Are you wondering if the Babywise method is right for you or not? Are you wondering how it might affect your family? Will it work with your personality and values? Find out here!
There are many different ways to raise your baby. Deciding what is best for your baby and family can be very overwhelming!
There is more than one right way to raise a baby and child. That is the good news.
You simply need to find the method that fits your family dynamic best.
Just over 19 years ago, my husband and I chose to raise our newborn using On Becoming Babywise. It worked so well for him! We used the method with our three daughters who followed and have never looked back!
Post Contents
Babywise Attracts All Types
The Babywise method really attracts all types of parents. You will find moms who cloth diaper and moms who use disposable diapers. You will find breastfeeding moms. full-time pumpers, and formula-feeding moms.
You will find working moms and stay-at-home moms. There are extroverts and introverts. You will find parents from all religious beliefs (and no religious beliefs).
There are homeschooling moms and public schooling moms. There are country-dwellers and city-gals. Type-A’s and Type-B’s both enjoy this method (for different reasons).
One thing I have noticed over the years that the vast majority of parents attracted to Babywise have in common is that they are kind. They are accepting of differences and supportive of each other.
The Babywise support groups online are wonderful groups to find help in! You can join my Facebook group here–it has moms of all stages, including moms who were THEMSELVES Babywise babies.
While Babywise attracts all types, there are some key things that will make you more compatible with the method. Let’s discuss those.
You Want Predictability
If you want predictability from day to day, this method is right for you. Once you have the routine down, your days will be highly predictable. Find out how to be successful with Babywise here.
Your baby will wake up at the same time each day. You will then follow the same eat/wake/sleep pattern throughout each day.
Each day will have the same flow. You will be able to schedule appointments, lunch dates, and trips to the park with confidence.
Bedtime will be at a consistent time each night. You will know what time to plan to be home each evening and will be able to relax after baby goes to bed.
If you like predictability to your days, this is a great method for you. If you aren’t naturally inclined toward predictability but want it, Babywise will help you get it.
You can find sample schedules for the entire first year here.
You Value Sleep
If you value sleep, Babywise is a great method for you. I think everyone likes sleep and wants to sleep with a baby. I don’t just mean you think it would be nice to get sleep.
I mean you have a high value on sleep. You believe it is vital for optimal brain development, physical development, and emotional health.
In Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, Weissbluth states, “Providing the growing brain with sufficient sleep is necessary for developing the ability to concentrate and an easier temperament” (page 7).
Babywise takes work, and you have to have a real belief that the sleep you are working for is worth it to the overall health of your baby to really see it through.
You Believe Baby Joins a Family
Some people hold a baby-centered philosophy. Life revolves around the baby.
Babywise is more of a family-centered philosophy. Life revolves around the family. This means everyone makes sacrifices at times.
A baby obviously has very intense and high needs. Typically members of the family make more sacrifices overall than the baby does. But a key principle in Babywise is that baby joins a family.
That means that sometimes baby’s nap might happen on the go because big sister has something going on.
This also means that sometimes the family leaves a party earlier than they would like because the baby needs to go to bed.
You Believe Parents Should Lead
A great phrase in the Babywise books is “Mom, not baby, decides.”
This is a philosophy that made sense to me. As an adult, I have better decision-making skills than my newborn, toddler, and even teenager.
The parent takes many factors into consideration when making decisions, but mom decides. The parent leads the family, not the baby.
This does not mean mom ignores baby’s cues. Those cues are a huge part of how you decide what to do. If you typically feed your baby every three hours, but your baby is showing hunger cues at two hours, then you decide to feed your baby.
The Babywise method focuses on more than sleep and schedules. It really sets you up to raise your children all the way until they move out.
You Struggle Reading Cues
This category certainly doesn’t fit every Babywise parent, but if you struggle knowing what to do for your baby, Babywise provides a wonderful roadmap.
With my first baby, I thought parenting would all be so natural. I would know what he wanted and we would just flow through life in beautiful harmony.
But once he got here, I had no idea what he wanted. He didn’t seem to have any idea, either.
He was not a newborn who slept. Ever. He fought sleep like his life depended on it. We had many nights he didn’t sleep one minute (and neither did I).
He never seemed hungry and yet always seemed hungry. I was always trying to feed him.
He cried. A lot.
I desperately turned to the Babywise book for guidance.
Once we started Babywise with him, he changed right away. He took naps. He ate. He slept at night–only waking one time to eat!
It was night and day.
With my three girls, I had more experience and they seemed to know what they wanted, but we still followed Babywise. My second baby had reflux. Her cues could have thrown me off because sometimes cries came from pain. But we got through it all quite well.
With my next two girls, I was able to attend to all of the needs of all of my children because I knew what was going on with my baby. I was not overwhelmed, consumed, or confused.
I knew what to expect and when to expect it. See a full Babywise first year overview here.
Babywise Can Work For You
No matter your personality type, Babywise can work for you and your family. If this sounds like a great fit for you, be sure to come stick around my site. I would love to help you on your Babywise journey!
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- Babywise Milestones You Can Count On
- How To Go Out With Your Baby Without Disruption
- Babywise FAQs (Frequently asked questions)
The Babywise Mom Nap Guide
The Babywise Mom Nap Guide eBook helps you establish successful naps from birth through the preschool years. It is a great resource!
Gary Ezzo, co-author of Preparation For Parenting and On Becoming Babywise, states: “Whether it is talking about establishing good nap behavior or offering solutions to sleep disruptions, this is a practical resource that I trust and recommend. The book is well laid out and answers just about every question a new or seasoned mom might have about babies, toddlers and sleep. We view this as more than a nap guided; it is a resource of encouragement that comes with compassion.”