Outdoor Toys Children Will Love

Outdoor toys children will love. Over 15 gift ideas for children. Outdoor toys for children to use their imaginations and get exercise.

Child riding a tricycle

Toy Lawn Mower: Ours is not fancy, but very well loved. Brayden uses it each time Daddy mows the lawn. They have some pretty nice and fancy ones out there. One bad thing about our very inexpensive one (less than $5) is that it is hard for a younger child to push around. By younger I mean any child under two. They way it folds up is the problem. A younger child unable to adjust the way they push usually ends up pushing the lawn mower right over into folded position. So if you are getting one and hoping your little “toddler” can walk around the yard with it, test it first. Also keep in mind most yards are not perfectly smooth and those bumps often cause the problems. I think a sturdier lawn mower would be better for the young child.

Toy Yard Tools: Our kids have toy spade shovels, rakes, hoes, etc. They all come in handy. Our kids really like to “help” with whatever we are working on. By having these kid-sized tools, they can. It doesn’t always make the job easier, but they have fun and learn how to work. Once Brayden was about three years old, he really

was a real help around the house. This fall when we raked leaves, he worked harder than I did at raking those leaves.


Little Snow Shovel: If you live where there is snow, a little snow shovel is a fun toy for your child. Last year, Brayden used his spade shovel and ended up breaking it. This year we went to Home Depot and bought each child a small snow shovel that is height adjustable. They really do help and it is great exercise during those winter months.

Sled: We have this great sled for young kids. It has a seat on the sled and has a seat belt. The way the seat is, if snow comes up onto the sled, it doesn’t get on the child. We searched far and wide for this sled; they are not sold at every store. We checked every store in our area before we ended up at Kmart and found it there. This is a sled to just pull the child around in–not for pushing him down a hill. While it can be tiring for mom and dad, the kids love it. Just remember–good exercise 🙂

Tricycle/Bike/etc.: Look around to find a good bicycle type of item for your child’s age and size. There are also little toys they can ride on that require no peddling at all. They use their feet. This is good for younger children.Radio Flyer Classic Red Dual Deck Tricycle
Radio Flyer Big Flyer
Bike 12 inch
Radio Flyer Deluxe Trike

Bicycle Trailer: This is to hook to the parents bicycle. It is fully enclosed and has seat belts. Many can also double as a double stroller. Our kids love to ride in this. InStep Quick N EZ Bike Trailer

Find ideas for outdoor activities for kids here

Sand Toys: Buckets, shovels, animal shapes you stuff with sand, etc. Complete Sand & Water Beach Play Set: Includes Toys, Watering Can, Bucket, Shovel and more!

Tonka Trucks: Brayden’s favorite toys for the sand are his large Tonka trucks, like a dump truck, front loader, etc. Tonka Classics Dump Truck Tonka Classics Crane

Bubbles: The kids love to chase bubbles around. Super Miracle Bubbles

Outdoor toys children will love. Over 15 gift ideas for children. Outdoor toys for children to use their imaginations and get exercise. 

Big bouncy balls: Get a ball based on your child’s size. Even before she was one, Kaitlyn loved to hold a ball outside. It was big for her, but smaller than a basketball. This year Brayden had a blast with the really big balls that are larger than I can get my arms around. For the younger kids, I have liked those bouncy balls you see in the big, tall bins in stores. They are light in weight. We once bought a rubber bouncy ball for them to play with (like you would play kick ball or four-square with) and it was just too heavy and could hurt if they got hit with it.

T-ball set: We have a Little Tykes t-ball set. Little Tikes TotSports T-Ball Set

Mini basketball hoop: This provides lots of entertainment. The one we have is also Little Tykes and height adjustable. You can also put water or sand in the bottom to keep it more stable. Little Tikes EasyScore Basketball Set

Baby Swing: If you have a swing set, I recommend the baby swing for the younger baby. Ours is Little Tykes. This was especially helpful when Kaitlyn was a young baby. She was old enough to sit up supported. She could sit in it and I could push Brayden. As they get older, you can increase how high you push them. Little Tikes 2-in-1 Snug & Secure Swing

Jeep: the favorite outdoor toy we have is the Power Wheels Jeep they ride in. These can be very expensive toys. We were lucky to find a perfectly good one at a garage sale for $10. Fisher-Price Power Wheels Jeep 

Sidewalk Chalk: This is a fun art activity for outside.

Please share your favorite outdoor toys!

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5 thoughts on “Outdoor Toys Children Will Love”

  1. Hey ValarieNot sure if you talk about this another place on your blog-what do you do when you have toys and attend a playgroup and all the other moms let their kids share toys.Am I being too over protective by not wanting my son chewing on another kid’s toy or another kid chewing on my kids toy-especially at the start of flu season?How do I deal with this situation without seeming stuck up or mean.I guess this is the type of situation where I can’t worry about that? Any other mom’s have any ideas for me too?Lorri

  2. We love the Power Wheels Jeep. We got ours FREE from our neighbor whose boy outgrew it. We were so excited when he offered it! Otherwise, we wouldn’t have been able to afford one.

  3. Lorri,I don’t think you are unreasonable to not want your son to chew on other toys or other kids to chew on his…but in a playgroup situation I don’t know what you can do about that. If you want him to not chew on other’s toys, you will have to train him to not chew on his own toys. The hard thing is that it is a developmental action. Boys typically take longer to stop putting things in their mouths than girls.When you have kids over who slobber on the toys, memorize which toys were slobbered on and clean them after the kids leave. Put up toys that would be hard to clean or you especially don’t want slobbered on.I would also talk to the moms in the group to be on the same page as to what the sickness policy is. How sick is too sick to come? In the end, getting sick helps you be immune in the future, and you can’t avoid all sickness (especially colds). So take precautions, but expect sickness to come, especially being in a playgroup.


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