How to know if baby is too tired or not tired enough. Do you need to extend baby wake time length or shorten it? Find out here.
One of the most important tools to getting baby to sleep well is understanding your baby’s optimal waketime length.
This means that you get baby down for the nap at the right moment. Timing the nap correctly will mean that baby takes a full nap and falls asleep easily.
If you get wake time wrong, you can have a baby who will not fall asleep, takes a short nap, and/or cries.
>>>Read: Optimal Waketime Lengths
So you know that if baby has correct wake time length, she will go to sleep with little to no crying, nap as long as she should, and falls asleep quickly.
You will also find that if you have waketime length down correctly, your baby will wake up from naps happily and be content and happy during playtime.
Post Contents
- Is Baby Overly Tired or Not Tired Enough?
- Signs Baby is Overtired
- Signs Baby is Undertired
- Overtired vs. Undertired
- Look at Disposition
- Look at History
- Look at Sleep Patterns
- What To Do If You Have an Overtired Baby
- Swaddle Baby
- Get Wake Windows Right
- Set Up a Solid Sleep Routine
- Limit Stimulation for Your Baby
- Use Sleep Props to Calm, Comfort, and Get Baby to Sleep
- Conclusion
- Related Posts
Is Baby Overly Tired or Not Tired Enough?
The big question comes when the above are not true. If baby is having a hard time falling asleep, taking short naps, and discontent during playtime, does that mean your baby is overtired or undertired?
Should you be extending waketime length or shortening it?
You know something is wrong, but you aren’t sure how to fix it.
Signs Baby is Overtired
When your baby is overtired, then what has happened is cortisol has built up in the system. Cortisol acts like a drug to keep you awake.
The problem is, sleep begets sleep. The inverse is true. Lack of sleep leads to more lack of sleep.
Here are some signs of an overtired baby:
- Baby cries a lot
- Baby is hard to calm down
- Baby is taking a short nap
- Baby is waking early in the morning
- Baby is discontent during playtime
- Baby cries a lot when going down for a nap and will fight sleep
- Baby does not sleep well in general
>>>Read: How To Calm Your Overstimulated Baby
A couple of notes here. Some short naps are normal. They happen. We are looking for consistent short naps, not every once in a while.
Babies are also notoriously fussy in the evenings. You might also have a baby who experiences the witching hour. So not all of these signs mean that baby is absolutely overly tired. There are so many factors to consider.
>>>Read: How To Manage Baby’s Dreaded Witching Hour
See the section below for help with what to do when your baby is overtired.
Signs Baby is Undertired
Sleep will not go well if baby is not tired enough, also. The question becomes how do you tell if baby needs more or less wake time?
Here are signs baby is undertired:
- Baby takes a long time to fall asleep
- Baby starts playing in the crib rather than sleeping
- Baby takes short naps
- Baby does not sleep well at night
- Baby wakes early in the morning
Sooo….you may have noticed that a lot of the signs are the same for the two categories.
Finding optimal waketime length is not easy!
Overtired vs. Undertired
There are clues you can use to help you figure out if baby is too tired or not tired enough.
Look at Disposition
Generally, an overly tired baby will be quite fussy while a baby who just isn’t tired enough will start out pleasant.
Your overly tired baby will be fussy during playtime and just seem like she has had too much. She will likely cry from the beginning of nap and cry quite hard.
The baby who is not tired enough will most likely be pleasant during playtime (unless he is completely bored). The undertired baby will often go down for a nap without protest, but can start crying 20-30 minutes later once he gets bored of the crib (and he won’t have fallen asleep yet).
Some undertired babies might be put down for a nap and start to cry right away. These babies realize they are being put down for a nap and know they aren’t ready. They get upset and offended that it is happening!
Look at History
One of my number one problem solving tips is to look at what has changed.
If your baby was taking great naps and doing well with the wake time length you had, then started having issues, you most likely need to extend that waketime length some.
Often you only need to add five minutes to that waketime to reach the new perfect length. Sometimes up to 10-15 minutes should be added.
