This is what I found one day when I went to get her up from her nap. She loves her books! |
This is a summary for Brinley from 34.5-35 months old. This takes her up to one month before she turns three!
Sleeping was good. She is staying in bed once I put her there. She isn’t always thrilled to go to bed, but once she is there she is fine.
Eating was also good.
Brinley has also done very well with the dentist. She has not been a crier and she has done what they ask. We had a dentist visit during this period. She was not feeling cooperative. She didn’t cry, but when the hygienist would ask her to open her mouth, Brinley would just look at her and shake her head no. After a few minutes of the nice hygienist trying to nicely ask Brinley to open her mouth, I went over to her, got my “mom face” on, and told her to open her mouth. She gave the hygienist a look. I am not sure how to describe it other than a very untrusting “Scuz.” But she opened her mouth. All was well.
When I looked back on what I wrote her last trip (after the fact), I commented that kids can suddenly get scared so I had done some practice at home before our visit to the dentist. I didn’t do that this time! I will have to remember my own advice next time around.
This girl loves books, which of course makes me happy. I am constantly removing books from her bed. When she is awake, she will spend time putting more books into her bed to look at during nap time.
Sometimes she thinks if she hides like this, I won’t see her for nap time. |
We had a fun vacation this month. We went to Breckenridge, Colorado. It was about a ten hour drive to get there. Brinley was super good for the drive. She played with little princesses, looked at books, listened to music, played with ponies, listened to books on “tape,” and did some PBS show watching. She slept well while we were there. Everyone was in need of a bit of vacay detox when we got back, but we made it through.
Panning for gold in Colorado |
Brinley started swimming lessons this month. Her first lesson went really well! She was nervous. I think when we went to California last Fall and she “tumbled in the waves” it made her a bit nervous around water. She is kind of like a little orangutan baby clinging to her teacher, but she isn’t crying or anything.
This is her typical daily schedule for summer–not a lot of structure.
8:45 AM–Wake up/Breakfast/Get ready
Sometime between breakfast and lunch, have Independent play for 60-90 minutes
12:00 PM–Lunch
1:30/2:00 PM–Nap
4:30/5:00 PM–Wake up and Free Playtime
5:30 PM–Dinner
6:00 PM–Family Time
8:00 PM–Get Ready for Bed
8:30 PM–Bedtime
During the day, we will do learning activities, play outside, go for walks, go to the park, go do other fun stuff…what we do each day has varied a lot so far.
This list contains affiliate links.
- Babes, Tots, and Kids Preschool Curriculum
- On Becoming Toddlerwise
- Wholesome
- The Toddler’s Busy Book
- What To Expect The Toddler Years
(this is okay–I don’t love it)
- So Easy Toddler Food cookbook
- The Wonder Weeks. (and a link to their site:
- Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child
- The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems: Sleeping, Feeding, and Behavior–Beyond the Basics from Infancy Through Toddlerhood
- Baby Body Signs: The Head-to-Toe Guide to Your Child’s Health, from Birth Through the Toddler Years
- Index: Discipline
Post Contents
When to start dentist check-ups
Dentist Tips
McKenna Summary: 35 Months Old
Kaitlyn Toddler Summary: 2.75 Years Old:
General Travel Tips
Surviving Traveling
How To Travel Without “Un-doing” Babywise
Traveling in a Car
Driving Activities
I love reading Brinleys summaries because I have a little boy one month younger!Your blog has been so helpful with all my kiddos! My almost 4 week old has been on babywise since birth, starting CIO at 2 weeks old (basically slept 24/7 before that) I'm having a few issues I'd like your opinion: 1. Naps; about 25% of the time she goes down with 10-15 mins of fussing/skwaking (not really crying) and sleeps 1.5-2 hrs. But the other 75% of the time she wakes 20 minutes into her nap and fusses for another 10-15 minutes. She may go to back sleep or I might move her to the swing. (The swing only works about half the time) if she wakes at that 20 minute mark the whole nap is very fitful with frequent wakings and I often just rock her to sleep. I've tried feeding her when she wakes but she never takes much and it's only 1.5 hours since she last ate. I have tried wake times as long as 1 hour and as short as 20 minutes but can't seem to fix it. Thoughts?2. Night waking: She wakes to eat every 2 hours all night! (Dreamfeed at 10:30 waking again around 12:30, again around 2:30/3 am and again at 4:30/5 ish) I know she can go longer (she easily goes 3 hours between feeds in the day) but I think the problem is I can't get full feeds in her. After 5 minutes of nursing she's out like a light and I can't get her to eat any more! I tried giving a bottle of breastmilk at the dream feed last night and she took 4 oz and slept 3.5 hours, it was heaven! But I don't want to have to give a bottle and then pump in the middle of the night for every feed! How do I keep her awake? She even sleeps through diaper changes and being unswaddled!3. Desired wake time is 7:45-8:15. I really need to hit this DWT to best coincide with my 2 older kids nap schedules and kindergarten carpool. But she's Consistently waking sometime between 4:30-5:30 am (after the third night feed) and grunting in her sleep (video monitor shows eyes closed) until she wakes up between 6:30-7 am. I know this is a normal time for newborns to wake, but I don't want it to become the norm. How do I work toward a later wake time and what is up with the grunting? Thanks in advance!