Newborn schedule for baby’s first week. Baby newborn schedule and routine for the first week of life. Read all about this baby’s first week.
They are back! The newborn summaries! This is a summary of the first week of Brinely’s life.
Post Contents
- The Beginning
- Hospital Stay
- Reflux?
- Warm Baby
- Siblings
- Nursing
- Waketime
- Naps
- Night Sleep
- Newborn Schedule
- Conclusion
- Brinley Newborn Summaries
- Brinley Newborn Summary: Week Two
- Brinley Newborn Summary: Week Three
- Brinley Newborn Summary: Week 4
- Brinley Newborn Summary: Week 5
- Brinley Newborn Summary: Week 6
- Brinley Newborn Summary: Week 7
- Brinley Newborn Summary: Week 8
- Brinley Newborn Summary: Week 9
- Brinley Newborn Summary: Week 10
- Brinley Newborn Summary: Week 11
- Brinley Newborn Summary: Week 12
- Brinley Newborn Summary: Week 13
The Beginning
Life started out smoothly for Brinley. She was born, she was healthy, and she ate like a champ. I nursed her in the delivery room immediately after birth and I did not have to fight her to stay awake to take both sides. She nursed for thirty minutes.
As the nursery nurse was checking her vitals a couple of hours later, she suspected Brinley’s glucose levels to be low, so she tested her. They were low. The nurse suggested we give her some formula. This is something I do not love to do. I had to do it with Kaitlyn because she was in the NICU and you have to jump through your hoops to get out. I am a big advocate of breastfeeding.
However, I am a bigger advocate for the health of my child, so we gave her 10 MLs of formula. An hour later, they tested her glucose again and it was in great shape. She never had another glucose issue. She also never had a breastfeeding issue.
Hospital Stay
I have ALWAYS stayed in the hospital for every minute my insurance will pay for. At the hospital, I am forced to sit still and I have people bringing me food.
This time, however, I decided we should just go home after the 24 hours. Brinley and I both got the clean bill of health and were able to leave at the 24 hour mark. Brinley’s jaundice testing came back very low risk, so we had no jaundice worries.
Oh how I watch my babies for reflux. Kaitlyn had reflux. A reflux baby is just harder. Just before we left the hospital, Brinley started spitting up quite a bit. As her pediatrician looked her over, I told him I was concerned about reflux. He nodded his head knowingly.
Newborns do, however, often have amniotic fluid in their tummy that upsets it so they spit up a lot in the first 48 hours. McKenna had done the same thing and I was hoping and literally praying it would be the same for Brinley.
That night, neither my husband nor I slept much. I got maybe two hours of disjointed sleep. She spit up often and we were both jumping out of bed to make sure she didn’t aspirate on the spit up.
The next day, things seemed to improve, but then got worse again in the evening. I could tell she was having some pain. I decided she was likely intolerant of caffeine like Kaitlyn had been, so I cut my chocolate intake (I don’t drink caffeine at all).
The next day, she had no pain issues and no spit up. I haven’t had chocolate since. I know! It isn’t all that bad. I nursed Kaitlyn for a year with no chocolate. I know how to survive. And since chocolate is my number one food weakness, it is frankly great for the waistline, so don’t worry about feeling bad for me.
As it stands right now, I do not believe Brinley has reflux at all. I think she doesn’t tolerate caffeine well and she also doesn’t love lying flat. She sleeps at an incline. But there is no spitting up, silent or otherwise, so I actually think these things will quickly be outgrown.
>>>Read: Babywise and Reflux
Warm Baby
Our second full day of being home, our power went out. Something about a bird running into a line. This small bird managed to put our town out of power from about 8 AM until after 1 PM. Yep–it got hot. But that day, Brinley slept very soundly. As evening progresses, our AC runs quite a bit. I noticed she was having a rough time sleeping after her 7:30 PM feeding and closer to morning time. Because of this, I decided she must be one who likes to be warm.
I had her in a onesie and a light cotton swaddle blanket. but I changed her to a warm fleece swaddle blanket and made sure she had socks on. The sleep was immediately perfect.
>>>Read: Can it be too hot for baby to sleep well?