>>>Read: Problem Solving Tip: What Has Changed?
If your baby has never taken great naps, you have more of a guessing game ahead of you. Try different wake time lengths, take notes, and see what works.
My Book of Logs will be very helpful to you in getting this right!
Look at Sleep Patterns
Finally, look closely at sleep patterns.
An overly tired baby will cry hard from the beginning of nap and then fall asleep, but in the end take a short nap. Some overly tired babies will crash and fall asleep immediately, but wake up crying after a short nap.
A baby who isn’t tired enough will play in the crib for a while before getting upset. The baby might cry right away, but not in a “I don’t know what to do with myself” way, but rather a “I can’t believe you just put me in my bed” way.
When wake time length is correct, your baby should fall asleep within 5-20 minutes (the length really varies from baby to baby, so be sure you pay attention and know what is normal for your baby).
Either way, naps and night sleep will be off.
Take note that if your baby hasn’t learned to sleep independently yet, these sleep rules won’t necessarily apply. A baby who can’t fall asleep unassisted will usually cry or play instead of falling asleep.
Be sure to check out my free Wake Time Length Worksheet to figure out if you should extend wake time or not.
What To Do If You Have an Overtired Baby
An overtired baby has been awake longer than she should have been. She has been awake longer than her body should be awake.
This leads to fussiness and poor sleep, which compounds the problem. This also activates the stress response. Your baby’s body will release hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. This makes it harder for the baby to fall asleep and stay asleep.
That means you need to step in and help out. If your baby is overtired, there are things you want to do to help baby be just right and be able to sleep independently.
Swaddle Baby
Swaddling can help baby immediately become more calm. It can also help baby sleep better since it prevents that Moro Reflex from waking baby up. A well-rested baby will be able to handle stimulation better.
>>>Read: How to Help Your Baby Sleep Better With Swaddling
Get Wake Windows Right
I cannot overstate how important accurate wake windows are to having a solid sleep schedule. If baby’s wake window (or wake time length) is correct, baby will not fight sleep.
This is such an important part of healthy sleep that I have a lot of help on the topic. Get to know your baby’s sleep cues (like eye rubbing, fussiness, red eyes, irritability, etc.) and get that waketime length and nap times correct. Start here: Optimal Waketime Lengths
Set Up a Solid Sleep Routine
A sleep routine can help your baby know it is time for sleep. It sets the stage to get your baby ready for sleep.
>>>Read: Sleep Routine Ideas to Get Your Baby Sleeping Well
Limit Stimulation for Your Baby
If your baby is overtired, it will be hard for him to sleep well. Sleep is vital to come out of this overtired hole. You want to limit stimulation in these situations so you do not create a vicious cycle.
You want to limit the noise, sights, sounds, and even smells to help your baby relax and be able to sleep. You might need to use blackout curtains to keep the room as dark as possible, also.
>>>Read: How To Calm Your Overstimulated Baby
Use Sleep Props to Calm, Comfort, and Get Baby to Sleep
While we try to avoid sleep props as a general rule, your first priority when baby is overtired is to get sleep to happen.
This is when you turn to sleep props to help calm newborns or babies and get them to sleep. Common ways to calm a fussy baby are with swaddle, shush (can be a white noise machine), swing, and suck.
You might put baby in the swing to catch up on sleep. You might use pacifiers to help baby sleep.
You can still develop healthy sleep habits even if you use sleep props at times. Read this for help and assurance:
>>>Read: When Sleep Props Are Okay (And When to Avoid Them)
It is not always easy to tell if your baby is overtired or undertired. If you still are not sure after reading these tips, decide which you think is most likely and act on that.
Work in 5 minute increments. Whether you think baby needs more or less wake time, change it by just 5 minutes a time and adjust from there.
You rarely would need to move beyond a 20 minute change at once, so if you find you are at 25 minutes or more, consider adjusting the other direction.
Make sure you take solid notes so you can look at the data all at once. Do not rely on your memory! My Book of Logs is an excellent resource for problem-solving.
