These are posts that I feel are most pertinent to issues you encounter with two year olds.
- 10 Truths About Parenting a Toddler
- Best Things: 2 Year Olds
- How To Think
- Personality and Temperament
Crib To Bed Transition
Discipline (see also Discipline Index)
- Actions Precede Beliefs
- Aggression
- Behavior, Food, and Sleep
- The Best Parenting Tool You Will Ever Have
- Boundaries (Toddlerwise)
- Boundaries: Part II (Toddlerwise)
- Foolishness
- The Choice Addiction (for Toddlers)
- Commanding Obedience within Reason
- Controlling Environment for Toddlers
- Controlling the Young Temper
- Discipline: Progress is a Spiral
- Discipline: Step-by-step Process
- Discipline Strategy: Surrender with Dignity
- Distraction as a Discipline Tool
- Dressing Problem Solving
- Encouragement
- Encouragement as Discipline
- Fine Balance of Protecting Children
- Frustration Tantrums (the second)
- Getting Children to Obey the First Time
- Guidelines for Logical Consequences
- Hand Folding: Establishing Self-Control
- How I Discipline Without Spanking
- How to Deal with Toddler Tantrums
- How to Handle an Aggressive Toddler
- How to Set Boundaries
- How To Stop a Tantrum
- How To Teach Children to Share
- How To Teach Your Child to Come When Called
- How You Should Respond to Frustration Tantrums
- “I Do It Myself!”
- Library Training
- Obedience Percentages
- Public Behavior
- Problem Solving Using Beliefs, Goals, Why, and How
- Self-Control: A Foundational Virtue
- Substitution: Toddlerwise
- Tantrums: Stop and Think
- Teaching Child to Come When Called
- Teach What Obedience Looks Like
- Toddlers: You’re Being Too Easy if He’s Not Throwing Fits
- Toddlerwise: Discipline Points
- Toddler Tantrums
- Too Many Freedoms
- Understanding Childish Behavior
- What to Do When Discipline is Not Working
- Why vs. How
- Yelling/Screaming
- Yes When You Can, No When You Must
Gear and Toys
- Best Toys for Toddler: 2 and Up
- Baby Stuff I love: Art Time
- Baby Stuff I Love: Bathtime
- Baby Stuff I Love: Outdoor Toys
- Great Children’s Books
- Timeless Toys
Independent Playtime
- Benefits of Independent Play
- How To Child-Proof Your Space for Independent Playtime
- Independent Playtime is Not…
- Independent Playtime: The Ultimate Overview
- Ransacking During Independent Playtime
- Resistance to Independent Playtime
- Roomtime
- Roomtime–Your Invitation
- Starting Independent Playtime Late
- Won’t Stay in Independent Playtime
Learning Time
- Babes, Tots, and Kids: 52 Weeks of Preschool
- Book Review: The Toddler’s Busy Book
- Critical Phase of Learning: Toddlerwise
- Factors that Influence Learning
- How To Do a Learning Activity of the Day
- The Learning Process (Toddlerwise)
- Nurturing Natural Abilities
- Read 30 Minutes a Day
- Reading to Toddlers
- Appetite vs. Hunger
- Creating a “Good Eater”
- Family Mealtime: Preparing for Success
- Feeding the Rainbow
- Food Amounts for Toddlers
- Food Portions for Children Baby-8 Years
- Mealtime Booster Seats
- Mealtime Offenses (and Defenses)
- Overcoming the Picky Eater
- Refusal of Favorite Foods
- Snacks
- Snack Time
- Throwing/Dropping Food off of the Tray
- Toddlers and Spoons
Playtime (see also “Independent Play” above)
- Balancing Time With Children
- Blanket Time Info
- Best Toys for Toddler: 2 and Up
- Free Playtime
- How To Teach Children to Share
- Imagination
- Importance of Exercise and Stimulation
- The Importance of Free Play Time
- Location, Location, Location (of toys)
- Out With the Old, in With the New (toys)
- Overstimulation for Toddlers
- Roomtime
- Reader Favorites: Toddler Toys
- Spending Time with Baby/Child
- Structured Playtime
- Structured Playtime With Siblings {Sibling Playtime}
- Toy Ideas
- Toy Rotation
Potty Training
- Potty/Poop Training Tip: Give Fair Warning
- Potty Training and Accidents
- Potty Training and Your Routine
- Potty Training Is Challenging
- Potty Training: How I Do It
- Potty Training: More Than One Right Method
- Potty-Training Using the “Oh Crap!” Method
- Surviving Potty Training
- Benefits of Structure and Routine
- Reader Sample Schedules: 2, 3, and 4 Year Olds
- Sample Schedules: One Year and Up
- Babywise With Baby Plus Older Child
- Managing Children at Sibling’s Events
- Older Children While Baby Naps
- One to Two Children Transition
- Preparing for Baby: Establish Independence in Children
- Prepping Siblings For Baby
- Preparing Children for New Baby {Guest Post}
- 2 Year Old Sleep Problems – How To Solve Them!
