45 week old baby schedule and routine! 10 month old schedule. Baby schedule for baby’s 45th week. Baby schedule and routine for the forty-fifth week of life. 44-week-old baby routine and daily life. Learn about baby sign language and get your baby to be flexible.
![Brinley sitting on her Papa's lap at a t-ball game](https://www.babywisemom.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Brinley-45-weeks-old.jpg)
This is a summary for Brinley’s 45th. She was 44 weeks old.
Post Contents
We continued on as we have.
I didn’t write down any food I introduced this week…not sure if I just didn’t write it or if I didn’t do anything new.
All was well here.
She is getting better at signing! I still haven’t started a new sign. I guess I am being so lazy about it! I need to get moving on that. She does know how to give high-fives now, though…
>>>Read: How to Teach Your Baby Sign Language
I was thinking about something ironic. Brinley has been my baby who has stayed home the most of any of my babies–she has missed far fewer naps and has rarely napped anywhere but her bed.
Being she is my fourth, that in and of itself is actually ironic. I have just worked hard to keep it that way (see my ideas for meeting this goal in this post: Managing Baby Plus Older Kids’ Activities. But that isn’t what I find ironic.
What I find ironic is that she is so flexible. I never would have thought a baby who was so used to a set schedule and sleeping routine would be so flexible about being late for naps or napping in different places and circumstances.
We had a baby blessing to attend and we just put her in some strange (to her) house she hadn’t been in and she slept great! Brayden was my child who was toted around the country and put in different beds constantly, and he was my most inflexible sleeper! He was great about different beds, but he couldn’t be ten minutes late for bed or his nap would be way thrown off. If Brinley is 30 minutes late, she just sleeps 30 minutes later than usual.
>>>Read: “Flexible-izing” a Baby
Brayden and Kaitlyn are doing a summer camp. It starts at 9:00 AM–which makes it tricky since she gets up between 8:45-9:00 AM and this camp is a 15 minute drive. Rather than get her up early, I just get her up, change her diaper, put her in her carseat, and go drop them off.
I take a biter biscuit or something for her to eat along the way. Then we get home and I nurse her and feed her breakfast. I am shocked she will spend 30 minutes in the car in the morning without breakfast and wait for her food so patiently. Again, she is flexible.
This leads me to believe a lot of what makes a baby flexible is personality. But it also leads me to believe that a huge component of flexibility is having that stable foundation from the start.
I have often mentioned that, and Babywise talks about it. To be flexible means you leave “normal,” go out of normal, and return to normal. So perhaps having such a solid normal makes her more able to go with the flow and take the disruptions in stride.
>>>Read: How To Be Flexible With Babywise
My big goal right now is to get independent playtime longer. It has been only about ten minutes–it is pretty much all I can squeeze in there. But I am moving it up on the list and this week have worked her up to 15-20 minutes.
I don’t have a time slot with all we have going on to really go much longer than that. I just want her to be in a position to move that up once she goes to one nap (which I am guessing will be 14-18 months with her–big range but that is my guess).
8:45–nurse with solids (fruit, cereal, yogurt, finger foods). Independent Playtime happens in this block.
12:45–nurse with solids (veggie, fruit, finger foods)
5:00–nurse with solids (veggie, fruit, finger foods)
7:30–feed, then bedtime. In bed by 8:00.
- NEW On Becoming Pre-Toddlerwise
- Chronicles of a Babywise Mom Log eBook
- The Babywise Mom Nap Guide
- Secrets of the Baby Whisperer: How to Calm, Connect, and Communicate with Your Baby
- On Becoming Baby Wise
- Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child
- What to Expect the First Year
- The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems: Sleeping, Feeding, and Behavior–Beyond the Basics from Infancy Through Toddlerhood
- Wonder Weeks
- Baby Body Signs
- Super Baby Food
- McKenna Baby Summary: Week 44
- Brinley Baby Summary: 44 Weeks Old {10 Months Old}
- Brinley Baby Summary: 46 Weeks Old
- Independent Playtime Lengths by Age
Ahhh! I'm so jealous! My Annalise(1 week younger than Brinley) is Touchy to the core. Go read the Baby Whisperer's definition of a Touchy Baby, and you will be reading her personality through and through! She is thrown for a loop SO easily! She isn't flexible at all. I truly never stray from "normal" for any reason because it is NOT worth it! Would you say Brinley is an Angel Baby? My first was Textbook mostly, so she is quite a different character!
Stephanie I know what you are going through! Brayden really was more sensitive. Very difficult. I would guess Brinley must be an Angel. If not that, definitely textbook. I haven't sat down and gone through the list, but one thing I remember about angels is that they are fine with strangers, and Brinley is definitely that way.
Just looking at your schedule (my son is same age and pretty much the same) but wondering, does Brinley sleep from 8pm to 8:35 am? Or does she get up earlier and you just don't nurse immediately? Liam sleeps from 8pm to 7am, and naps at 10 and 3.
Oops I meant 8:45 for Brinley, not 8:35 🙂 That's a random time!
Yeah, if Annalise has a stranger talk to her(or even look at her sometimes), she starts whining and crying. If they try to touch her, she loses it. My son was never like that. It is crazy how different two babies raised pretty much the exact same way can be!
Hi there,I love your blog! Thank you thank you for all the help you've given! I do have a question for you: My 9 month old son is down to 2 naps and has started stretching his awake time to 3 hours between morning and 1st nap and 3 hrs 10 min between nap 1 and nap 2. Which would be fine except that as naps get more and more spread out, we're losing room between nap 2 and bedtime. He usually sleeps best at night with 3 and 1/2 hrs between nap 2 and bedtime (which would be 4pm). Would you recommend waking him up at 4pm regardless of the length of the 2nd nap, or let him wake on his own and then adjust his bedtime? Any advice you have would be wonderful! Thank you!