Baby schedule for baby’s 23rd week. Baby schedule and routine for the twenty-third week of life. 22 week old baby routine and daily life. Learn about introducing prunes, wonder week 26, playtime for a 5 month old, moving baby to the crib, and dealing with sickness.
This is a summary for Brinley’s 24th week–she was 23 weeks old.
Post Contents
Milk supply went back to normal once my period was over.
This week, I added prunes at the beginning of the week. She LOVED them. Super loved.
At the end of the week, I added green beans. As with all vegetables thus far, she is just “eh” about them.
Brinley still had some days that seemed to be impacted by some wonder week 26. The thing I have noticed is her having noisy transitions, even in the night. She will talk or “ehhhh….” at sleep transitions. Sometimes even cry. It lasts usually 1-2 minutes.
>>>Read: The Wonder Weeks and Sleep
Brinley is just getting better and better at reaching out and grabbing things. This is always a slightly startling new skill–the baby used to be able to be held on your lap and anything in front of you was safe. Now it is not! Everything can be grabbed.
I think I forgot to mention that a couple of weeks ago I got out the Jumperoo. She loves it! She is figuring out how to jump in it. McKenna likes to stand in front of her and teach her how to jump by example 🙂
I also borrowed my neighbor’s ExerSaucer this week, and she loves that as well.
>>>Read: Best Toys for Baby: Ages 4-6 Months
We continued transitioning out of the bassinet for naps this week. I moved her into the crib instead of the bassinet for her second nap. So she is taking her second and her third naps in the crib. She did well with it and seemed unphased.
>>>Read: How To Easily Get Baby to Sleep in the Crib
I think Brinley got my very sore throat this week. She didn’t seem to feel well. Happily, she didn’t have it as long as I did. I had been sick and had tried so hard to not get her sick.
I wouldn’t kiss her face even when she leaned forward with the baby “open-mouthed kiss” (don’t you love those?). It was so hard to not kiss back! I made sure to wash my hands every time I touched her. But to no avail. At least she got over it quickly. And we are back to kissing 🙂
>>>Read: How To Maintain a Schedule When Your Little One is Sick
Our schedule typically looks like this:
7:30–feed with solids–2-4 T prunes and 2 T of oatmeal mixed in
11:30–feed with solids–4 T of pears and 2 T of oatmeal mixed in and 2 T of green beans with 1 T oatmeal mixed in
5:30–feed with solids–half a banana mixed with 2 T oatmeal and sweet potatoes (1-2 T) OR butternut squash (1-2 T)–we alternate every other day with squash and sweet potatoes.
7:30–feed, then bedtime. In bed by 8:00-8:10
- Chronicles of a Babywise Mom Log eBook
- The Babywise Mom Nap Guide
- Secrets of the Baby Whisperer: How to Calm, Connect, and Communicate with Your Baby
- On Becoming Baby Wise
- Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child
- What to Expect the First Year
- The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems: Sleeping, Feeding, and Behavior–Beyond the Basics from Infancy Through Toddlerhood
- Wonder Weeks
- Baby Body Signs
- Super Baby Food
- Brinley Baby Summary: Week 23
- Brinley Baby Summary: Week 25
- McKenna Baby Summary: Week 24
- Babywise Sample Schedules: Five Months Old
How fun to start seeing them learn new skills. So i posted this in yesterdays comment and thought i would re-post here again sorry. I have a couple questions for the one who has so much wisdom and experience :)1. how long was brinley's nap when she fed at 4:30. My 6 week old barely gives me 20-30min for that nap. which means he is up for an hour or more before his last feeding at 7:30. by that time he is really grumpy and cries while nursing him. not sure what to do. should i feed at 7:00 and put to bed then? 2. what is your bedtime routine with brinley. how long is she up between her last nap and her bedtime? 3.what do you do when you are at an event near bedtime or at bedtime? we have a bday party we need to go to starting at 6:30pm and we wont be home at our normal 7:30 bedtime feed. what do you do? 4. do you do her last feeding which is at 7/7:30 up in her room in a quiet place or down with the rest of the family?THANKS FOR YOUR ADVICE!!!!ang
I am a first time mom with a little girl just a couple weeks younger than Brinley so I love your weekly Baby Summaries. I was wondering though, if you might be able to do a post on what Brinley's awake time activities/agenda looks like these days now that she's getting older and more interactive… I know you're busy though so if you don't have time I completely understand!