Also, note that not all sleep problems are because of waketime length being off. If you have tried all of the above and things still aren’t good, check out my post The Complete Guide to Troubleshooting Short Baby Naps.
Related Posts
- Optimal Waketime Lengths
- When and How to Extend Baby’s Wake Time Length
- How To Accurately Calculate Baby Wake Time Length
- Tips Know When it is Time to Extend Baby Awake Time
This post first appeared on this blog March 2021
Hi, I am new mom and I try to follow Babywise from the very beginning. So far so good. But I don’t know what to do when my baby fuss after feeding and won’t settle for nap within 2.5 – 3h from feeding. He is 2 weeks old and sleeps quite well at night. I wake him at 11pm – 3am and 7am to feed, but during the day sometimes I have hard time putting him to nap.
I am glad things are going well! I have a post for you to read to answer your question:
I need some help! My baby is 4 weeks old and we have been doing BW since birth. I finally feel like he’s getting a handle on his schedule but we just hit the dreaded 3-4 week growth spurt combined with my parents coming into town to meet him for the first time. So for four days it’s been growth spurt feeding, terrible naps, not sticking to the schedule, grandparents holding him through naps, overstimulation and on and on. I’m so worried about getting him back on track when they leave. Did i just ruin all the work I’ve put in until this point? Any tips? I’m so worried. Help! Where do I even start?
Hello! I know those times are super, super stressful. I think it is good timing your parents came during the growth spurt. Things get off with a growth spurt anyway, and this way you got the disruptions all at once instead of back to back. You will be able to get back to where you were. Some babies will bounce right back and others will need some time (even 1-2 weeks) to get back on track. Just go back to being consistent once you can. This post can give you some insight:
Hopefully you can help. My baby is 15 weeks old and for the last two weeks he hasn’t been doing as well going down for naps. He is teething and going through leap 4.
He needs to lie on us to get more sleepy before we put him down.
He was giving us some sleepy cues so I was thinking he was tired. He used to be more independent with napping. At night he’s been doing longer stretches. Do you normally see a reduction in nap time?
We keep him awake for 75-85m but I haven’t been recording it. He also used to sleep 60-100m and now he does 60m like clockwork.
Hopefully you can help!
Hello! This could be because of the wonder week. I would do your best to keep him on a typical schedule and try to have him sleep independently, but you might just have to make things work during the wonder week. See this post for more:
We just started the baby wise sleep schedule. Our baby is 7 weeks old. I fed her every 2.5- 3 hrs. during the day and she has a five hour sleeping stint at night. However, just lately she’s been very hard to wake up in the afternoon. She’ll wake up for the full feed but don’t stay awake after it. Her current bed time is 9:30 and wake time is 5:30. I just read that I should maybe change that 🙂 Any feed back on the afternoon sleepy head?!
She is still young enough that can be really normal. I wouldn’t stres it. If she needs to go right to sleep after that afternoon feeding right now, go right ahead and let her do it. Just feed her, change her diaper, and put her down.
Im a new mama with a 9 day old baby girl and we just started the baby wise schedule to see if it helps her switch her days and nights. She’s not the best eater as I struggle to keep her awake during feeds so she ends up not doing a whole 30 min feed and she is knocked out after I switch sides during the day so she’s not really having awake time after since she’s too sleepy. She’ll sleep for 1.5 to 2 hours at most, she’s nowhere close to sleeping 2.5 to 3 hours. How can I helps her feed better and sleep longer? I also think 1 of her awake times is between 5-6 (but i have to follow it the next few days) as she woke early from her nap and was awake for almost 2 hours. I wanted to know at her age, what else can I do to keep her awake? (Already read the vlog on keeping baby awake while feeding) Regarding that awake time of 5-6pm, and if ever it happens that she stays awake longer and naps late, should i still wake her at her scheduled feeding time even if its less than 2 hours?
1.5-2 hours is a great nap length! I would be happy with that. You will just need to feed her at a 2.5 hour feeding schedule, which is fine.
You can let her go nap an extra 30 minutes if she is feeling sleepy in the evening.