- Bedtime
- Bedtime Routine: Storytime
- Consistent Bedtime
- Dropping Naps: A Quick Reference
- Dropping a Nap: A Weaning Process
- Help A Reader Out: Toddler Sleep Problems
- How To Fill Toddler’s Time When Transitioning to One Nap
- How to Solve Sleep Problems for Toddlers and Preschoolers
- Importance of Exercise and Stimulation
- Inconsistent Napping
- In Action: Dropping the Morning Nap
New Skills and Sleep Disruptions {Rolling, Crawling, Standing, etc.}
- Overstimulation for Toddlers
- Playing in the Crib/Bed
- Problem Solving Tip: What Has Changed?
- Season Changes Disrupting Sleep
- Sleep Begets Sleep
- The Babywise Mom Nap Guide: How to establish successful naps from birth through the preschool years
- The Sun and Sleep
- Timing Naps for Toddlers
- Toddler/Child Getting Out of Bed
- Toys in Bed
- Transitioning from a Crib to a Bed
- Two Year Old Sleep Regression
- “Upcited“
- What to Do When Your Toddler Cries at Nap Time
Thumb/Finger Sucking
Toddler Summary for Kaitlyn
Toddler Summary for McKenna
- Toddler Summary: 2 Years Old!
- Toddler Summary: 25 Months Old
- Toddler Summary: 26 Months Old
- Toddler Summary: 27 Months Old
- Toddler Summary: 28 Months Old
- Toddler Summary: 29 Months Old
- Toddler Summary: 2.5 Years
- Toddler Summary: 31 Months Old
- Toddler Summary: 32 Months Old
- McKenna Summary: 33 Months Old
- McKenna Summary: 2.75 Years
- McKenna Summary: 35 Months Old
- McKenna Summary: 36 Months Old
Toddler Summary for Brinley
- Brinley Toddler Summary {24.5 Months Old}
- Brinley Toddler Summary {25 Months Old}
- Brinley Toddler Summary {25.5 Months Old}
- Brinley Toddler Summary {26 Months Old}
- Brinley Toddler Summary: 26.5 Months Old
- Brinley Toddler Summary: 27 Months Old
- Brinley Toddler Summary: 27.5 Months Old
- Brinley Toddler Summary: 28 Months Old
- Brinley Toddler Summary: 29 Months Old
- Brinley Toddler Summary: 29.5 Months Old
- Brinley Toddler Summary: 30 Months Old {2.5 Years}
- Brinley Toddler Summary: 30.5 Months Old
- Brinley Toddler Summary {31 Months Old}
- Brinley Toddler Summary {31.5 Months Old}
- Brinley Toddler Summary {32 Months}
- Brinley Toddler Summary {32.5 Months}
- Brinley Toddler Summary: 33 Months Old
- Brinley Toddler Summary: 33.5 Months Old
- Brinley Toddler Summary: 34 Months Old
- Brinley Toddler Summary: 34.5 Months Old