All of your questions about cry it out answered. How long will it take, what age can you start, and will baby be traumatized after it is all done.

Sleep training is hard. There is no other honest way to put it. The process is not fun. It isn’t easy. It takes a lot of attention to details on your part and you are already be super exhausted because you have a baby who isn’t sleep super well. You will make mistakes along the way, which makes it emotionally even harder than it already is.
Before you get started on cry it out, you need to know what you are in for. What can you expect? What will it be like? How long will it take? Is it worth it?
Post Contents
- What is Cry It Out Like
- How Long Will Cry It Out Take
- Is Cry It Out Worth It
- When Should I Start Cry It Out
- Great Sleep Training Books
- What is a Good Method
- Can I Stop Once We Start
- Will Cry It Out Make My Baby Hate Me
- Will Cry It Out Damage My Child
- Conclusion
- Sleep Training Tips and Info
- Sleep Training According to Babywise (Baby Wise)
- Gentle Sleep Training: The Four S's
- The Big List of Sleep Training Resources
- 6 Rules for Using Cry it Out as a Baby Sleep Training Method
- The Ultimate Cry It Out Bootcamp
- How to Sleep Train Your Baby Responsibly
- The Best Baby Sleep Training Books to Get Baby Sleeping
- Cry It Out Sleep Training Tips
- 5 Important Sleep Training Tips for Baby Sleep
- What Are the Benefits of Sleep Training?
- How to Use the Extinction Method for Sleep Training
- 5 Reasons to Establish Good Sleep Habits
What is Cry It Out Like
It is emotionally draining. It can be awful. No lying here. One day as Kaitlyn was crying before a nap, I was addressing thank you cards. I looked down and realized I had been putting the stamp on the wrong corner of the envelope. I was not new to addressing envelopes! I knew where the stamp went. I was so distracted that I was doing it all wrong. It is hard.
No one likes to listen to their baby cry. Before you get going on cry it out, you need to be on the same page as your spouse/partner and be in it together. You need to be strong for each other so you can be strong for the baby. Cry it out isn’t fun and it isn’t easy. There is nothing enjoyable about the process during the fact. Know that and be prepared for it. You won’t like the process.
I think a really hard thing about cry it out is you have NO IDEA how long the crying part of the process will last. You don’t know how long before each nap and you don’t know how many days this crying will take. If you knew, you could probably handle it. But you don’t. So a lot of the difficulty is simply managing the unknown.
How Long Will Cry It Out Take
The length of time it will take for your child to go to sleep without any crying will very much depend on several factors. One will be how consistent you are in sticking with sleep training. Another will be your child’s personality. Another will be how effective you are at recognizing sleep cues and timing sleep correctly. Previous sleep habits can also impact sleep training; those can be hard to break.
Cry it out can be as short as 1-3 days. It can also exist in some form for several weeks.
Is Cry It Out Worth It
It is absolutely worth it. Sleep training leads to healthy sleep for your baby which leads for healthy sleep for you and all good things for the family.
When Should I Start Cry It Out
You should start as soon as you feel like it is time. Your baby needs to be ready and you need to be ready. You need to be confident in both things before you start. You can read more on this at What Age Should You Start Cry It Out?
Great Sleep Training Books
What is a Good Method
There are several ways to go about sleep training. My favorite is The Four S’s. This is actually not really a “cry it out” method. The thing with the Four S’s is it works best when your child is a newborn. You can’t really start the Four S’s with a six month old.
I have a comprehensive help in my CIO Bootcamp.
The extinction method is very black and white and strict, but it is a very fast method, also.
Can I Stop Once We Start
Once you start cry it out, you really want to stick with it. If you do cry it out, then break for a day or two, then go back to it, then break, you will just confuse your baby. Even breaking for a nap or two can backfire. You want consistency.
If you start and then decide, “Nope. This isn’t for us,” then of course, stop. If you start and something comes up so you must pause, go ahead. But do not start and stop over and over. You are in or out. It isn’t fair to your baby to have him cry and then stop the sleep training. Then you just made him cry for no reason.