You may be wondering what life was like with all of the children around. They visited us in the hospital right after she was born and the next morning. Our kids stayed for a couple of days with my husband’s parents, then my parents took them camping with them to a family reunion for four days, so they were only home for the last day of her first week. It was so great. We were able to just focus on the baby and get to know her. I had nothing but her to worry about, so I was very quickly able to trouble shoot and notice her patterns. We were able to take it easy and just bond with her. It was like having your first born all over again, but this time we had a house and knew what we were doing. So great.
When they came home, they were all over her. It was such a different world. She went from being the calm “oldest” baby to the baby of the family. She looked around at them as they leaned over her and talked about how cute she was. It was loud and the energy was high. I knew she would be a lucky, spoiled baby.
Nursing has gone really well. Brinley is my first baby that I have not had to fight for several weeks to stay awake to eat. She just eats. She eats well from both sides at each feeding. She tends to hover around 10 minutes per side, but at times she does closer to 15 per side.
>>>Read: Keeping a Newborn Awake During Feedings
Brinley has waketime after every feeding. She handles it very well. She seems to be sitting at a 50 minute waketime length right now, which seems crazy long to me. She has done 60 with no issues.
I try to get her swaddled by 45 minutes so I can have her down by 50. Just because she can do 60 doesn’t mean I think she should unless needed. Right now, a yawn is a reliable indication that she is ready for a nap.
>>>Read: How Long Should a Newborn Be Awake Between Naps
Naps are great. I wake her for every feeding. One time she woke for the 7:30 PM feeding on her own. We do the first three of the 4 S’s by Hogg and she goes to sleep without crying at all.
There were a few times she cried a bit. One was one morning when someone (I am not sure who) was repeatedly ringing my doorbell at 7:30 in the morning (seriously? I am still trying to figure that one out). It woke her up, I had just gotten out of the shower, she started to cry, I was rushing to get the pad on, the clothes on, the nursing pads (you know how that all takes so much time at first). By the time I had the necessities covered, she had gone to sleep.
Another time, I put her down, she seemed to be asleep, I went out to play with our dog, and she started to cry. I got the dog her food and put her in her kennel, and by the time I was done (a few minutes), she was asleep.
The third time was when the kids were home and we were getting them ready for bed. She started to cry, I got the kids situated, I walked to her room, and she was asleep. Again, no more than 1-3 minutes.
Night Sleep
Brinley is sleeping very well at night. She has her dreamfeed, then wakes once in the night, then I wake her at our target morning waketime of 7:30 AM. There was one night she woke at 6:30 AM, but every other morning I have woken her up.
I am not waking her in the night to feed her. I figured I would see what she does on her own. She tends to go exactly 5 hours all on her own. I don’t like setting my alarm and then fighting a baby to eat in the middle of the night. So I let her wake me so I know she will be ready to eat. This has been much better for everyone. I am getting more sleep than I ever have and the baby is getting food in the night.
>>>Read: Babywise Newborn Night Feeding Schedule
Newborn Schedule
We are eating every three hours in the day. Sometimes 2.5. Our target waketime is 7:30 AM. She eats once in the night time.
We are happy with how things are going. She eats well, sleeps well, and gets to have some interaction with us in waketime.
- The Wonder Weeks. (and a link to their site:
- On Becoming Baby Wise
- Secrets of the Baby Whisperer: How to Calm, Connect, and Communicate with Your Baby
- The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems: Sleeping, Feeding, and Behavior–Beyond the Basics from Infancy ThroughToddlerhood
- Super Baby Food
- What to Expect the First Year
- Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child
- McKenna Newborn Summary: Week One
- Brinley Newborn Summary: Week Two
- Optimal Waketime Lengths
- My Sleep Hierarchy For Newborns
- Babywise Sample Schedules: The First Month
Brinley Newborn Summaries
A list of all of the baby newborn summaries for Brinley. Get a week by week summary of what is going on and a typical weekly schedule and routine for a newborn baby.
Brinley Newborn Summary: Week Two
Newborn schedule for baby’s second week. Baby newborn schedule and routine for the 2nd week of life. 1-2 week old newborn routine.
Brinley Newborn Summary: Week Three
Newborn schedule for baby’s third week. Baby newborn schedule and routine for the 3rd week of life. 2-3 week old newborn routine.
