–I threw that in there since I couldn’t think of things she needed! “Needed” I guess this is a real need, but she was getting it anyway 🙂
I don’t do big birthdays at all. I make a cake, we have family over for dinner, presents, and cake.
She started putting her hands together for prayer this week. It is so cute. She also loves family prayer. We kneel down in a circle each night and pray as a family. When we say “Family prayer!” she zips on over to the spot, gets on her tummy, and puts her hands together for the prayer.
We went camping during this week. The first night was the roughest night we have ever had with a baby camping. I had to go in and hold her/rock her several times until about 10 PM before she finally went to sleep (not in my arms, but after I rocked her).
She had fallen asleep initially, then we put McKenna to bed and it woke her up when we did. Brinley is a SUPER light sleeper. McKenna is a SUPER deep sleeper, so we have never had a problem with her waking up when we put another child to bed when she is already asleep.
Brinley did sleep fine after that and slept until 7:30 the next morning. This is earlier than her usual wake up time, but much later than I am used to kids getting up when camping.
The second night, we put McKenna to bed before Brinley since McKenna is the deep sleeper. That worked perfectly.
Brinley had her well-check visit this week. Everything looked great. She also got her one-year vaccinations. She was not happy with them, but calmed right down with a sucker. Ha! Sticky mess. She didn’t have any sort of reaction to the vaccinations at all.
8:45–nurse with solids (fruit, cereal, yogurt, finger foods). Independent Playtime happens in this block.
10:30-11:00–nap starts
12:45-1:00–wake up, bottle with solids (veggie, fruit, other foods we are eating)
2:30-3:00–nap starts
5:00–wake up, bottle with solids (veggie, fruit, dinner)
7:30–bottle, then bedtime. In bed by 8:00-8:30.
- On Becoming Pre-Toddlerwise
- Chronicles of a Babywise Mom Log eBook
- The Babywise Mom Nap Guide
- Secrets of the Baby Whisperer: How to Calm, Connect, and Communicate with Your Baby
- On Becoming Baby Wise
- Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child
- What to Expect the First Year
- The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems: Sleeping, Feeding, and Behavior–Beyond the Basics from Infancy Through Toddlerhood
- Wonder Weeks
- Baby Body Signs
- Super Baby Food
- McKenna Pre-Toddler Summary: 12 Months Old
- Brinley Baby Summary: 52 Weeks Old
- Brinley Pre-Toddler Summary: 12.5 Months Old
- Vaccinations: When you have two children
- Tips for Camping with Children
- Tips for a Successful Camping Trip with Children
Is whole cow milk in her bottle? Just trying to see what I should transition my 10 month old twins to. Thanks!
I have loved your updates (and your blog!) You are a blessing to so many mamas. Brinley is just the cutest! My little guy just turned 11 months, and I had to laugh at the nipple comment. My babe just started doing that (AND pulling on my shirt!) Um, no. Haha! I hope to wean down to just one nursing session in the a.m. and maybe late afternoon by the time he hits 12 months, and then go from there. I am finding the transition to be logistically harder than I thought! -Andrea http://www.handandtheheart.com
How do you go about adjusting her schedule when she's up earlier, while camping? It seems my dd doesn't get caught up until we're back at home, which can be long if she loses hours:(
You are so good at fixing her hair. I guess you've had lots and lots of practice! Do you use those little bitty clear hair ties when you do it? Also, what kinds of suckers are you letting her have and do you sit there and watch her with it or would you let her have it in her carseat? And do you transition now to the front facing carseat? My daughter is at least 23lbs so I have moved her to the front facing one the day she turned 1. Her rear facing one only went up to 20lbs, so we were already over the limit. Just curious. Brinley is so cute! Oh yeah, and my daughter has had the dino ball toy since she was 5 months old and she has always loved it and still plays with it constantly!
Erin, yes! We do get milk from a local dairy, though. But whole milk and cows.
Andrea glad I am not the only one who feels uncomfortable with that 🙂 lol
Jessie,I just put her down early if needed for bedtime and naps. And I forgot to write, she really was sleep deficit because she wouldn't sleep in the car. She missed an afternoon nap on the drive there and an afternoon nap on the drive home. They don't ever make up for the lost sleep, but you can have longer nights and naps until they are back on track. And some babies handle less sleep better than others–Brinley handles it well. It was hard with Brayden.
The first morning she got up early, I had her up for an hour, then put her down for another hour and got her up at 9:30 and then put her down for a nap at 11 again.
Stephanie I have had practice! It takes some getting used to doing hair on a head that is constantly moving 🙂 I use elastics from Sally Beauty supply. On Brinley, I only use clear ones. They are easier to get out of the hair.The sucker she had was just a dum-dum. I took it away before she was in her carseat. Brinley is still rear-facing. She is 19 lbs. But in the Britax. It can be rear facing for a long longer. I am not sure when I will move her forward. The recommendation now is wait until age two. My other three all moved forward at one, though. She is okay with it–she has siblings to look at and play with so it isn't too bad. That dino ball toy is really fun! I like it; she has been trying to play with the busy ball popper. She has a great time with help, but I like that she can do dino ball in IPT.
Hi my daughter is a few weeks behind yours so it's been nice to read brinleys updates 🙂 I was wondering if you could tell me or Ifbyou have a post on what a typical day for your 12 month old looks like, nice the sleep and eat times but it guess her playtime and activities routine and what she does in a typical day? I'm a bit lost at the moment on how to fill my daughters day appropriately for her age.
Not* not nice. 🙂