Angie,1. I am not really sure off the top of my head–she slept until her next feeding. Your baby might just need to eat sooner. Have you heard of/tried cluster feeding?2. At that age, Brinley had witching hour. She had a hard time falling asleep that time of night. I fed one side, then I would change her into her PJs and get her ready for bed. Maybe read a book. Then I would nurse her to sleep. I still do similar, but she doesn't fall asleep nursing anymore, which is fine because witching hour is long gone. But feed one side, then I get her ready for bed, then nurse the other side, then put her in her bed. 3. It is much easier to manage this at that age. I just held her and she would sleep in my arms. Then when we got home, I would do bedtime. 4. I feed the first side with the family. We are typically reading scriptures as a family at that time, so I stay out there for one side, but then I go to her room and change her, then feed the other side so it is nice and quiet as she is winding down for bed.
Yes Caraissa–I will add that in to the next summary. If it isn't what you were looking for, let me know with more details 🙂
Hi! We neep your help! We have been facing sleep problems with our little daugther (9 months old). We've been following the Babywise routine since birth, and she have been sleeping through the night since she was 3 weeks old. We started solids at 4 months, and dropped the 3rd nap at 7 months.For a month our little one have been refusing to fall asleep on her own, everytime we put her in bed and leave the room she starts crying and continues if we don't interfere. We have tried everything (thought it might be teething because of more drooling and having things in her mouth all the time, maybe beeing overly tired, needing less/more waketime, less/more stimulation, more food during the day and so on). The only thing that have worked is rocking her to sleep. We read about the "fatigued baby" in Babywise book 2, and tried letting her sleep in our arms for 3 days. It didn't make the situation any better. We have also tried putting her down earlier/later. Before we never needed to rock her at all, she was fine falling asleep on her own.Our schedule now:7:00 am – wake, formula, cereal8:40 am – down for nap10:10 am – wake10:45 am – formula, lunch (veggies, meat, fruit)12:20 am – down for nap1:50 pm – wake2:30 pm – dinner (veggies, meat, fruits)5:00 pm – dinner with family (finger foods)7:30 pm – formula, pj's, story, bedWhen nap time comes, we try to get her to sleep but it usually takes a long time, and the schedule might be different. Before this started we had a different schedule, with a 3rd nap and longer wake time in the morning (closer to 8 am before, now it's 7 am).We been looking EVERYWHERE on this blog and in the book and can't find anyone with the same problem or any advices on what to do. It feels like we're alone with this problem and it doesn't make the situation better. We feel very stressed about the situation, and even more when we can't find any other "babywise" parents with the same problem.Sorry for writing on an "unrelated" post but we're desperate for any help! Anyone else having problems with baby not wanting to sleep at 8-9 months??!/Josefine & Jakob
Valerie,Hey! I have a daughter born one day before your sweet little girl. Our son (almost three) was a BabyWise baby and it worked so wonderfully. I've tried my best with our daughter, but it's been more difficult to be so strict with a schedule now that I have two to juggle.Our daughter has been sleeping wonderfully on a three hour schedule until recently. For the past week or two, she wakes up about an hour into every nap. I wonder if she's ready for a four hour schedule (I'm still nursing; she'll be six months tomorrow, 2/6)? I have no idea how to do that, though, since she won't nap longer than an hour. Do you have any suggestions for what to do to get her back to 90 minute naps and then to a four hour schedule???Thank you for any help you can offer!