Brinley Newborn Summary: Week 4
Newborn schedule for baby’s fourth week. Baby newborn schedule and routine for the 4th week of life. 3-4 week old newborn routine.
Brinley Newborn Summary: Week 5
Newborn schedule for baby’s fifth week. Baby newborn schedule and routine for the 5th week of life. 4-5 week old newborn routine.
Brinley Newborn Summary: Week 6
Newborn schedule for baby’s 6th week. Baby newborn schedule and routine for the 6th week of life. 5-6 week old newborn routine. Find out what to do with a newborn all day, how to respond when a newborn is sick, newborn growth spurts, and wonder weeks at this age.
Brinley Newborn Summary: Week 7
Newborn schedule for baby’s 7th week. Baby newborn schedule and routine for the seventh week of life. 6-7 week old newborn routine. Find out what to do with a newborn all day, newborn playtime activities, newborn growth spurts, and witching hour at this age.
Brinley Newborn Summary: Week 8
Newborn schedule for baby’s 8th week. Baby newborn schedule and routine for the eighth week of life. 7-8 week old newborn routine. Find out what to do with a newborn all day, feeding intervals, and playtime activities.
Brinley Newborn Summary: Week 9
Newborn schedule for baby’s 9th week. Baby newborn schedule and routine for the ninth week of life. 8-9 week old newborn routine. Find out what to do with a newborn all day, feeding intervals, and playtime activities.
Brinley Newborn Summary: Week 10
Newborn schedule for baby’s 10th week. Baby newborn schedule and routine for the tenth week of life. 9-10 week old newborn routine. Find out what to do with a newborn all day, feeding intervals, and playtime activities.
Brinley Newborn Summary: Week 11
Newborn schedule for baby’s 11th week. Baby newborn schedule and routine for the eleventh week of life. 10-11 week old newborn routine. Find out what to do with a newborn all day, feeding intervals, and playtime activities.
Brinley Newborn Summary: Week 12
Newborn schedule for baby’s 12th week. Baby newborn schedule and routine for the twelfth week of life. 11-12 week old newborn routine. Find out what to do with a newborn all day, feeding intervals, and playtime activities.
Brinley Newborn Summary: Week 13
Newborn schedule for baby’s 13th week. Baby newborn schedule and routine for the thirteenth week of life. 12 week old newborn routine. Find out what to do with a newborn all day, feeding intervals, and playtime activities.
So good to hear about your first week! I can't wait to hear more about life with 4 kids. I'm pregnant with baby #2, and they'll be 20 months apart. I first read your blog when #1 was having trouble napping (she's a "spirited" one, needs darkness, warmth, and white noise. she was a chornic 45 minute napper until she started crawling). Your blog gave me so much comfort, and I relaxed so much more!Please pray that baby #2 is an angel…:) And Brinley sounds like she is too!
I discovered your blog after my first was born, and with baby #2 coming in just 5 days, I'm so thankful to have this resource from the beginning this time around! Brinley sounds like a wonderful baby, and I'm hoping that our new little one is as laid back as she is! Congrats again!
What time do you do your dreamfeed?
Congrats!! It sounds like things are going wonderfully. How nice to have that whole first week with just you guys and the baby! Our 3rd is due this winter and I'm so hoping to be writing blog posts that sound like this one. 🙂
I am going to LOVE the newborn summaries because I just had #2 on August 7th! I am glad you said her wake time because I've been trying for 1 hour and he's been sleeping poorly at night… I guess I forgot an hour is long for a newborn! Lol I guess i am paranoid about too long of sleep during the day… Do you put her down for the night at 7:30? Then DF at 10:30ish?? THANKS!!!! 🙂
I am going to LOVE the newborn summaries because I just had #2 on August 7th! I am glad you said her wake time because I've been trying for 1 hour and he's been sleeping poorly at night… I guess I forgot an hour is long for a newborn! Lol I guess i am paranoid about too long of sleep during the day… Do you put her down for the night at 7:30? Then DF at 10:30ish?? THANKS!!!! 🙂
She sounds like a great baby! And her name is beautiful! PS this blog has been a lifesaver for me (and my daughter!)
