4 Months Old:
- 4 month Sleep Problems
- Baby Whisperer: 4 Month Old Changes
- Everything You Need To Know About Wonder Week 19
- Nighttime Sleep: 9-15 Weeks Old
5-6 Months Old:
- 5-8 Month Sleep Disruptions
- Babywise Sample Schedules: The Fifth Month
- Babywise Sample Schedules: The Sixth Month
Baby Stuff I Love:
Baby Summary:
Summaries of Brinley and McKenna week by week
Best Things…Stages:
Best Toys For Baby:
- Book Recommendation: Healthy Sleep Habbits, Happy Child
- Book Review: Super Baby Food
- Book Suggestion: The Wonder Weeks
- Secrets of the Baby Whisperer
- The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems
Bottle Feeding:
- Adjusting for Context Using Babywise
- Consistent Schedule: Start Your Day Right
How to Have a Routine for Your Baby and Still Have a Life
- Getting a Consistent Schedule
- A Case for Prefolds: Cloth Diapering at its Roots
- Surviving Diaper Rash
- Ultimate Guide to Stopping Baby Poop at Night
- Adjusting for Context
- Church: Weekly Disruption
- Dealing With Disruptions To Your Routine
- Disruptions Are Good
- Feeding/Napping Away From Home
- Going Out
- Overstimulation
- The More You Do It, The More Your Child Will Get Used To It
Family Dynamics:
Four Hour Schedule
- Baby Whisperer: Four Hour Schedule
- When to Move to a 4 hour Schedule
- Four Hour Schedule: More Thoughts
- Sample 4 Hour Schedules for Your Baby
General Good Info:
- Babywise Milestones
- Baby Whisperer: Baby’s Emotions
- Baby Whisperer: Common Complaints 0-6 Months
- Calculating Age
- Change Your Strategy
Growth Spurts:
- Baby Whisperer: Growth Spurts
- Feed Baby When Hungry
- Growth Spurts
- Growth Spurts
- Growth Spurts (Baby Whisperer)
Language Development
For information on Solids, see the Solids blog index
- Baby Whisperer: Introducing a Sippy Cup
- Dropping a Feeding
- Eat/Wake/Sleep Cycle
- Introducing a Sippy Cup
- Juice vs. Water
Moral Training:
More Than Making It Through the Day:
- 45 Minute Intruder
- 5-8 Month Sleep Disruptions
- 6 Rules for Using Cry It Out as a Baby Sleep Training Method
- Baby Whisperer: 45 Minute Naps
- Baby Whisperer: 6 Troubleshooting Sleep Variables
- Baby Whisperer: Sleep Disruptions
- Baby Whisperer: Waking Early From Naps
- Chronic 45 Minute Naps
- Common Reasons for Poor Sleep
- Dropping Naps
- Dropping Naps: A Quick Reference
- Easy Nap Fix
- How to Get Your Baby to Nap
- Importance of the First Nap
- Nap Cues
- Nap Disruptions: Rolling, Standing, Crawling, etc
- Naps: Troubleshooting–Revised and Updated
- New Skills and Sleep Disruptions {Rolling, Crawling, standing, etc}
- Playing in the Crib/Bed
- Problem Solving Tip: Experiment
- Problem Solving Tip: What Has Changed?
- Sample Nap Routines
- Should you wake up a sleeping child?
- Sleep Hierarchy: 3-6 Months
- Sleeping Tip: Vary Sleeping Locations
- Surviving 45 Minute Naps
- The Babywise Mom Nap Guide: How to establish successful naps from birth through the preschool years
- Waking Up Happy
- What To Do When Baby Takes a Long Time to Fall Asleep
- What To Do When Your Baby Wakes Early But Isn’t Hungry
- Why Have Naps?
Night Sleep:
- 5-6 AM “Night” Wakings
- 10-12 Hours of Sleep
- Baby Sleeping Through the Night: Top Tips to Make it Happen
- Baby Whisperer: Sleeping Through the Night
- Diapers at Night
- Early Morning Feedings Before Waketime
- Early Morning Waking and the Sun
- Early Morning Wakings: What to do when baby wakes early
- Night Hunger
- Nightime Sleep Issues–Revised and Updated
- Nighttime Sleep: 9-15 Weeks Old
- Ultimate Guide to Stopping Baby Poop at Night
- What To Do When Baby Takes a Long Time to Fall Asleep
- 18 Truths About the First Year of Motherhood
- Baby Whisperer: Developmental Olympics
- Baby Whisperer: Skills of a Good Parent
- The Best Parenting Tool You Will Ever Have
- How I Get Stuff Done
- Just When You Got It, Everything Changes
- “Mom, not baby, decides…”
Pep Talks:
Physical Development:
- Baby Whisperer: Learning Triangle
- Baby Whisperer: Playing Independently
- Benefits of Independent Play
- Blanket Time Info
- Factors that Influence Learning
- Independent Playtime
- Independent Playtime Lengths
- Independent Playtime: The Ultimate Overview
- Resistance to Independent Playtime
- Word to the Weary: Independent Play
- What to Do When Baby’s Awake Time Is Before Feedings
- Baby Whisperer: Starting a Routine “Late”
- Babywise Sample Schedules: The Fifth Month
- Babywise Sample Schedules: The Sixth Month
- Balancing Time With Children
- Benefits of Structure and Routine
- Combo Schedule is Okay
- Consistent Schedule: Start Your Day Right
- Eat/Wake/Sleep Cycle
- Essential Elements to Any Routine
- Getting a Consistent Schedule
How to Have a Routine for Your Baby and Still Have a Life
- It’s Dynamic
- Let Your Schedule Serve You: You Don’t Serve Your Schedule (Don’t Stress)
- Reader Sample Schedules 0-12 Months Old
- Sample Schedules
- Sample Babywise Schedules: The Fourth Month
- Schedule Overview: 13 weeks (3-6 Months)
- Spending Time with Baby/Child
- Starting Babywise Late
- The Babywise Four Hour Schedule
- The Value of a Schedule
- What Time Should I Start My Day
What to Do When Baby’s Awake Time Is Before Feedings
What To Do When Your Baby Wakes Early But Isn’t Hungry