Will Cry It Out Make My Baby Hate Me
No! Not at all. This is the first step in parenting where you do what you know is best for your child even if she doesn’t like it. There are plenty of things you will do throughout your child’s life that will upset your child. You are helping your child have healthy sleep habits! With my children and the children I know in the world who were sleep trained, there are no trust issues. You can read more at Sleep Training and Trust.
Will Cry It Out Damage My Child
Again, no. My children are all extremely smart, even with having done cry it out. There are people out there who will claim you damage a baby’s intelligence through cry it out. There are studies out there who will tell you opposing findings. I find it helpful to hear from real people who have been there. My children are literally labeled as gifted and did cry it out. But check out my Big List of Sleep Training Resources to read up on helpful articles that discuss sleep training and decide for yourself.
Sleep training is not easy, but it is so very worth it. You don’t always have to have crying involved to teach a baby to self-soothe, so look into options and go with what you are comfortable with. Trust yourself and what you feel is best. I highly recommend and encourage fostering self-soothing skills, but there are a lot of ways to get there. Cry it out is not easy, but it is worth it in the long-run.
Sleep Training Tips and Info
These posts will help you sleep train your baby with confidence. Learn how to sleep train in the method that best suits you and your baby.
Sleep Training According to Babywise (Baby Wise)
Learn the life-changing Babywise sleep training method that will give you back your sleep. This powerful sleep strategy gets baby on a schedule.
Gentle Sleep Training: The Four S's
How to sleep train a baby without crying. This is a gentle baby sleep training method to get baby sleeping independently. No-cry sleep training method.
The Big List of Sleep Training Resources
Sleep train your baby with confidence! Consult this awesome list of sleep training resources to get wisdom on sleep training, read studies, and find how-to's.
6 Rules for Using Cry it Out as a Baby Sleep Training Method
Cry it out is a fast, effective form of sleep training baby. This post outlines six rules to follow for using cry it out as your sleep training method.
The Ultimate Cry It Out Bootcamp
The ultimate guide to how to do cry it out sleep training. Follow this for a step-by-step guide on using cry it out to get baby sleeping well.
How to Sleep Train Your Baby Responsibly
How to Sleep Train Your Baby Responsibly. Tips for doing cry it out in a way that best helps your baby. Sleep training tips.
The Best Baby Sleep Training Books to Get Baby Sleeping
Find the best books to read to learn how to get baby to sleep. Different sleep training methods to get baby to sleep through the night and take great naps.
Cry It Out Sleep Training Tips
Cry It Out Sleep Training Tips from real moms who have actually used the method. Tips to help you succeed at sleep training.
5 Important Sleep Training Tips for Baby Sleep
Learn the five tips that will help you achieve great sleep from your baby. These tips will help set you up to have a solid, independent sleeper.
What Are the Benefits of Sleep Training?
How sleep training can help your baby sleep and prevent sleep problems from building up. Sleep training helps baby sleep now and later.
How to Use the Extinction Method for Sleep Training
Tips for using the extinction sleep training method to get baby to sleep well. Get great naps and great night sleep for baby.
5 Reasons to Establish Good Sleep Habits
It is not convenient to put the work into great sleep habits for your baby. Here are five vital reasons you should put the effort required into this.
Wondering what if baby finally falls asleep for nap after 30mins of crying then sleeps for maybe 20mins. What then? Do you let them cry until either they fall asleep again or it’s time for their next feeding? Even if that’s like almost an hour away?
At that point, when you are in the middle of cry it out, I would move baby to the swing to finish out the nap (or some other safe sleep spot baby will sleep).
See this post for help:
Hi there — curious what you’d recommend if my 11 week old does decently well for cry it out in evening (cries 40 minutes then slept 6 hours) but cannot get the hang of cry it out for daytime naps. He cries through each one the whole time! Should I hold him during daytime to help him or just let him exist without sleep? I’m worried it will sabotage the nighttime progress we’ve made if he isn’t napping during day but crying. He also rejects a swing and doesn’t sleep there so I sadly I don’t have that backup.
I would guess wake time length might be off in the day. That is unusual to just cry the whole time and not fall asleep, so I would guess something is off. Have you read the CIO bootcamp? I would recommend that and also my newborn sleep hierarchy: