Kaitlyn Preschooler Summary: 4.75 Years Old

Daily life, schedule, and routine for a 4.75 year old preschooler. See how the preschooler’s sleep was going and how eating was going.

Kaitlyn and Brayden sledding

This is a summary for Kaitlyn from 4.5-4.75 years old.


At the moment, and for most of this period, eating was just fine.

She went through a two week period, however, where she didn’t want to eat just about anything, even her reliable go-to favorites. She just didn’t want to eat.

This would normally be concerning, but I didn’t feel like something was wrong. It seemed more like a toddler who eats one tablespoon of food per meal. I am glad she is past that. 

Since coming out of that, she has added an orange to her list of foods she likes. She has never liked oranges, but decided to try it and loved it. She now eats one every day.


Kaitlyn’s sleep is the same. She sleeps about 11-12 hours at night and has 60 minutes of rest time each day. For this age, I find one hour to be long enough that they will fall asleep if needed and not so long they go stir crazy.


School is still going well. She loves it.


Kaitlyn loves to draw and seems to occasionally be unable to control her urge to draw on something, anything.

She has drawn on things she shouldn’t a couple of times in this period–or on a couple of things in one sitting.

We are unsure at this point if it is going to be a further problem or if the talk we had fixed it. We shall see.


Since starting school, Kaitlyn has become less of a follower to Brayden and they often now have stand-offs over who is in charge of their imaginative play.

It can be frustrating, but overall I think it is good for them. I am able to teach them about cooperation and taking turns and how to solve conflicts. 


Kaitlyn is overall the angel she has always been. She is quite the peacemaker.

One day while at a children’s play place, there were two children being mean to McKenna. Their grandmother kept getting after them, but they were not listening to her.

Kaitlyn went to them and talked everything out. McKenna and those two children played happily together for the rest of the time we were there. It was quite impressive. She is an excellent negotiator. 

I do think age four tends to be a rather easy age. They are rather self-sufficient and still very interested in pleasing their parents and other authority figures. 


7:15–wake up. Get ready for school. Eat breakfast. Play with Brayden.
9:15–leave for school (she has school 3 days a week. One day, she has dance instead)
12-:10–home from school
12:15–lunch. Then play with McKenna
1:30–rest time
2:30–up from rest time. Independent play.
3:30–free time. Some days video games.
4:00–play with Brayden and sibling play until dinner.
5:30–dinner. Chores. Family time
7:00–start getting ready for bed 
8:00–in bed


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