- Comforting a Sick Toddler/Baby
- Schedule While Mom is Sick
- Surviving a Cold
- Surviving an Ear Infection
- Tips and Tricks: Dealing with a Cold
- When Mom Is Sick
- 9 Effective Tips to get Baby to Sleep in the Crib
- 10 Reasons Your 5-8 Month Old Has Stopped Sleeping Well
- Circadian Rhythm Explained and How It Impacts Sleep
- Cry It Out Sleep Training Tips
- Everything You Need to Know About Cry It Out
- Healthy Sleep Elements and Developments
- How Pacifiers Might Be Ruining Your Baby’s Sleep
- How to Put Baby Back to Sleep
- How to Tell if Baby is Overtired vs. Undertired
- Importance of Exercise and Stimulation
- Importance of Sleep
- Moms on Call: 5 Awesome Ways it Can Help with Babywise
- New Skills and Sleep Disruptions {Rolling, Crawling, Standing, etc.}
- Optimal Internal Temp=Optimal Sleep
- Season Changes Disrupting Sleep
- Sleep Begets Sleep
- Sleep Regulatory Systems
- What To Do When Baby Takes a Long Time to Fall Asleep
- When To Move Baby to Own Room
Solids (see also Index: Solids)
- 5 Stages of Solid Foods
- Easy Tips for Introducing Solids to Your Baby
- Food Portions for Children Baby-8 Years
- How to Introduce Solid Foods To Your Baby
Hi there,Question for you about my4 month old son, Wilson. Recently he has not been loving his naps, nor has he been sleeping well in the afternoon (typically his fussier time). As I'm sure you can relate, with a subsequent child I have not read as much as with my first. In any case, I went through the BabyWise book and saw that perhaps he is ready to drop his late nap (typically occurring around 5:30pm) and maybe even move to a 3 hour cycle. My question, though is what are your thoughts on the new research that encourages nursing moms to exclusively nurse until 6months of age, rather than introducing solids at 4 months of age? I have not yet started solids, and am wondering if I should keep my 2 1/2 hr cycle, where Wilson naps one hour after eating….or should I continue to move him towards a longer wake time, and longer feeding cycles.
I started solids at four months with all of my babies. I think you should do what you feel is best. Consult with your pedi.
HELP!!!! We are still having a huge problem with Blakelee. She will not sleep during the day at all so stays fussy and screaming most of the day. She will fall asleep eating for about 10 mins then wake back up and Continue to scream and cry. We have no idea what is going on? Any advice? We went to 4 month check up today and they changed the formula and gave me zantac for her. I am just so exhausted and need help
If she has reflux, it completely explains her behavior. Reflux babies are just hard–even if they are easy personality types. Is she better now that she has been on meds?
Hi again, My little boy is 13 weeks now and I have been doing the following schedule: wake at 7 am – he gets fussy and ready for nap around 820-830. 1030 feed – ready for nap around 12. 130 feed – ready for nap at 3 500 feed – nap at 630 800 feed – nap at 930 dreamfeed – 1100 and down for night He has been sleeping consistently through the night for several weeks from the 1100 feeding until 7 am. I have to wake him for the 7 am feeding most of the time, or he begins to stir a little bit around 645. I know around this time he should be able to go 9-11 hours at night. He is on formula so more around the 11. I am a nurse and don't get home until 730 or a little later at night so I would like to keep the 800 feeding as his last feeding if at all possible for now so that I can see him when I get home. My question is I think he is ready to drop the dream feed but Im not sure how to be sure. Also, if I drop that feed, do I need to increase his ounces during the day? Also, is it okay for me to still feed him at 8 and play until 930 or is that too late for him? Thanks, Megan
Hello! So naps and night sleep have been pretty consistent for awhile now.. she has been doing about 45 minutes of wake time and eating on a 3 hour schedule. Of course, as I know being my third right when things start seeming TOO easy it changes! Lately her afternoon nap, which most days is her only nap in her crib has not been good.. hard to say if its due to adjusting wake time as her other naps can be so choppy in the am, due to school drop off/ pickups etc.. today I put her down in the am before drop off and had to wake her up mid nap as usual to bring my oldest to school at 910.. she cried and cried hysterically and would not go back to school the whole car ride or quick trip to safeway. I got back home around 10 and fed her.. she had a hard time nursing crying too. I tried to keep her on her schedule and put her down at what would be the typical time 1045.. she did her best nap in awhile and slept until 1. I fed her and we went to get my oldest at school. I tried putting her down at 2 thinking maybe she needed extended wake time. she fell asleep quick but has been on and off crying this whole nap.. I dont know what to do and feeling so tired of her bad naps 🙁 I have to bank on this nap being good as sometimes its her best one. Any advice? Its so hard when she has choppy naps but I think that is the life of the 3rd!?! Thank you!!