I am right there with Jodi, very excited to read along with your Brinley updates as we had #2 on August 6th. As our second BW baby, I find it interesting how much I have forgotten and then at times, how much I truly remember. Good luck! And thanks for sharing!
I'm so glad your first week went smoothly and that so far there's no reflux! Thanks so much for sharing your family's life with us. Your wisdom and insights have been a blessing in my life.
just wondering….what are you doing to allow her to sleep at a incline?
I am really enjoying the Newborn sessions as I will be having my first baby next month! I have a question about initiating a target waketime: At the end of my 12 weeks maternity leave my daughter will be going daycare at 6:30am Mon-Friday. Should I go ahead and start her on my work schedule from the get go (which would mean a target wake time of 5 am) or follow the typical 7 am start and gradually push her wake time back as I near the end of my maternity leave? Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
yellkelly,Good luck! I think she likely is an angel baby, too. I think with her flexibility with waketime that she is.
Katie,We are dreamfeeding at 10 PM
Jody, she eats at 7:30 (but sometimes it is 7) and then I put her to bed. So she is in bed for the night by 8, then dreamfeed at 10. She is not easy to get to eat the dreamfeed. It takes a lot of effort from me :)Really, ideal bedtime is typically between 7-8, so if I fed her at 7, that would lend to ideal better. However, 7:30 feeding can work better for the family since we have older kids, so I am seeing if we can make that work. Although maybe I should do 7 and just have a later bedtime when we need it…now I Am thinking.
Liz, she is in a bassinet. In the bassinet, we have a foam pad that fits the entire bassinet and is inclined. Then the bassinet mattress is on top of the pad. then I put the bassinet in her crib. They do make mattress incliners for the crib, and we have one and used it with Kaitlyn, but she always fell down the mattress through the night. The SnuggleU can help with that a lot, but for now the bassinet is the easiest option.
mrsqueenie,I would normally say to start with your end target time. HOWEVER, if you live where there is a time change, keep in mind that in November we will fall back. So if you did 7 AM right now, then when the time changed, you could be at 6AM without having to change anything. So I would probably start at 7 just so you can have a nice maternity leave AND make the time change easier.
And thank you everyone for the congrats and well wishes!
Wow I'm loving the newborn summaries. I have a 4 week old and it's nice to hear how someone else is going the schedule. I do have a question….how are you getting the 8 feedings in during the day if following the 3 hour schedule? And do you ever wake her at 2-2.5 hours in order to get the 8 feedings in? His last feeding is at 8-8:30 and he doesn't always fall right to sleep. So that would mean I would have to wake him an hour later to dream feed at 10-10:30. So I usually go to sleep myself at 9:30 and let him wake about 12' then again in the middle of the night. Curious as to your exact feeding times. Thanks so much for your help!!!!!!
Wow I'm loving the newborn summaries. I have a 4 week old and it's nice to hear how someone else is going the schedule. I do have a question….how are you getting the 8 feedings in during the day if following the 3 hour schedule? And do you ever wake her at 2-2.5 hours in order to get the 8 feedings in? His last feeding is at 8-8:30 and he doesn't always fall right to sleep. So that would mean I would have to wake him an hour later to dream feed at 10-10:30. So I usually go to sleep myself at 9:30 and let him wake about 12' then again in the middle of the night. Curious as to your exact feeding times. Thanks so much for your help!!!!!!
I'm trying to implement a schedule with my 9 day old and I have a few questions. When he wakes early and I feed him before he next 3 hour feeding do I start counting the 3 hours to the next feed from that early feeding or still the original 3 hours mark? He had done really well for 2 days but last night he was up for an hour after each feed. I have to wake him at 3 hours all day long but at night he wakes himself at the 3 hour mark everytime. I'm at a loss of what to do with him – my lack of sleep and hormones aren't helping 🙁 any advice appreciated
If he wakes early, count 3 hours from the early feed. But if he woke early for one and is still sleep for the new 3 hours, I would let him go an extra 30 minutes before waking him just to get him more used to eating at the same times each day. He is probably having some day/night confusion, which is totally normal. Try reading on my post on that (look under the blog index by age tab and look at the 0-3 month index).